- Big River
- Billy Vera Band
- Judy Collins Band [1978-?]
- The South Band [1980-?]
- Hall & Oates [1981-2010]
- The Domino Band [1983-1985]
- Saturday Night Live Band [1985-1991]
- Elvis Costello Band [Jan 87-Feb 87]
- Carly Simon Band [1987]
- Daryl Hall Band [1996]
- G E Smith Band [2003-2005]
- Daryl Hall Band [2007]
Fantastic bassist (although he also plays many other instruments: guitar, dobro, mandolin, accordion, etc.). He was born in 1951 in Yonkers, New York, USA.
His first bands include some musicians that later got fame, such as Joey Kramer (Aerosmith) or Bob Mayo (Tom and Bob later played together in Hall & Oates as we´re going to read).
This band was formed by Guy Gillette and Pipp Gillette:
? |
Guy Gillette | Pipp Gillette | Tom T-Bone Wolk † bass | Mike Cavallo drums | + maybe others unknown to me. |
Tom played with Billy Vera, but can´t find the period and the name of other musicians.
Around 1978, Tom T-Bone Wolk joined Judy Collins Band:
1978-? |
Judy Collins vocals | Tom T-Bone Wolk † guitar | Ken Bichel keyboards | Warren Oates drums |
Band formed by Lonnie Mack around 1980:
They recorded an album, but it was never released.
Lonnie Mack guitar | Tom T-Bone Wolk † bass | + others unkown to me. Help, please! † |
Hall & Oatesê |
They recorded an album, but it was never released.
This was the Hall & Oates live band around November 1981:
This was the Hall & Oates live band around April 1982, on their Private eyes tour:
1981 |
Daryl Hall vocals, guitar, keyboards | John Oates vocals, guitar, keyboards | G E Smith guitar | Tom T-Bone Wolk † bass | Charlie DeChant sax, keyboards | Mickey Curry drums |
This was the Hall & Oates live band around April 1982, on their Private eyes tour:
1982 |
Daryl Hall vocals, guitar, keyboards | John Oates vocals, guitar, keyboards | G E Smith guitar | Tom T-Bone Wolk † bass | Charlie DeChant sax, keyboards | Mickey Curry drums | + | Larry Fast keyboards (sometimes) |
This was a small band formed by G E Smith and Tom T-Bone Wolk during 1983 to 1985, when they played in clubs around New York:
1983-1985 |
G E Smith guitar | Tom T-Bone Wolk † bass | + others unknown to me. Help, please! † |
The mythical TV show had a superb band of musicians. T-Bone was a member of the band from 1985 to 1991, along with G E Smith. Don´t know the exact usual lineup, so if someone can help, info would be very appreciated.
HALL & OATES (again)
This was the Hall & Oates live band around July 1985:
1985 |
Daryl Hall vocals, guitar, keyboards | John Oates vocals, guitar, keyboards | G E Smith guitar | Tom T-Bone Wolk † bass | Charlie DeChant sax, keyboards | Mickey Curry drums |
In January 1987, Elvis Costello starts a new tour until February 1987 with his new band The Confederates:
Jan 87-Feb 87 |
Elvis Costello vocals, guitar | James Burton guitar | Tom T-Bone Wolk † guitar, mandolin, accordion | Jerry Scheff bass | Benmont Tench keyboards | Jim Keltner drums |
This was the superb Carly Simon Band assembled in June 1987 for 2 concerts:
A live album was released, Greatest hits live, as well as a TV special, that was finally released on DVD in 2009, under the title Live from Martha´s vineyard.
June 87 |
Carly Simon vocals | Hugh McCracken guitar | Jim Ryan guitar | Tom T-Bone Wolk † bass | Robbie Kilgore keyboards | Michael Brecker † sax | Rick Marotta drums | Lani Groves backing vocals | Frank Simms backing vocals | Kacey Cisyk † backing vocals |
A live album was released, Greatest hits live, as well as a TV special, that was finally released on DVD in 2009, under the title Live from Martha´s vineyard.
HALL & OATES (again)
This was the Hall & Oates live band around 1988:
This was the Hall & Oates live band around May 1990:
This was the Hall & Oates live band around November 1991:
1988 |
Daryl Hall vocals, guitar, keyboards | John Oates vocals, guitar, keyboards | Pat Buchanan guitar | Tom T-Bone Wolk † bass | Bob Mayo † keyboards | Mike Klvana keyboards | Mark Rivera sax | Tony Beard drums |
This was the Hall & Oates live band around May 1990:
1990 |
Daryl Hall vocals, guitar, keyboards | John Oates vocals, guitar, keyboards | Jimmy Ripp guitar | Tom T-Bone Wolk † bass | Bob Mayo † keyboards | Michael Braun drums |
This was the Hall & Oates live band around November 1991:
1991 |
Daryl Hall vocals, guitar, keyboards | John Oates vocals, guitar, keyboards | Tom T-Bone Wolk † guitar | Kasim Sulton bass | Bob Mayo † keyboards | Charlie DeChant sax | Michael Braun drums | Eileen Ivers violin | Lisa Ivers cello |
This was the Carly Simon Band for a short tour promoting Letters never sent, as opener for Hall & Oates:
? |
Carly Simon vocals | Peter Calo guitar | Tom T-Bone Wolk † bass | Rick Marotta drums | Curtis King backing vocals | + others unknown to me. Help! |
HALL & OATES (again)
This was the Hall & Oates live band for the 1995 tour:
1995 |
Daryl Hall vocals, guitar, keyboards | John Oates vocals, guitar, keyboards | Tom T-Bone Wolk † guitar | Jeff Levine keyboards, guitar | Klyde Jones keyboards | Charlie DeChant sax | Michael Braun drums |
This was the Daryl Hall Band for the 1996 tour, comprising some of his mates from the Hall & Oates live band:
1996 |
Daryl Hall vocals | Tom T-Bone Wolk † guitar | Klyde Jones bass | Bob Mayo † keyboards | Charlie DeChant sax | Everett Bradley percussion | Michael Braun drums |
HALL & OATES (again)
This was the Hall & Oates live band around April 1998:
This was the Hall & Oates live band around April 2002:
This was the same Hall & Oates live band for the 2003 tour:
1998 |
Daryl Hall vocals, guitar, keyboards | John Oates vocals, guitar, keyboards | Paul Pesco guitar | Tom T-Bone Wolk † bass | Bob Mayo † keyboards | Charlie DeChant sax | Michael Braun drums |
This was the Hall & Oates live band around April 2002:
2002 |
Daryl Hall vocals, guitar, keyboards | John Oates vocals, guitar, keyboards | Jeff Catania guitar | Tom T-Bone Wolk † bass | John Korba keyboards | Charlie DeChant sax | Michael Braun drums |
This was the same Hall & Oates live band for the 2003 tour:
2003 |
Daryl Hall vocals, guitar, keyboards | John Oates vocals, guitar, keyboards | Jeff Catania guitar | Tom T-Bone Wolk † bass | John Korba keyboards | Charlie DeChant sax | Michael Braun drums |
Around 2003, G E Smith put together a band for raising funds for actor Michael J Fox´s foundation, with these great musicians:
They´ve been playing concerts for over 2 years when they´re available from their usual bands.
2003-2005 |
Lisa Fischer vocals | G E Smith guitar | Tom T-Bone Wolk † bass | Jeff Kazee keyboards | Mark Rivera sax | Simon Kirke drums |
They´ve been playing concerts for over 2 years when they´re available from their usual bands.
In December 2004, Carly Simon plays two gigs in New York with her sons Ben and Sally, and this band:
The shows had several family guests: Livingston Taylor, Kate Taylor, Lucy Simon and Julie Levine.
Dec 2004 |
Carly Simon vocals | Ben Taylor vocals | Sally Taylor vocals | BeBe Winans vocals | Peter Calo guitar | Tom T-Bone Wolk † guitar, bass | Christian McBride bass | Teese Gohl keyboards | Mindy Jostyn † violin |
The shows had several family guests: Livingston Taylor, Kate Taylor, Lucy Simon and Julie Levine.
HALL & OATES (again)
This was the Hall & Oates live band for the tours of 2005 and 2006:
This was the Hall & Oates live band for the 2007 tour:
2005-2006 |
Daryl Hall vocals, guitar, keyboards | John Oates vocals, guitar, keyboards | Jeff Catania guitar | Tom T-Bone Wolk † bass | Elliot Lewis keyboards | Charlie DeChant sax | Michael Braun drums |
This was the Hall & Oates live band for the 2007 tour:
2007 |
Daryl Hall vocals, guitar, keyboards | John Oates vocals, guitar, keyboards | Tom T-Bone Wolk † guitar | Zev Katz bass | Elliot Lewis keyboards | Charlie DeChant sax | Michael Braun drums |
This was the Daryl Hall Band for the 2007 tour:
And then, surprisingly, very bad news. He passed away from a heart attack on February 27th, 2010. A tragedy.
2007 |
Daryl Hall vocals | Tom T-Bone Wolk † guitar | Zev Katz bass | Elliot Lewis keyboards | Everett Bradley percussion | Shawn Pelton drums |
And then, surprisingly, very bad news. He passed away from a heart attack on February 27th, 2010. A tragedy.
DISCOGRAPHY: (62 albums known to me - Status: In progress)
- Hard cold truth - John Eddie (1989)
- Guests: Everett Bradley, Shawn Pelton
- Producer: (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- H2O - Daryl Hall - John Oates (1982)
- Members: Mickey Curry, Charlie DeChant, Larry Fast, Daryl Hall, John Oates, G E Smith (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Producer: Neil Kernon
- Technical: Bob Ludwig
- Rock´n´soul part 1 - Hall & Oates (1983)
- Members: Mickey Curry, Charlie DeChant, Daryl Hall, John Oates, G E Smith (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Guests: Jimmy Bralower, Bashiri Johnson, Robbie Kilgore
- Producer: Bob Clearmountain, Nile Rodgers (RIP: Arif Mardin)
- Big bam boom - Hall & Oates (1984)
- Members: Mickey Curry, Charlie DeChant, Daryl Hall, John Oates, G E Smith (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Guests: Jimmy Bralower, Bashiri Johnson, Robbie Kilgore
- Producer: Bob Clearmountain
- Technical: Bob Ludwig
- Live at The Apollo with David Ruffin and Eddie Kendrick - Hall & Oates (1985)
- Members: Mickey Curry, Charlie DeChant, Daryl Hall, Mike Klvana, John Oates (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Guests: Ray Anderson, Jimmy Bralower, Steve Elson, Mac Gollehon, Paul Litteral (RIP: Eddie Kendricks, David Ruffin)
- Technical: Bob Clearmountain, Bob Ludwig
- Spoiled girl - Carly Simon (1985)
- Members: Robbie Kilgore, Jim Ryan, Carly Simon (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Guests: Jimmy Bralower, Mickey Curry, Liberty DeVitto, Rory Dodd, Gordon Grody, Ula Hedwig, Neil Jason, Bashiri Johnson, Russ Kunkel, Dave LeBolt, Tony Levin, John McCurry, Cindy Mizelle, Bill Payne, Ira Siegel, G E Smith, Eric Troyer, Doug Wimbish (RIP: Luther Vandross)
- Producer: Phil Ramone, Don Was
- Technical: Ted Jensen
- King of America - Elvis Costello (1986)
- Members: T-Bone Burnett, James Burton, Elvis Costello, Jim Keltner, Steve Nieve, Jerry Scheff, Bruce Thomas, Pete Thomas (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Guests: Michael Blair, Tom Canning, Mickey Curry, Mitchell Froom, Ron Tutt (RIP: Ray Brown, Earl Palmer)
- Technical: Dan Hersch
- Three hearts in the happy ending machine - Daryl Hall (1986)
- Members: Daryl Hall (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Guests: Tony Beard, Jimmy Bralower, Steve Ferrone, Robbie Kilgore, Mike Klvana, Robbie McIntosh, Joni Mitchell, Lenny Pickett, Pat Seymour, G E Smith, Kate St John, Jamie West Oram (RIP: Michael Kamen, Dick Morrissey)
- Technical: Jon Bavin, Bob Clearmountain, Bob Ludwig
- Out of our idiot - Elvis Costello (1987)
- Members: Gary Barnacle, Jeff Blythe, James Burton, Elvis Costello, Nick Lowe, Steve Nieve, Jimmy Paterson, Jerry Scheff, Paul Speare, Bruce Thomas, Pete Thomas (RIP: Dave Plews, Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Guests: David Bedford, Mickey Curry, Ron Tutt, Annie Whitehead
- Producer: Paul Bass, T-Bone Burnett, Colin Fairley, Clive Langer, Allen Toussaint
- Comments: Rarities.
- Coming around again - Carly Simon (03/1987)
- Members: Lani Groves, Robbie Kilgore, Hugh McCracken, Jim Ryan, Carly Simon (RIP: Michael Brecker, Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Guests: Julien Barber, Jimmy Bralower, Mickey Curry, Gordon Grody, Neil Jason, Chuck Kentis, Russ Kunkel, Will Lee, Tony Levin, Harry Lookofsky, John McCurry, Rob Mounsey, David Nadien, Bill Payne, Janice Pendarvis, Leon Pendarvis, Peter John Vettesse, Stevie Wonder (RIP: Jimmy Maelen, Alex Taylor, Rev Timothy Wright)
- Producer: Bryan Adams, John Boylan, George Massenburg, Richard Perry, Paul Samwell-Smith
- Technical: Bob Clearmountain, Ted Jensen, Chris Lord-Alge
- Ooh yeah! - Daryl Hall - John Oates (1988)
- Members: Tony Beard, Pat Buchanan, Daryl Hall, Mike Klvana, John Oates, Paul Pesco, Jimmy Ripp, Mark Rivera (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Guests: Jeff Bova, Jimmy Bralower, Sammy Figueroa, Jerry Goodman, Bashiri Johnson, Rick Marotta, Sammy Merendino, Lenny Pickett, Philippe Saisse, Narada Michael Walden, Danny Wilensky (RIP: Janna Allen)
- Technical: Bob Clearmountain, Gary Wright
- Greatest hits live - Carly Simon (08/1988)
- Members: Lani Groves, Robbie Kilgore, Rick Marotta, Hugh McCracken, Jim Ryan, Frank Simms, Carly Simon (RIP: Michael Brecker, Kacey Cisyk, Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Guests: Robbie Kondor
- Technical: Chris Lord-Alge
- Comments: The concert is also available on video and DVD under the title Live from Martha´s vineyard.
- Spike - Elvis Costello (1989)
- Members: Elvis Costello, Jim Keltner, Marc Ribot, Jerry Scheff, Benmont Tench, Pete Thomas (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Guests: Michael Blair, T-Bone Burnett, Mitchell Froom, Frankie Gavin, Chrissie Hynde, Jerry Marotta, Paul McCartney, Roger McGuinn, Buell Neidlinger, Allen Toussaint (RIP: Derek Bell)
- Technical: Bob Ludwig, Mike Ross
- Change of season - Hall & Oates (1990)
- Members: Michael Braun, Charlie DeChant, Daryl Hall, Eileen Ivers, Mike Klvana, John Oates, Jimmy Ripp (RIP: Bob Mayo, Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Guests: Kenny Aronoff, Jimmy Bralower, Buzzy Feiten, Joe Franco, Bob Glaub, Portia Griffin, Randy Jackson, Danny Kortchmar, Jesse Levy, Marcy Levy, Pat Mastelotto, Benmont Tench, Michael Thompson, Waddy Wachtel (RIP: Arif Mardin, Doug Stegmeyer)
- Technical: Bob Ludwig
- Comments: CD reissue in 2002 contains bonus tracks.
- Mighty like a rose - Elvis Costello (05/1991)
- Members: James Burton, Elvis Costello, Jim Keltner, Nick Lowe, Steve Nieve, Marc Ribot, Jerry Scheff, Benmont Tench, Bruce Thomas, Pete Thomas (RIP: Larry Knechtel, Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Guests: Andrew Findon, Steve George, Richard Page, Steven Soles, Fiachra Trench, Rob Wasserman, Gavyn Wright
- Producer: Mitchell Froom
- Soul alone - Daryl Hall (09/1993)
- Members: Charlie DeChant, Alan Gorrie, Daryl Hall (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Guests: Miles Bould, Nick Ingman, Trevor Murrell, Frank Ricotti, Peter Schwartz, Larry Tagg, Phil Todd, Gavyn Wright (RIP: Tommy Eyre, Arif Mardin)
- Technical: Vlado Meller
- Letters never sent - Carly Simon (11/1994)
- Members: Curtis King, Rick Marotta, Jim Ryan, Carly Simon (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Guests: Carlos Alomar, Jerry Barnes, Katreese Barnes, Jimmy Bralower, Marc Cohn, Steve Ferrone, Robin Gould, Danny Kortchmar, Taj Mahal, Sammy Merendino, Andy Newmark, Gene Orloff, Pino Palladino, Andy Snitzer, Doug Wimbish (RIP: Arif Mardin)
- Producer: Paul Samwell-Smith
- Technical: Ted Jensen
- Painted from memory - Elvis Costello with Burt Bacharach (1998)
- Members: Elvis Costello, Jim Keltner, Steve Nieve (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Guests: Murray Adler, Julien Barber, Darius Campo, David Carey, Greg Cohen, Larry Corbett, Paulinho Da Costa, George Doering, Assa Drori, Bruce Dukov, Earl Dumler, Lawrence Feldman, Armen Garabedian, Berj Garabedian, Gary Grant, Jerry Hey, Dan Higgins, Suzie Katayama, Randy Kerber, Gayle Levant, Rob Mounsey, David Nadien, Chris Parker, Dean Parks, Greg Phillinganes, Bill Reichenbach, Haim Shtrum, Lew Soloff, David Spinozza, Bob Zimmitti
- Incense, herbs & oils - G E Smith (10/1998)
- Members: Paul Ossola, G E Smith (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Guests: Mickey Curry, Steve Holley, Shawn Pelton (RIP: Paul Griffin)
- This kind of love - Carly Simon (04/2008)
- Members: Rick Marotta, Carly Simon (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Guests: Tawatha Agee, Robby Ameen, Cyro Baptista, Lincoln Goines, Aaron Heick, Sammy Merendino, Vaneese Thomas, Fonzi Thornton
- Technical: Bob Ludwig
- Live from Martha´s vineyard - Carly Simon (2009)
- Members: Lani Groves, Robbie Kilgore, Rick Marotta, Hugh McCracken, Jim Ryan, Frank Simms, Carly Simon (RIP: Michael Brecker, Kacey Cisyk, Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Guests: Robbie Kondor
- Technical: Chris Lord-Alge
- Comments: The concert was originally released on CD as Greatest hits live.

- The Very best of Elvis Costello - Elvis Costello (1999)
- Members: Gary Barnacle, Jeff Blythe, James Burton, Elvis Costello, Claudia Fontaine, Nick Lowe, Steve Nieve, Jimmy Paterson, Jerry Scheff, Paul Speare, Bruce Thomas, Pete Thomas, Caron Wheeler (RIP: Dave Plews, Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Guests: Julien Barber, Trevor Barry, David Bedford, Andrew Bodnar, David Carey, Paul Clarvis, Clem Clempson, Lawrence Feldman, Mitchell Froom, Steve Goulding, Dave Hartley, Sean Hopper, Luis Jardim, John McFee, Rob Mounsey, David Nadien, Chris Parker, Frank Ricotti, Mickey Shine, Lew Soloff, David Spinozza (RIP: Chet Baker, Morris Pert)
- Producer: T-Bone Burnett, Colin Fairley, Clive Langer
- Comments: Compilation covering tracks from 1979 to 1999. It doesn't contain any unreleased track, but one song (´She´) is taken from the Notting Hill soundtrack.
- My opinion: It's a very nice compilation, with several gems. Very useful for people who can't buy every Costello album.
- Anthology - Carly Simon (11/2002)
- Members: Steve Gadd, Lani Groves, Robbie Kilgore, Curtis King, Rick Marotta, Hugh McCracken, Jim Ryan, Frank Simms, Carly Simon (RIP: Michael Brecker, Kacey Cisyk, Mindy Jostyn, Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Guests: Jerry Barnes, Katreese Barnes, Jay Berliner, Warren Bernhardt, Jimmy Bralower, Randy Brecker, Paul Buckmaster, David Carey, Joe Caro, Vivian Cherry, Marc Cohn, Ray Cooper, Mickey Curry, Dr John, Cornell Dupree, Gordon Edwards, Mike Egan, Sammy Figueroa, Andrew Gold, Jim Gordon, Robin Gould, Gordon Grody, Jamey Haddad, Carl Hall, John Hall, Ula Hedwig, Pete Hewlett, Richard Hewson, Laurence Juber, Zev Katz, Ellen Kearney, Jim Keltner, Paul Keogh, Bobby Keys, Carole King, Russ Kunkel, Will Lee, Tony Levin, Bruce Lynch, Ralph MacDonald, Mike Mainieri, George Marge, Arnold McCuller, John McCurry, Michael McDonald, Sid McGinnis, Ian McLagan, John Miller, Jeff Mironov, Rob Mounsey, Del Newman, Andy Newmark, Brian Odgers, Pino Palladino, Dean Parks, Bill Payne, Shawn Pelton, Jeff Pevar, Chris Rae, Paul Riser, Lee Ritenour, Robbie Robertson, Nile Rodgers, Linda Ronstadt, Rob Sabino, David Sanborn, Don Sebesky, Ira Siegel, Leland Sklar, David Spinozza, Liza Strike, James Taylor, Sarah Taylor, Vaneese Thomas, Peter John Vettesse, Klaus Voormann, Ed Walsh, Willie Weeks, Doug Wimbish (RIP: Phillip Ballou, Eddie ´Bongo´ Brown, Vicki Brown, Stephen Bruton, Barry De Souza, Bernard Edwards, Frank Floyd, Eric Gale, Milt Holland, Jimmy Maelen, Kenny Moore, Marty Paich, Alex Taylor, Richard Tee, Tasha Thomas, Tony Thompson, Peter Wood)
- Producer: John Boylan, Eddie Kramer, George Massenburg, Richard Perry, Paul Samwell-Smith, Ted Templeman, Don Was (RIP: Arif Mardin)
- Technical: Mike Bobak, Robin Geoffrey Cable, Ed Cherney, Bob Clearmountain, James Farber, Lewis Hahn, Barry Hammond, Bill Inglot, Chris Lord-Alge, Tom Lord-Alge, Elliot Scheiner, Al Schmitt, Bill Schnee
- The Blues White album - VVAA ( - )
- Guests: Steve Holley, Maria Muldaur, G E Smith (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Comments: Very nice tribute to The Beatles´ White album.
- Stay awake - various interpretations of music from vintage Disney films - VVAA (1989)
- Guests: Alex Acuna, Herb Alpert, Al Anderson, Sweet Pea Atkinson, Israel Baker, Michael Blair, Harry Bowens, Jimmy Bralower, Dennis Budimir, Crispin Cioe, Ira Coleman, Dr John, Bruce Dukov, Christine Ermacoff, Bill Frisell, Mitchell Froom, Bob Funk, Tony Garnier, Charlie Giordano, Arno Hecht, Garth Hudson, Paul Jackson, John Jorgenson, Dennis Karmazyn, Jim Keltner, Peter Kent, Marty Krystall, Paul Litteral, Tony Machine, Jay Dee Maness, Branford Marsalis, Arnold McCuller, Tommy Morgan, Ralph Morrison, Buell Neidlinger, Lennie Niehaus, John Patitucci, Pat Patrick, Lenny Pickett, Bonnie Raitt, Marc Ribot, Sheldon Sanov, John Scofield, Haim Shtrum, Ringo Starr, Steve Swallow, Fred Tackett, James Taylor, Larry Taylor, Tom Waits, Don Was, Shari Zippert (RIP: Martin Banks, Betty Carter, John Gilmore, Don Grolnick, Harry Nilsson, Sun Ra, Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Two rooms - celebrating the songs of Elton John & Bernie Taupin - VVAA (1991)
- Guests: Oleta Adams, Dave Bargeron, Gene Black, Michael Boddicker, Jeff Bova, Michael Braun, Jack Bruno, John ´Rabbit´ Bundrick, Chris Cameron, Timmy Cappello, Eric Clapton, Alan Clark, Joe Cocker, Phil Collins, Lyndon Connah, Ronnie Cuber, Roger Daltrey, Deric Dyer, Elliot Easton, Bob Feit, Steve Ferrone, Sammy Figueroa, Jeff Golub, Phil Grande, Richard Greene, Daryl Hall, Andy Hamilton, Jerry Hey, Dan Higgins, Steve Holley, Bruce Hornsby, Al Jardine, Bruce Johnston, Darryl Jones, Carol Kenyon, Randy Kerber, Robbie Kondor, Michael Landau, Mike Love, Ian Lynn, George Marinelli, Ollie Marland, George Michael, John Miles, Charlie Morgan, Rob Mounsey, Billy Nicholls, Tessa Niles, Aldo Nova, John Oates, Pino Palladino, David Palmer, Jeff Peters, Greg Phillinganes, John Robinson, Carmine Rojas, Alan Rubin, Kevin Savigar, Leland Sklar, Chris Stainton, Carole Steele, T M Stevens, Jerry Stevenson, Rod Stewart, Sting, Neil Stubenhaus, Daryl Stuermer, Kasim Sulton, Don Teschner, Pete Townshend, Tina Turner, Ian Wilson, Steve Winwood, George Young (RIP: Michael Brecker, John Entwistle, Bob Mayo, Kenny Moore, Alan Murphy, Carl Wilson, Tom T-Bone Wolk, Rev Timothy Wright)
- Producer: Trevor Horn, Chris Lord-Alge (RIP: Gus Dudgeon)
- Technical: Steve Chase, Charles Paakkari
- Comments: Tribute album to Elton John and Bernie Taupin, featuring Oleta Adams, The Beach Boys, Jon Bon Jovi, Kate Bush, Eric Clapton, Joe Cocker, Phil Collins, Hall & Oates, Bruce Hornsby, George Michael, Sinead O´Connor, Rod Stewart, Sting, Tina Turner, The Who and Wilson Phillips.
- A Serious man OST - OST (2009)
- Guests: John Patitucci, Shawn Pelton, Mark Stewart, Steve Williamson (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Comments: Soundtrack by Carter Burwell for the Coen Brothers´ movie A serious man. It includes 3 old tracks from Jefferson Airplane.
- Live on the King Biscuit Flower Hour - Rick Derringer & Friends ( - )
- Members: Rick Derringer, Benjy King, Donnie Kisselbach, Alan Merrill, Jimmy Wilcox, Edgar Winter
- Guests: Mickey Curry, Dr John, Ellen Foley, Daryl Hall, Ian Hunter, John Oates, Todd Rundgren (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Comments: Live concert from 1981, where Rick Derringer is assisted by his band and many friends, such as Todd Rundgren, Hall & Oates, Edgar Winter, etc. The album has been since then reissued under different titles, such as Rock and roll hoochie koo.
- Eve Moon - Eve Moon (1981)
- Guests: Elaine Caswell, Jimmy Ripp (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Producer: (RIP: Colin Thurston)
- Free for the evening - Rick Bowles (1982)
- Guests: Ray Bardani, Kimberley Carlson, Nicky Moroch, Andy Newmark (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Places I have never been - Willie Nile (1982)
- Guests: Larry Campbell, Mickey Curry, Richard Kennedy, Roger McGuinn, Robbie McIntosh, Stuart Smith, Richard Thompson, Paul ´Wix´ Wickens, William Wittman (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk, Peter Wood)
- Freight train heart - Jimmy Barnes (1987)
- Members: Dave Amato, Tony Brock
- Guests: Jonathan Cain, Jon Farriss, Venetta Fields, Randy Jackson, Chuck Kentis, Huey Lewis, David Lindley, Jerry Marotta, John McCurry, Shaun Murphy, Neal Schon, Joe Lynn Turner (RIP: Walter Hawkins, Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Producer: (RIP: Mike Stone)
- Babylon and on - Squeeze (1987)
- Members: Chris Difford, Jools Holland, Gilson Lavis, Andy Metcalfe, Glenn Tilbrook, Keith Wilkinson
- Guests: (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- The Talking animals - T-Bone Burnett (1988)
- Members: T-Bone Burnett
- Guests: Tom Canning, Mickey Curry, Mitchell Froom, Tony Levin, David Rhodes, Jerry Scheff (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Heavy nova - Robert Palmer (06/1988)
- Members: Dony Wynn (RIP: Robert Palmer)
- Guests: Jeff Bova, Dennis Budimir, Ricky Fataar, Chuck Findley, Clare Fischer, Richard Gibbs, Garth Hudson, Eddie Martinez (RIP: Rick Danko, Dom Um Romao, Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Night to remember - Cyndi Lauper (1989)
- Members: Rick Derringer, Cyndi Lauper, John McCurry, John Turi
- Guests: Jeff Bova, Jimmy Bralower, Eric Clapton, Steve Ferrone, Anton Fig, Gordon Grody, Neil Jason, Tom Kelly, Bakithi Kumalo, Tommy Mandel, Paul Pesco, George Recile, Frank Simms, George Simms, Carole Steele, T M Stevens (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk, Peter Wood)
- Mystery girl - Roy Orbison (1989)
- Members: (RIP: Roy Orbison)
- Guests: T-Bone Burnett, Billy Burnette, Mike Campbell, Louis Clark, Gary Coleman, Ray Cooper, Steve Cropper, Mickey Curry, Mitchell Froom, Jim Horn, Phil Jones, Jim Keltner, Al Kooper, Jeff Lynne, Buell Neidlinger, Sid Page, Tom Petty, David Rhodes, Jerry Scheff, Benmont Tench, Mike Utley, Rick Vito (RIP: Howie Epstein, George Harrison, Ian Wallace, Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Strange angels - Laurie Anderson (10/1989)
- Guests: Manolo Badrena, Cyro Baptista, Joey Baron, Errol ´Crusher´ Bennett, Jimmy Bralower, Lew DelGatto, Mark Egan, Anton Fier, Lisa Fischer, Alex Foster, Laurie Frink, Steve Gadd, Earl Gardner, Sue Hadjopoulos, Robbie Kilgore, Bakithi Kumalo, Dave Lebolt, Tony Levin, Hugh McCracken, Paulette McWilliams, Leon Pendarvis, Ray Phiri, Lenny Pickett, Ian Ritchie, John Selolwane, Chris Spedding, David Spinozza, Darryl Tookes, Jimi Tunnell, Steve Turre, David Van Tieghem, Nana Vasconcelos (RIP: Phillip Ballou, Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Technical: Bob Clearmountain, James Farber, Bob Ludwig
- Groove approved - Paul Carrack (10/1989)
- Members: Paul Carrack
- Guests: Jimmy Bralower, Mike Campbell, Mickey Curry, Sammy Figueroa, Bernard Fowler, Daryl Hall, Curtis King, Bob Loveday, Robbie McIntosh, Ed Roynesdal, Joe Lynn Turner, Vinnie Zummo (RIP: Dick Morrissey, Tom T-Bone Wolk, Paul Young)
- Technical: Bob Clearmountain
- Steady on - Shawn Colvin (10/1989)
- Members: Shawn Colvin
- Guests: Michael Blair, Steve Gaboury, Bruce Hornsby, John Leventhal, Rick Marotta, Hugh McCracken, David Sanborn, Soozie Tyrell (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Technical: Bob Ludwig, Marcus Miller
- New York / Paris - Elliott Murphy (1992)
- Members: Peter Gordon, Tony Machine (RIP: Richard Sohl)
- Guests: Rob Alter, Blondie Chaplin, Shawn Colvin, Tommy Mandel, Ralph Schuckett, Chris Spedding (RIP: Rick Jaeger, Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Producer: Ernie Brooks
- King of hearts - Roy Orbison (1992)
- Members: (RIP: Roy Orbison)
- Guests: Alex Acuna, David Briggs, T-Bone Burnett, Larry Byrom, David Campbell, Lenny Castro, Clarence Clemons, Larry Corbett, Jim Cox, Bruce Dukov, Bobby Emmons, Steve Gibson, Andrew Gold, Mark Goldenberg, Willie Greene, Hutch Hutchinson, Booker T Jones, Suzie Katayama, Jim Keltner, Larry Klein, Mike Leech, Jeff Lynne, Dean Parks, Robbie Robertson, Brent Rowan, Benmont Tench, Mike Utley, Bobby Wood, Reggie Young (RIP: Kenny Buttrey, Doug Fieger, Larry Knechtel, Terry McMillan, Jeff Porcaro, Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Spinning world - The Heartbeats (1993)
- Guests: (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Tot rock - Gary Rosen (09/1993)
- Guests: Dean Brown, Sal Giorgianni, Chris Parker, Bob Ross, Myriam Naomi Valle (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Technical: Greg Calbi
- Amanda Marshall - Amanda Marshall (1994)
- Guests: Kenny Aronoff, Tommy Byrnes, Peter Kent, Bob Mann, Tim Pierce, Leland Sklar (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Technical: Chris Lord-Alge
- Think with your heart - Debbie Gibson (1995)
- Guests: Richie Cannata, Al Chez, Robin Clark, Michelle Cobbs, Bob Cranshaw, Diva Gray, Arno Hecht, Bashiri Johnson, Steve Jordan, Russ Kunkel, John Leventhal, Ira Siegel, Fonzi Thornton, Gavyn Wright (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Technical: Niko Bolas
- Bette of roses - Bette Midler (1995)
- Members: Robbie Buchanan, Buzzy Feiten, Ula Hedwig, Danny Jacob, Bobby Lyle, Bette Midler
- Guests: Mike Baird, Jerry Barnes, Tony Beard, Chris Botti, Jimmy Bralower, Paulinho Da Costa, Lani Groves, Reggie Hamilton, Robbie Kondor, Abraham Laboriel, Michael Landau, Jay Dee Maness, Marc Mann, Gene Orloff, Dean Parks, Vaneese Thomas (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Producer: (RIP: Arif Mardin)
- Technical: George Marino, Jack Joseph Puig
- Naked and sacred - Chynna Phillips (11/1995)
- Guests: Rusty Anderson, Curt Bisquera, Denyse Buffum, Luis Conte, Larry Corbett, Assa Drori, Bruce Dukov, Berj Garabedian, Siedah Garrett, Claude Gaudette, Diana Grasselli, James Harrah, Julio Hernandez, Natalie Jackson, Charles Judge, Suzie Katayama, Ray Kelley, Michael Landau, Patrick Leonard, Lee Levin, Jeremy Lubbock, Jean McClain, Bill Meyers, Buell Neidlinger, John Pierce, Sheldon Sanov, Julia Tillman Waters, Carmen Twillie, Jeffery C J Vanston, Maria Vidal, Dan Warner, Maxine Willard Waters, Mona Lisa Young (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Technical: Fred Kelly, Stephen Marcussen
- Burning the daze - Marc Cohn (03/1998)
- Members: Marc Cohn
- Guests: Chris Botti, Jon Brion, Larry Campbell, Rodney Crowell, Peter Gordon, John Leventhal, Toby Myers, Shawn Pelton, Mark Plati, Catherine Russell, Jane Scarpantoni (RIP: Frank Floyd, Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Technical: Bob Clearmountain, Bob Ludwig
- Marc Anthony - Marc Anthony (09/1999)
- Guests: Walter Afanasieff, Luis Aquino, Harvey Mason, Dean Parks, Michael Thompson (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Technical: Mick Guzauski, Bob Ludwig
- Buzz - Steps (12/2000)
- Guests: Jimmy Bralower, Andy Caine, Chris Cameron, Andy Duncan, Lance Ellington, Peter Gordeno, Nick Ingman, Phil Palmer, Gavyn Wright (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- One step closer - Kenny Neal (2001)
- Guests: (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- The Big room - M2M (2002)
- Guests: Kenny Aronoff, Ted Jensen (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Producer: Jimmy Bralower
- Technical: Tom Lord-Alge
- Chocolate to the bone - Guy Davis (2003)
- Guests: Gary Burke, Howard Johnson (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Producer: John Platania
- The Journey within - Bernie Williams (2003)
- Guests: Kenny Aronoff, Luis Conte, Bela Fleck, Bashiri Johnson, Shawn Pelton, Tim Pierce, Mark Rivera, David Sancious, Leland Sklar, David Spinozza (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Legacy - Guy Davis (2004)
- Guests: Gary Burke, John Platania (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- 80 - B B King (09/2005)
- Guests: Guy Babylon, Bob Birch, Robbie Buchanan, David Campbell, Larry Campbell, Eric Clapton, Clem Clempson, Sheryl Crow, Roger Daltrey, Brandon Fields, Glenn Frey, Gary Grant, Daryl Hall, Jerry Hey, Elton John, Davey Johnstone, Mark Knopfler, Russ Kunkel, John Mahon, John Mayer, Van Morrison, Nigel Olsson, Dean Parks, Bill Reichenbach, Leland Sklar, Chris Stainton, Ian Thomas, Billy Ward (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Skunkmellow - Guy Davis (2006)
- Guests: Mark Naftalin, John Platania (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Thunder´s mouth - Scott Ainslie (2008)
- Guests: (RIP: Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- My lives - Billy Joel (11/2005)
- Members: David Brown, Tommy Byrnes, Richie Cannata, Andy Cichon, Melodie Crittenden, Schuyler Deale, Liberty DeVitto, Jeff Jacobs, Russell Javors, Billy Joel, Kim Keyes, Michael Mellett, Mark Rivera, David Rosenthal (RIP: Doug Stegmeyer)
- Guests: Ronnie Cuber, Jon Faddis, Jeff Foskett, Paul Franklin, Emory Gordy, Everette Harp, Jim Horn, Dann Huff, Randy Jackson, Neil Jason, Elton John, Steve Khan, Robbie Kondor, Will Lee, Paul Litteral, Bob Mann, Mac McAnally, Hugh McCracken, John McCurry, Charlie Morgan, Steve Nathan, Shawn Pelton, Leon Pendarvis, Matt Rollings, Charles Rose, David Sanborn, Joseph J Shepley, David Snell, Randy Waldman, Willie Weeks, Brian Wilson, Bob Winiker, Steve Winwood, Mona Lisa Young (RIP: Eric Gale, Larry Knechtel, Richard Tee, Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Producer: Peter Asher, Danny Kortchmar, B A Robertson
- Technical: Ed Cherney, George Massenburg, Charles Paakkari, Bill Schnee, Leanne Ungar
- The Very best of Marc Cohn - Marc Cohn (06/2006)
- Members: Mick Barakan, Marc Cohn
- Guests: Sweet Pea Atkinson, Jay Bellerose, Chris Botti, Vivian Cherry, Dennis Collins, Jennifer Condos, Rodney Crowell, Mark Egan, Terry Evans, Steve Gadd, Tony Garnier, Peter Gordon, Diva Gray, Aaron Heick, Jon Herington, Hutch Hutchinson, Bashiri Johnson, Jim Keltner, Curtis King, Bob Malach, Arnold McCuller, Toby Myers, Chris Palmaro, Shawn Pelton, Mark Plati, Bonnie Raitt, Catherine Russell, Frank Simms, Benmont Tench, Darryl Tookes, Arto Tuncboyaciyan (RIP: Don Alias, Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Producer: John Leventhal, Paul Samwell-Smith
- Technical: Bob Clearmountain
- The Soul of rock and roll - Roy Orbison (09/2008)
- Members: (RIP: Fred Carter Jr, Roy Orbison)
- Guests: Alex Acuna, Dennis Belfield, Harold Bradley, David Briggs, Jackson Browne, T-Bone Burnett, James Burton, Larry Byrom, Jerry Carrigan, Lenny Castro, John Christopher, Roger Clark, Clarence Clemons, Ray Cooper, Elvis Costello, Bob Dylan, Ray Edenton, Bobby Emmons, Ricky Fataar, Janie Fricke, Steve Gibson, Andrew Gold, Mark Goldenberg, Glen D Hardin, Emmylou Harris, Ginger Holladay, Jim Horn, Hutch Hutchinson, Alan James, Jim Johnson, Booker T Jones, Phil Jones, John Shane Keister, Jim Keltner, Jerry Kennedy, Mike Leech, Paul Leim, Jeff Lynne, Mac McAnally, Bob Moore, Scotty Moore, Farrell Morris, Wayne Moss, Buell Neidlinger, Dean Parks, Tom Petty, Bonnie Raitt, Tom Roady, Brent Rowan, Billy Sanford, Jerry Scheff, Lisa Silver, Steven Soles, John David Souther, Bruce Springsteen, Henry Strzelecki, Benmont Tench, Ron Tutt, Mike Utley, Tom Waits, Jennifer Warnes, Bergen White, Bob Wray, Reggie Young (RIP: John Rainey Adkins, Tippy Armstrong, Boudleaux Bryant, Kenny Buttrey, Tommy Cogbill, Floyd Cramer, Howie Epstein, Doug Fieger, Hank Garland, Buddy Harman, Larry Knechtel, Dennis Linde, Dewey Martin, Grady Martin, Terry McMillan, Carl Perkins, Jeff Porcaro, Boots Randolph, Ian Wallace, Tom T-Bone Wolk)
- Producer: Brian Ahern, Brian Eno, Don Was (RIP: Chet Atkins, Bill Justis, Norman Petty, Sam Phillips)
- Technical: Vic Anesini
- Comments: 4CD boxset with 12 unreleased songs.
Thanks to:
19/April/2010 - Added the drummer´s name for Big River.
01/March/2010 - Page added to the blog.
Tom T-Bone Wolk mostly worked with these musicians: (name + number of credits)
Jimmy Bralower (17)
Mickey Curry (15)
Daryl Hall (12)
Bob Clearmountain (11)
Bob Ludwig (11)
Jim Keltner (10)
Robbie Kilgore (9)
T-Bone Burnett (8)
Frank Filipetti (8)
John Oates (8)
Page created by Miguel Terol on: 01/March/2010 - Last modified on: 20/July/2010. If you want to contribute with info, please write to:
Please, note than you can check the indexes (musicians, bands, obituaries) at the top of this page.
Other members of South were Ed Labunsky, jingle mogul, famous for baseball hotdogs apple pie and chevrolet, this bud's for you, limon is the secret of sprite, to mention a few. Ed was killed in a car crash soon after the release of South album. Tragic and heartbreaking. I think the album is available on Lonnie Mack's website, though maybe not with Labunsky's recordings. Also, sadly missed, Stan Szelest, wild man on the keyboard. Loved this band. Miss the T Bone. I also remember Harvey Brooks played with them.