- Zoot Money Band [Feb 64-?]
- Mike Cotton Sound [1968-1969]
- Satisfaction
- Zoot Money Band [1969-1971]
- Keef Hartley Band
- Gonzalez
- The Kinks
- Big Chief
- Dark Blues
- Roger Daltrey Band [Oct 03] (Casual band - 1 gig)
- The Barcodes
Great sax player, also very good on flute. He has played with great bands, as we´re going to read.
This is the first lineup for Zoot Money's Big Roll Band that I know. It was formed in February 1964:
After a while, Clive Burrows left, to be replaced by Johnny Almond.
Second lineup for Zoot Money´s Big Roll Band:
After a while, Clive Burrows left, to be replaced by Johnny Almond.
For a while, Zoot Money expands his Big Roll Band to a septet:
Feb 64-? |
êWes Minster Five |
Zoot Money vocals, keyboards | Andy Summers guitar | Paul Williams bass, vocals | Nick Newell sax | Clive Burrows † sax | Colin Allen drums |
After a while, Clive Burrows left, to be replaced by Johnny Almond.
Second lineup for Zoot Money´s Big Roll Band:
? |
Zoot Money vocals, keyboards | Andy Summers guitar | Paul Williams bass, vocals | Nick Newell sax | Johnny Almond † sax | Colin Allen drums |
After a while, Clive Burrows left, to be replaced by Johnny Almond.
For a while, Zoot Money expands his Big Roll Band to a septet:
? |
Zoot Money vocals, keyboards | Andy Summers guitar | Paul Williams bass, vocals | Jeff Condon trumpet | Nick Newell sax | Johnny Almond † sax | Colin Allen drums |
In 1968, Nick Newell joins Mike Cotton Sound (replacing John Crocker):
When Jim Rodford left the Mike Cotton Sound, he was replaced by Lem Lubin:
At some point, the band decided on changing a bit their style, so the musicians (except Lucas) formed a new band, Satisfaction.
1968-? |
Lucas vocals | Derek Griffiths guitar | Jim Rodford bass | Mike Cotton trumpet | John Beecham trombone | Nick Newell sax | Bernie Burns drums |
When Jim Rodford left the Mike Cotton Sound, he was replaced by Lem Lubin:
? |
Lucas vocals | Derek Griffiths guitar | Lem Lubin bass | Mike Cotton trumpet | John Beecham trombone | Nick Newell sax | Bernie Burns drums |
Satisfactionê | Satisfactionê | Satisfactionê | Satisfactionê | Satisfactionê | Satisfactionê |
At some point, the band decided on changing a bit their style, so the musicians (except Lucas) formed a new band, Satisfaction.
Satisfaction was formed by members of Mike Cotton Sound:
They released a self-titled album, Satisfaction, but after small success, most of them (except Griffiths) joined Zoot Money´s Music Band.
? |
êMike Cotton Sound |
êMike Cotton Sound |
êMike Cotton Sound |
êMike Cotton Sound |
êMike Cotton Sound |
êMike Cotton Sound |
Derek Griffiths guitar | Lem Lubin bass | Mike Cotton trumpet | John Beecham trombone | Nick Newell sax | Bernie Burns drums |
Zoot Money Bandê | Zoot Money Bandê | Zoot Money Bandê | Zoot Money Bandê | Zoot Money Bandê |
They released a self-titled album, Satisfaction, but after small success, most of them (except Griffiths) joined Zoot Money´s Music Band.
This was Zoot Money´s Music Band circa 1969, Zoot´s new adventure with members of Satisfaction and Micky Moody:
But they parted ways around 1971.
? |
êSatisfaction |
êSatisfaction |
êSatisfaction |
êSatisfaction |
êSatisfaction |
Zoot Money vocals, keyboards | Micky Moody guitar | Lem Lubin bass | Mike Cotton trumpet | John Beecham trombone | Nick Newell sax | Bernie Burns drums |
But they parted ways around 1971.
This was one of the latest editions of the Keef Hartley Band:
They recorded their last album, Seventy second brave, with help from Mick Weaver.
? |
Junior Marvin guitar, vocals | Gary Thain † bass | Pete Wingfield keyboards | Chris Mercer sax | Nick Newell sax | Keef Hartley † drums |
They recorded their last album, Seventy second brave, with help from Mick Weaver.
Oh, this is hard to track! Gonzalez was a British band, formed around 1971, whose members weren't a stable lineup. The lineup could include from 10 up to 30 musicians.
Nick Newell was Gonzalez first call tenor sub, played many gigs with them over the years.
Nick Newell was Gonzalez first call tenor sub, played many gigs with them over the years.
Nick Newell has been playing with The Kinks for 12 years, probably on and off. I still have to work in the different lineups, but any info would be very welcomed, please.
This was the personnel for The Kinks for gigs around February 1977:
This was the personnel for The Kinks for gigs around February 1977:
? |
Ray Davies vocals, guitar | Dave Davies guitar, vocals | Andy Pyle bass | John Gosling keyboards | Mick Avory drums | + | Nick Newell sax | Shirlie Roden backing vocals | Debi Doss backing vocals |
THE KINKS (again)
This was the personnel for The Kinks in February 1985, with Nick Newell added for gigs:
? |
Ray Davies vocals, guitar | Dave Davies guitar, vocals | Jim Rodford bass | Mick Avory drums | + | Nick Newell sax |
Big Chief was a jazzy band formed in 1976. Many musicians have been part of the band during two decades, and I can't find any way to trace those lineups. If anyone can help, please... Some of those musicians are: John Etheridge, Geoff Castle, Henry Lowther (trumpet, violin), Pete Lemer (keyboards), Phil Mead, Nick Newell, Les Davidson, Alan Ross, Art Themen, Ray Warleigh, Louis Borenius, Tony Reeves, Dick Heckstall-Smith, Mick Jacques, Adrian Paton, John Fry, Tony Edwards, etc.
But I don´t have info about the period and members of the band while Nick Newell played with them.
But I don´t have info about the period and members of the band while Nick Newell played with them.
Veteran band from the Oxford scene. Nick knew them from the mid 60s, but joined them in 1985. But don´t have more info about the lineups of the band, except for founder Nigel Tully. Help, please! They have 7 albums, but don´t have any of them, so can´t know if Nick appears there. Does anybody know?
This was one of the recent lineups for Dark Blues:
This was one of the recent lineups for Dark Blues:
? |
Nigel Tully guitar, sax, vocals | Annabel Williams vocals, keyboards | Matt Haslett bass, guitar | Oliver Sheen keyboards | Nick Newell sax, flute | Bob Dalton drums |
In October 2003, Roger Daltrey and drummer Richard Desmond assemble an all-star band for a one-off concert to raise funds against cancer. The gig was made under the monicker The RD Crusaders:
Oct 03 |
Roger Daltrey vocals | Sam Brown vocals | Gary Brooker vocals, keyboards | Russ Ballard vocals, guitar | Gary Moore † guitar, vocals | Simon Townshend guitar | Greg Lake bass, vocals | Zoot Money vocals, keyboards, director | Nick Newell sax | Richard Desmond drums | + | Margo Buchanan backing vocals maybe? I´m not sure |
This superb trio is frequently complemented in live gigs with their friend Nick Newell on sax and flute:
? |
Alan Glen vocals, guitar, harmonica | Bob Haddrell keyboards | Dino Coccia drums | + | Nick Newell sax, flute |
DISCOGRAPHY: (32 albums known to me - Status: Quite advanced)
- It should´ve been me - Zoot Money (10/1965)
- Members: Colin Allen, Zoot Money, Nick Newell, Andy Summers, Paul Williams (RIP: Clive Burrows)
- All happened at Klooks Kleek - Zoot Money (10/1966)
- Members: Colin Allen, Zoot Money, Nick Newell, Andy Summers, Paul Williams (RIP: Johnny Almond)
- Producer: (RIP: Gus Dudgeon)
- Comments: Recorded live in May 1966, it has been reissued under the different titles Zoot! or Zoot! Live At Klook's Kleek.
- Satisfaction - Satisfaction (1971)
- Members: John Beecham, Bernie Burns, Mike Cotton, Derek Griffiths, Lem Lubin, Nick Newell
- Comments: Some CD reissue includes 4 bonus tracks.
- Seventy second brave - Keef Hartley Band (1972)
- Members: Junior Marvin, Chris Mercer, Nick Newell, Mick Weaver, Pete Wingfield (RIP: Keef Hartley, Gary Thain)
- Comments: This was their last album. Recorded by the lineup featuring Junior Kerr, Gary Thain, Pete Wingfield, Chris Mercer, Nick Newell and Keef Hartley, with contributions by mate Mick Weaver.
- Ride a rock horse - Roger Daltrey (06/1975)
- Members: Clem Clempson, Roger Daltrey, Nick Newell
- Guests: Dyan Birch, Frank Collins, Stewart Francis, Phil Kenzie, Paul Korda, Paddy McHugh, Henry Spinetti, Alan ´Sticky´ Wickett, Dave Wintour (RIP: Tony Meehan)
- Producer: Russ Ballard
- Comments:
Famous for being lead singer in The Who, first time Clem worked with him was in 1975. Twenty years later, Clem finally went to tour with Daltrey.
Ride a rock horse was his second solo album, produced by Russ Ballard. Includes a cover of a Rufus Thomas song, 'Walking the dog'. - Schoolboys in disgrace - The Kinks (1976)
- Members: Mick Avory, John Beecham, John Dalton, Dave Davies, Ray Davies, Debi Doss, John Gosling, Alan Holmes, Nick Newell, Shirlie Roden, Pamela Travis
- Technical: Bob Ludwig
- Comments: Recorded between August and September 1975.
- Misfits - The Kinks (1978)
- Members: Mick Avory, John Beecham, Mike Cotton, John Dalton, Dave Davies, Ray Davies, John Gosling, Nick Newell, Andy Pyle
- Guests: Clem Cattini, Ron Lawrence, Nick Trevisick
- Comments: The thanks section mentions these musicians: Clem Cattini, Zaine Griff, John Beecham, Nick Newell and Mike Cotton, so I guess they played in the album (can someone confirm this fact, please?).
- Low budget - The Kinks (07/1979)
- Members: Mick Avory, Dave Davies, Ray Davies, Nick Newell, Jim Rodford
- One for the road - The Kinks (06/1980)
- Members: Mick Avory, Dave Davies, Ray Davies, Ian Gibbons, Nick Newell, Jim Rodford
- Technical: Bob Ludwig, Mike Moran
- Comments: Great double live album, some CD release missed some track. I've bought the new reissue as 2CD, being the 2nd CD an enhanced CD showing live video footage for the computer. The album also features Nick Newell as additional keyboardist, so I guess he also toured with the band in that tour.
- Chariot rising - Dantalian´s Chariot (1996)
- Members: Colin Allen, Jeff Condon, Pat Donaldson, Zoot Money, Nick Newell, Andy Summers
- Not foolish, not wise - Keef Hartley Band (1999)
- Members: Danny Allmark, Miller Anderson, Derek Austin, Dave Caswell, Ian Cruickshank, Mike Davis, Lyn Dobson, Martin Drover, Henry Lowther, Junior Marvin, Chris Mercer, Nick Newell, Terry Noonan, Michael Rosen, Ingrid Thomas, Barbara Thompson, Roger Wade, Pete Wingfield, Pete York (RIP: Harry Beckett, Dino Dines, Keef Hartley, Gary Thain, Derek Wadsworth)
- Producer: Neil Slaven
- Comments: In 1999 it has been released a new live album by the band. Not foolish, not wise comprises old live recordings, plus some studio tracks, recorded from 1968 to 1972. Sadly, it doesn't include any info about the musicians involved, so we just can´t but guess who appears there.
- Were you there? Live 1966 - Zoot Money Big Roll Band (1999)
- Members: Colin Allen, Jeff Condon, Zoot Money, Nick Newell, Andy Summers, Paul Williams (RIP: Johnny Almond)
- Guests: Herbie Goins
- Comments: Live album released in 1999, but comprising unreleased live tracks from 1966, some featuring Herbie Goins as guest vocalist.
- Independently blue - The Barcodes (2004)
- Members: Dino Coccia, Alan Glen, Bob Haddrell, Nick Newell
- Producer: Roger Cotton
- Keep your distance - The Barcodes (09/2005)
- Members: Dino Coccia, Alan Glen, Bob Haddrell, Nick Newell
- Producer: Roger Cotton
- With friends like these... - The Barcodes (2006)
- Members: Dino Coccia, Alan Glen, Bob Haddrell, Nick Newell
- Guests: Alan Barnes, Val Cowell, Paul Cox, Gypie Mayo, Zoot Money, Jim Mullen
- Producer: Roger Cotton
- Comments: Recorded during May 2006.
- Live! In session for the BBC - The Barcodes (2007)
- Members: Dino Coccia, Alan Glen, Bob Haddrell, Nick Newell
- My opinion: Fantastic live album with beautiful help from veteran Nick Newell on sax and flute.

- Come dancing with the Kinks - the best of The Kinks 1977-1986 - The Kinks (07/1986)
- Members: Mick Avory, John Beecham, John Dalton, Dave Davies, Ray Davies, Ian Gibbons, John Gosling, Bob Henrit, Alan Holmes, Nick Newell, Andy Pyle, Jim Rodford
- Guests: Clem Cattini, Ron Lawrence, Nick Trevisick
- Technical: Bob Ludwig
- Comments: This is a compilation originally released as a 2LP with 18 tracks. The CD reissue is missing 3 tracks, in order to fit into 1CD. It contains previously released material, but of important note is that there is a song only released as a single, ´Father Christmas´, and a rare track, ´Long distance´. As the period covered spawns through different Kinks lineups, I must say that other musicians appearing includes Ron Lawrence (bass), Alan Holmes (sax), John Beecham (trombone), Nick Newell (keyboards, sax), Nick Trevisik (drums), Clem Cattini (drums), plus future members Jim Rodford (bass), Ian Gibbons (keyboards), Bob Henrit (drums).
- As & Bs scrapbook - Zoot Money´s Big Roll Band (11/2003)
- Members: Colin Allen, Zoot Money, Nick Newell, Andy Summers, Paul Williams (RIP: Clive Burrows)
- Russ Ballard - Russ Ballard (1974)
- Members: Russ Ballard
- Guests: Dennis Belfield, Mick Eve, Steve Gregory, Chris Mercer, Nick Newell
- Comments:
Former Argent guitarist, now he is best known as composer. Many great bands have scored a hit with his songs.
Russ Ballard was his first solo album, after leaving Argent. With some members of Gonzalez here: Chris Mercer (sax), Mick Eve (sax), Steve Gregory (sax) or Nick Newell (sax). - Winning - Russ Ballard (1976)
- Guests: Russ Ballard, Madeline Bell, John ´Rabbit´ Bundrick, Chris Karan, Sunny Leslie, Dave Markee, Dave Mattacks, Chris Mercer, Nick Newell, Liza Strike, Pip Williams, Pete Zorn (RIP: Joanne Williams)
- Comments: Winning is Ballard´s second solo album. Guest musicians include: Madeline Bell, Sunny Leslie, Liza Strike and Joanne Williams (vocals), Pete Zorn (bass), Dave Markee (bass), John 'Rabbit' Bundrick (keyboards), Chris Mercer and Nick Newell (sax), Dave Mattacks (drums).

- A Hard road - John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers (1967)
- Members: Colin Allen, Aynsley Dunbar, Mick Fleetwood, Hughie Flint, Peter Green, Henry Lowther, John Mayall, John McVie, Mick Taylor, Steven Thompson (RIP: Johnny Almond, Keef Hartley)
- Guests: Nick Newell, Alan Skidmore, Ray Warleigh (RIP: Paul Butterfield)
- Producer: Mike Vernon
- Technical: Derek Varnals (RIP: Gus Dudgeon)
- Comments: Magnificent album, recorded during October-November 1966. But the dream come true arrives with the remastered expanded edition that includes 22 additional tracks, all featuring Peter Green!!! These additional tracks feature musicians that didn´t appear in the original album: Paul Butterfield, Nick Newell, Keef Hartley, Mick Taylor, Steven Thompson, Colin Allen and Henry Lowther etc.
- So many roads - John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers (1969)
- Members: Aynsley Dunbar, Mick Fleetwood, Hughie Flint, Peter Green, Martin Hart, John Mayall, John McVie, Nigel Stanger, Bernie Watson (RIP: Roger Dean)
- Guests: Nick Newell
- Looking back - John Mayall (08/1969)
- Members: Jack Bruce, Eric Clapton, Aynsley Dunbar, Mick Fleetwood, Hughie Flint, Peter Green, Martin Hart, Henry Lowther, John Mayall, John McVie, Chris Mercer, Mick Taylor, Bernie Watson, Paul Williams (RIP: Johnny Almond, Roger Dean, Keef Hartley, Dick Heckstall-Smith)
- Guests: Nick Newell
- Producer: Mike Vernon
- Comments: Looking back comprises 11 tracks, none of them ever available on an album. There are songs from 1964 to 1967. Other musicians: Hughie Flint (2 tracks), Chris Mercer (x tracks), Keef Hartley (2 tracks), Aynsley Dunbar (3 tracks). And with fantastic guitar players: the late Roger Dean, Eric Clapton (1 song), Peter Green (7 songs!!!) and Mick Taylor (1 song).
- Journey - Colin Blunstone (1974)
- Members: Colin Blunstone, Derek Griffiths, Terry Poole, Jim Toomey, Pete Wingfield
- Guests: Rod Argent, John Beecham, Mike Cotton, Nick Newell (RIP: Duncan Browne)
- Lane changer - Michael Fennelly (1974)
- Guests: Rod Argent, Russ Ballard, Jeff Beck, John Beecham, Mike Cotton, Mike Giles, Bob Henrit, Alan Holmes, Gaspar Lawal, Nick Newell, Jim Rodford, Henry Spinetti, Dave Wintour
- Comments: Michael Fennelly was the singer and guitarist in the band Crabby Appleton (also appearing in some Steely Dan album). This was his first solo album, with great musicians involved.
- City child - Chris Youlden (1974)
- Members: Chris Youlden
- Guests: John Beecham, Dave Caswell, Mike Cotton, Rosko Gee, Derek Griffiths, Sue Lynch, Jack Mills, Nick Newell, Annette Peacock, Terry Stannard, Pete Wingfield, Joy Yates
- Another year - Leo Sayer (1975)
- Members: Leo Sayer
- Guests: Russ Ballard, Mike Giles, David Katz, Paul Keogh, Dave Markee, Nick Newell (RIP: Frank Farrell, Johnny Van Derrick)
- Lonely street - Bap Kennedy (04/2000)
- Guests: Ed Deane, Herbie Flowers, Nick Newell, Mike Piggott, Martin Shaw

- A British blues legend - Chris Youlden (1979)
- Members: Roger Earl, Bob Hall, Tony Stevens, Chris Youlden (RIP: ´Lonesome´ Dave Peverett)
- Guests: Roy Babbington, John Beecham, Dave Caswell, Mike Cotton, Rosko Gee, Sue Glover, Derek Griffiths, Danny Kirwan, Sunny Leslie, Sue Lynch, Jack Mills, Nick Newell, Terry Noonan, Anna Peacock, Bruce Rowland, Andy Silvester, Kim Simmonds, Chris Spedding, Terry Stannard, Pete Wingfield, Joy Yates (RIP: Foggy Lyttle)
- Producer: Mike Vernon
- Technical: David Grinsted
- Comments: Compilation by Chris Youlden, including one track by Savoy Brown.
- London blues 1964-1969 - John Mayall (10/1992)
- Members: Colin Allen, Eric Clapton, Aynsley Dunbar, Mick Fleetwood, Hughie Flint, Peter Green, Martin Hart, Jon Hiseman, Rip Kant, Henry Lowther, John Mayall, John McVie, Chris Mercer, Tony Reeves, Mick Taylor, Bernie Watson, Paul Williams (RIP: Johnny Almond, Roger Dean, Keef Hartley, Dick Heckstall-Smith)
- Guests: Nick Newell, Alan Skidmore, Ray Warleigh (RIP: Paul Butterfield)
- Producer: Jimmy Page, Mike Vernon
- The Best of John Mayall and The Bluesbreakers - As it all began 64-69 - John Mayall (1997)
- Members: Colin Allen, Eric Clapton, Aynsley Dunbar, Mick Fleetwood, Hughie Flint, Peter Green, Martin Hart, Jon Hiseman, Rip Kant, Henry Lowther, John Mayall, John McVie, Chris Mercer, Tony Reeves, Mick Taylor, Steven Thompson, Bernie Watson, Paul Williams (RIP: Johnny Almond, Roger Dean, Keef Hartley, Dick Heckstall-Smith)
- Guests: Nick Newell (RIP: Paul Butterfield)
- Producer: Mike Vernon
- Comments: In 1997, it has been released the compilation The best of John Mayall and the Bluesbreakers - As it all began 64-69. It has been digitally remastered, and includes Mayall's comments on every track, from an interview. In my own opinion, the selection is quite good, and includes some songs not available on albums. Keef Hartley plays in 5 tracks: ´Broken wings´ (from The blues alone), ´The death of J.B. Lenoir´ (from Crusade), ´Me and my woman´ (also from Crusade), ´Suspicions (part one)´ (from Thru the years), and ´Picture on the wall´ (from Looking back).
- So many roads - an anthology 1964-1974 - John Mayall (2010)
- Members: Colin Allen, Jack Bruce, Eric Clapton, Aynsley Dunbar, Mick Fleetwood, Hughie Flint, Victor Gaskin, Peter Green, High Tide Harris, Martin Hart, Jon Hiseman, Red Holloway, Fred Jackson, Rip Kant, Henry Lowther, Harvey Mandel, Jon Mark, John Mayall, Jerry McGee, John McVie, Chris Mercer, Charles Owens, Tony Reeves, Randy Resnick, Soko Richardson, Ron Selico, Nigel Stanger, Larry Taylor, Mick Taylor, Steven Thompson, Bernie Watson, Ernie Watts, Paul Williams (RIP: Johnny Almond, Roger Dean, Don ´Sugarcane´ Harris, Keef Hartley, Dick Heckstall-Smith, Paul Lagos, Blue Mitchell, Freddy Robinson, Clifford Solomon)
- Guests: Nick Newell, Alan Skidmore, Steve Winwood (RIP: Paul Butterfield)
- Producer: Jimmy Page, Mike Vernon
- Comments: 4CD boxset with many of the classic songs by the golden periods of John Mayall.

01. Has Nick been playing in Rob Tait jazz quartet around 2005?
Official site(s) - tell them you saw the link here:
- The Barcodes
- Note Music - You can get The Barcodes albums here
From the always interesting Alex's Picks (by Alex Gitlin), we have:
From the superb site Knights in Blue Denim: The British Blues Scene '68 - '70 (by Christer Fridhammar & Vanja), we have:
From the fantastic The British Sound blog (by Bruno Ceriotti), we have rock family trees about:
Wikipedia doesn´t want to include links to this website, but I won´t do the same with them. So, from the great Wikipedia, we have:
Assorted links:
- Keef Hartley (by Amadeus Wachtler)
Disclaimer: I don´t own or upload any of the videos linked here. I just include links to live videos that are already available, in order to show the work of this musician. Anyway, if someone feels that some link shouldn't be included, please write me at the email address shown below. And if you know of more videos featuring Nick Newell, please, also write me with the link.
- Roger Daltrey - Behind Blue Eyes (2003) Roger Daltrey live in October 2003. A charity gig.
- Roger Daltrey - My Generation (2003) Roger Daltrey live in October 2003. A charity gig.
- Roger Daltrey - The Kids Are Alright (2003) Roger Daltrey live in October 2003. A charity gig.
- Roger Daltrey - I Can´t Explain (2003) Roger Daltrey live in October 2003. A charity gig.
- The Barcodes - Comin´ Home Baby The Barcodes live with great guests.
- The Barcodes - Everything Or Nothing The Barcodes live with great guests. (Resolution: 360)
- The Barcodes - That´s Alright The Barcodes live. (Resolution: 360)
- The Barcodes - The Sky Is Crying The Barcodes live with great guests.
- The Barcodes - Big Boss Man The Barcodes (without Dino Coccia!) live with great guests. (Resolution: 720) (HQ)
- The Barcodes - Everyday I Have The Blues The Barcodes (without Dino Coccia!) live with great guests. (Resolution: 720) (HQ)
- The Barcodes - Consultation Man The Barcodes live with Nick Newell. High quality. (Resolution: 720) (HQ)
- The Barcodes - Halfway To Nowhere The Barcodes live with Nick Newell. High quality. (Resolution: 720) (HQ)
- The Barcodes - Mr Nickel & Dime The Barcodes live with Nick Newell. High quality. (Resolution: 720) (HQ)
- The Barcodes - Slip Of The Tongue The Barcodes live with Nick Newell. High quality. (Resolution: 720) (HQ)
- John O´Leary / Alan Glen All Stars - Everyday I Have The Blues John O'Leary / Alan Glen All Stars Band live with Earl Green. Awesome quality. (Resolution: 1080) (HQ)
- John O´Leary / Alan Glen All Stars - I Got My Mojo Working John O'Leary / Alan Glen All Stars Band live with Paul Cox and Laurie Garman. Awesome quality. (Resolution: 1080) (HQ)
- John O´Leary / Alan Glen All Stars - Watermelon Man John O'Leary / Alan Glen All Stars Band live. Awesome quality. (Resolution: 1080) (HQ)
- John O´Leary / Alan Glen All Stars - Rock Me Baby John O'Leary / Alan Glen All Stars Band live with Pete French. Awesome quality. (Resolution: 1080) (HQ)
- John O´Leary / Alan Glen All Stars - Checking On My Baby John O'Leary / Alan Glen All Stars Band live. Awesome quality. (Resolution: 1080) (HQ)
- John O´Leary / Alan Glen All Stars - Hoochie Coochie Man John O'Leary / Alan Glen All Stars Band live with Paul Cox and Laurie Garman. Awesome quality. (Resolution: 1080) (HQ)
- John O´Leary / Alan Glen All Stars - Stormy Monday John O'Leary / Alan Glen All Stars Band live with Paul Cox and Laurie Garman. Awesome quality. (Resolution: 1080) (HQ)
Featuring: Russ Ballard, Gary Brooker, Sam Brown, Roger Daltrey, Richard Desmond, Greg Lake, Zoot Money, Nick Newell, Simon Townshend.
Featuring: Russ Ballard, Gary Brooker, Sam Brown, Roger Daltrey, Richard Desmond, Greg Lake, Zoot Money, Nick Newell, Simon Townshend.
Featuring: Russ Ballard, Gary Brooker, Sam Brown, Roger Daltrey, Richard Desmond, Greg Lake, Zoot Money, Nick Newell, Simon Townshend.
Featuring: Russ Ballard, Gary Brooker, Sam Brown, Roger Daltrey, Richard Desmond, Greg Lake, Zoot Money, Nick Newell, Simon Townshend.
Featuring: Dino Coccia, Alan Glen, Bob Haddrell, Robin Jones, Nick Newell, Art Themen.
Featuring: Dino Coccia, Paul Cox, Alan Glen, Bob Haddrell, Robin Jones, Gypie Mayo, Nick Newell, Art Themen.
Featuring: Dino Coccia, Alan Glen, Bob Haddrell, Robin Jones, Nick Newell.
Featuring: Dino Coccia, Alan Glen, Bob Haddrell, Robin Jones, Gypie Mayo, Nick Newell, Art Themen.
Featuring: Alan Glen, Bob Haddrell, Gypie Mayo, Peter Miles, Nick Newell.
Featuring: Alan Glen, Earl Green, Bob Haddrell, Gypie Mayo, Peter Miles, Nick Newell.
Featuring: Dino Coccia, Alan Glen, Bob Haddrell, Nick Newell.
Featuring: Dino Coccia, Alan Glen, Bob Haddrell, Nick Newell.
Featuring: Dino Coccia, Alan Glen, Bob Haddrell, Nick Newell.
Featuring: Dino Coccia, Alan Glen, Bob Haddrell, Nick Newell.
Featuring: Dino Coccia, Alan Glen, Earl Green, Bob Haddrell, Peter Miles, Nick Newell, John O´Leary, Costa Tancredi, Art Themen.
Featuring: Paul Cox, Laurence Garman, Papa George, Alan Glen, Bob Haddrell, Peter Miles, Nick Newell, John O´Leary, Costa Tancredi, Art Themen.
Featuring: Papa George, Alan Glen, Bob Haddrell, Peter Miles, Nick Newell, John O´Leary, Costa Tancredi, Art Themen.
Featuring: Robin Bibi, Dino Coccia, Don Craine, Pete French, Alan Glen, Bob Haddrell, Peter Miles, Nick Newell, Tom Nolan, John O´Leary, Costa Tancredi, Art Themen.
Featuring: Papa George, Alan Glen, Bob Haddrell, Peter Miles, Nick Newell, John O´Leary, Costa Tancredi, Art Themen.
Featuring: Paul Cox, Laurence Garman, Papa George, Alan Glen, Bob Haddrell, Peter Miles, Nick Newell, John O´Leary, Costa Tancredi, Art Themen.
Featuring: Paul Cox, Laurence Garman, Papa George, Alan Glen, Bob Haddrell, Peter Miles, Nick Newell, John O´Leary, Costa Tancredi, Art Themen.
Nick Newell mostly worked with these musicians: (name + number of credits)
Colin Allen (9)
John Beecham (8)
Chris Mercer (8)
Paul Williams (8)
Johnny Almond (7)
Keef Hartley (7)
Mike Cotton (6)
Aynsley Dunbar (6)
Mick Fleetwood (6)
Hughie Flint (6)
Page created by Miguel Terol on: 30/October/2010 - Last modified on: 11/February/2012. If you want to contribute with info, please write to:
Please, note than you can check the indexes (musicians, bands, obituaries) at the top of this page.
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