Mythical bassist, Trevor Bolder was born on June 9th, 1950 in Kingston upon Hull, East Yorkshire, England.

The Chicago Star Blues Band | ||
Jelly Roll | ||
Flesh | ||
Ronno | 1 recording | |
The Rats | ||
David Bowie Band | [Apr 71-1973] | 9 recordings + 5 compilations |
Arnold Corns | [1971] | |
Mick Ronson Band | [1973-?] | 2 recordings + 2 compilations |
Spiders From Mars | [1975-1976] | 1 recording |
Uriah Heep | [Sep 76-Sep 80] | 26 recordings + 4 compilations |
Wishbone Ash | [Apr 81-Apr 83] | 2 recordings |
Uriah Heep (again) | [May 83-May 13] | |
The Hidden | [1993] (a few gigs) | |
Cybernauts | [1997-?] | 1 recording |
? |
Trevor Bolder † guitar | + others unknown to me. Help! |
? |
Trevor Bolder † guitar | + others unknown to me. Help! |
FLESH #? |
? |
Trevor Bolder † guitar | + others unknown to me. Help! |
Again, no other info at all.
RONNO #? |
? |
Benny Marshall vocals | Mick Ronson † guitar | Trevor Bolder † bass | Woody Woodmansey drums |
They released the single ´Fourth hour of my sleep / Powers of darkness´ in 1970.
Other info on members of Ronno (I know up to 4 members) | |
To be covered (2): | Mick Ronson, Woody Woodmansey |
? |
Mick Ronson † guitar | Trevor Bolder † bass | + others unknown to me. Help! |
Other info on members of The Rats (I know up to 12 members) | |
Old pages (1): | John Cambridge |
To be covered (5): | Jeff Appleby, Frank Ince, Mick Ronson, Jim Simpson, Woody Woodmansey |

In April 1971, David Bowie forms what was to be his most famous band:
Apr 71-1972 |
David Bowie vocals | Mick Ronson † guitar, vocals | Trevor Bolder † bass | Woody Woodmansey drums |
Some months later, after the release of the masterpiece album The rise and fall of Ziggy Stardust and The Spiders From Mars, the band was dubbed The Spiders From Mars.
In June 1971, David Bowie performed a John Peel session with an expanded version of his band, also featuring his protegee Dana Gillespie and old friend George Underwood on vocals:
Jun 71 |
David Bowie vocals | Mick Ronson † guitar, vocals | Mark Carr-Pritchard guitar | Trevor Bolder † bass | Woody Woodmansey drums | Dana Gillespie vocals |
George Underwood vocals | Geoffrey McCormack backing vocals |
In 1972, David Bowie adds a keyboardist to his band to enrich the sound. The chosen was the great Matthew Fisher:
1972 |
David Bowie vocals | Mick Ronson † guitar, vocals | Trevor Bolder † bass | Matthew Fisher keyboards | Woody Woodmansey drums |
But Fisher´s stay in the band was short as he only played two gigs with them.
New keyboardist in David Bowie Band was Robin Lumley, still in 1972:
1972 |
David Bowie vocals | Mick Ronson † guitar, vocals | Trevor Bolder † bass | Robin Lumley keyboards | Woody Woodmansey drums |
But again, Lumley didn´t stay too long.
Nicky Graham becomes the 3rd keyboardist to join David Bowie Band in 1972:
1972 |
David Bowie vocals | Mick Ronson † guitar, vocals | Trevor Bolder † bass | Nicky Graham keyboards | Woody Woodmansey drums |
Graham appeared in some BBC sessions with Bowie in May 1972, as documented in Bowie at the Beeb.
Still in 1972, Mike Garson joins as the definitive keyboardist for David Bowie Band:
1972-1973 |
David Bowie vocals | Mick Ronson † guitar, vocals | Trevor Bolder † bass | Mike Garson keyboards | Woody Woodmansey drums |
In 1973, David Bowie expands his band with a horn section, up to 8 musicians:
1973 |
David Bowie vocals | Mick Ronson † guitar, vocals | John Hutchinson guitar | Trevor Bolder † bass | Mike Garson keyboards | Brian Wilshaw sax, flute |
Ken Fordham sax | Woody Woodmansey drums | Geoffrey McCormack backing vocals |
This was the band that played at the famous farewell concert as shown in the Ziggy Stardust - the motion picture in July 1973. After that, Bowie dissolved his Spiders From Mars, and apparently retired from music... but not for so long.
After the breakup of the original Spiders from Mars band, Aynsley Dunbar joins David Bowie in 1973:
1973 |
David Bowie vocals | Mick Ronson † guitar | Trevor Bolder † bass | Mike Garson keyboards | Aynsley Dunbar drums |
After releasing Pin ups, an album made of covers of songs Bowie always loved (from The Kinks, The Who, Pink Floyd, The Easybeats, The Yardbirds, Them... and The Mojos, a band where Aynsley had played!), the remaining survivors from Spiders from Mars, the great ones Mick Ronson and Trevor Bolder leave David Bowie.
This lineup never gigged.

On 18-20 August 1973, David Bowie recorded an NBC Midnight Special at London´s Marquee Club titled The 1980 Floor Show, with an augmented lineup of the band:
Aug 73 |
David Bowie vocals | Mick Ronson † guitar | Mark Carr-Pritchard guitar | Trevor Bolder † bass | Mike Garson keyboards | Aynsley Dunbar drums |
Geoffrey McCormack backing vocals | Ava Cherry backing vocals | Jason Guess backing vocals | + unknown 3 horn section. Help! |
They played for this show, as well as Marianne Faithfull, The Troggs and a Spanish group called Carmen (ooops!). By the way, this was the only live show Aynsley ever did with Bowie.

Other info on members of David Bowie Band (I know up to 83 members) | |
Already covered (1): | Tim Renwick |
Old pages (5): | John Cambridge, Aynsley Dunbar, Michael Kamen, Tony Visconti, Mick Wayne |
To be covered (76): | Zachary Alford, Carlos Alomar, Guy Andrisano, Kevin Armstrong, Adrian Belew, David Bowie, Sterling Campbell, Mark Carr-Pritchard, Ava Cherry, Alan Childs, Robin Clark, Neil Conti, Richard Cottle, Dennis Davis, Thomas Dolby, Gail Ann Dorsey, Steve Elson, Jeanie Fineberg, Matthew Fisher, Herbie Flowers, Ken Fordham, Rick Fox, Peter Frampton, Reeves Gabrels, Dennis Garcia,... up to 76 musicians. |
1971 |
êDavid Bowie Band |
êDavid Bowie Band |
êDavid Bowie Band |
êDavid Bowie Band |
êDavid Bowie Band |
Rudi Valentino vocals | David Bowie vocals | Mick Ronson † guitar | Mark Carr-Pritchard guitar | Trevor Bolder † bass | Woody Woodmansey drums |
David Bowie Bandê | David Bowie Bandê | David Bowie Bandê | David Bowie Bandê | David Bowie Bandê |
They recorded 4 tracks that remained unreleased until a couple of them were included as bonus in the reissue of The man who sold the world.
Other info on members of Arnold Corns (I know up to 6 members) | |
To be covered (4): | David Bowie, Mark Carr-Pritchard, Mick Ronson, Woody Woodmansey |

Still in 1973, as David Bowie was getting rid of all his fellow mates (why??), Mick Ronson, Trevor Bolder and Aynsley Dunbar projected to stay together in a new band, along with vocalist Scott Richardson, under the name The Fallen Angels:
1973 |
Scott Richardson vocals | Mick Ronson † guitar | Trevor Bolder † bass | Aynsley Dunbar drums |
Nothing came from this combo, and they finally split after a few months.
This was the new Mick Ronson Band around February 1974:
1974 |
Mick Ronson † guitar | Mark Carr-Pritchard guitar | Trevor Bolder † bass | Mike Garson keyboards | Ritchie Dharma drums | Thunderthighs backing vocals |
Mick Ronson also hired an extended horn section for one of his tours:
? |
Mick Ronson † guitar | Trevor Bolder † bass | Mike Garson keyboards | Mike Bailey trumpet | Phil Kenzie sax | Geoff Driscoll sax |
Dave Coxhill sax | Miquel Brown backing vocals | + unknown drummer and backing vocalists. Help! |
I´m missing some of the singers, as well as the drummer (probably Ritchie Dharma?), so any additional info would be very welcomed!
Other info on members of Mick Ronson Band (I know up to 19 members) | |
Old pages (2): | Aynsley Dunbar, John Turnbull |
To be covered (14): | Jeff Appleby, Mike Bailey, Mick Barakan, Mark Carr-Pritchard, Bobby Chen, Dave Coxhill, Jay Davis, Ritchie Dharma, Geoff Driscoll, Mike Garson, Phil Kenzie, Mick Ronson, Jim Toomey, Blue Weaver |
1975-1976 |
Pete McDonald vocals | Dave Black guitar | Trevor Bolder † bass | Woody Woodmansey drums |
They released a self-titled album, Spiders From Mars with help from their mate Mike Garson on keyboards, but split soon later in 1976.
Other info on members of Spiders From Mars (I know up to 4 members) | |
To be covered (3): | Dave Black, Pete McDonald, Woody Woodmansey |

In September 1976, Uriah Heep are joined by two great musicians, John Lawton and Trevor Bolder:
Sep 76-Oct 79 |
êLucifer´s Friend |
John Lawton vocals | Mick Box guitar | Trevor Bolder † bass | Ken Hensley keyboards | Lee Kerslake drums |
But in October 1979, Kerslake and Lawton leave.

In November 1979, Uriah Heep get another new singer and drummer:
Nov 79-May 80 |
John Sloman vocals | Mick Box guitar | Trevor Bolder † bass | Ken Hensley keyboards | Chris Slade drums |
Shotgunê |
But in May 1980, founder member Ken Hensley leaves the band to start his solo career.

Gregg Dechert joins in July 1980 as new keyboardist for Uriah Heep:
Jul 80-Sep 80 |
John Sloman vocals | Mick Box guitar | Trevor Bolder † bass | Gregg Dechert keyboards | Chris Slade drums |
Wishbone Ashê |
But something doesn´t work in the band, and just a couple of months later, in September 1980, they disband. For a couple of years, the band remained inactive (it was just Mick Box trying to find a different approach).
Apr 81-May 81 |
êUriah Heep |
Andy Powell guitar | Laurie Wisefield guitar | Trevor Bolder † bass | Steve Upton drums |
In May 1981, wonderful vocalist Claire Hamill joins Wishbone Ash for touring:
May 81-Jul 81 |
Claire Hamill vocals | Andy Powell guitar | Laurie Wisefield guitar | Trevor Bolder † bass | Steve Upton drums |
In July 1981, Wishbone Ash reverts to a quartet again:
Jul 81-Apr 83 |
Andy Powell guitar | Laurie Wisefield guitar | Trevor Bolder † bass | Steve Upton drums |
Uriah Heepê |
In April 1983, Trevor Bolder leaves (to rejoin Uriah Heep), although he remained friends with the band (in fact, Trevor appeared onstage with the band as a featured guest in May 2009).
Other info on members of Wishbone Ash (I know up to 26 members) | |
Old pages (1): | Andy Pyle |
To be covered (24): | Mark Birch, Joe Crabtree, Jamie Crompton, Roger Filgate, Robbie France, Ben Granfelt, Claire Hamill, Rob Hazard, Tony Kishman, Brad Lang, Graham Maitland, Muddy Manninen, Phil Palmer, Al Payson, Andy Powell, Bob Skeat, Mervyn Spence, Michael Sturgis, Martin Turner, Ted Turner, Steve Upton, Ray Weston, John Wetton, Laurie Wisefield |
URIAH HEEP (again)

In May 1983, Trevor Bolder comes back to Uriah Heep, replacing Bob Daisley:
May 83-Nov 85 |
êWishbone Ash |
Peter Goalby vocals | Mick Box guitar | Trevor Bolder † bass | John Sinclair keyboards | Lee Kerslake drums |
This was the lineup that I was fortunate to see live in my city. A great concert.
In November 1985, Goalby and Sinclair left the band. They were replaced after a few months.
This was the new Uriah Heep band in July 1986:
Jul 86-Sep 86 |
êThe Sweet |
Steff Fontaine vocals | Mick Box guitar | Trevor Bolder † bass | Phil Lanzon keyboards | Lee Kerslake drums |
But singer Steff Fontaine didn´t fit in the band, so he left after a couple of months.

In September 1986, Uriah Heep finds the definitive singer in Bernie Shaw:
Sep 86-Mar 07 |
êStratus |
Bernie Shaw vocals | Mick Box guitar | Trevor Bolder † bass | Phil Lanzon keyboards | Lee Kerslake drums |
This was the most stable lineup by the band ever, staying together for 21 years, when Lee Kerslake left the band in March 2007.

In March 2007, Russell Gilbrook joins Uriah Heep as their new drummer, replacing long-time member Lee Kerslake:
Mar 07-May 13 |
Bernie Shaw vocals | Mick Box guitar | Trevor Bolder † bass | Phil Lanzon keyboards | Russell Gilbrook drums |
Other info on members of Uriah Heep (I know up to 26 members) | |
Old pages (1): | Ken Hensley |
To be covered (24): | Keith Baker, Mick Box, David Byron, Iain Clarke, Mark Clarke, Bob Daisley, Gregg Dechert, Steff Fontaine, Russell Gilbrook, Peter Goalby, John Jowitt, Lee Kerslake, Phil Lanzon, John Lawton, Al Napier, Paul Newton, Nigel Olsson, Dave Rimmer, Bernie Shaw, John Sinclair, Chris Slade, John Sloman, Gary Thain, John Wetton |
1993 |
êUriah Heep |
Trevor Bolder † bass | + others unknown to me. Help! |
Uriah Heepê |
1997-? |
êDef Leppard |
êDef Leppard |
êUriah Heep |
Joe Elliott vocals | Phil Collen guitar | Trevor Bolder † bass | Dick Decent † keyboards | Woody Woodmansey drums |
Def Leppardê | Def Leppardê | Uriah Heepê |
They released the live album Cybernauts live.
They were supposed to tour again in January 2001, but don´t know if it finally happened.
Other info on members of Cybernauts (I know up to 5 members) | |
To be covered (1): | Woody Woodmansey |

Trevor Bolder sadly passed away on May 21st, 2013, after suffering from pancreatic cancer. He'll always remain in my memory both for the David Bowie golden years as for my much-loved Uriah Heep band. I saw him live in my city when he had just rejoined the band in the early 80s. A great gig, I couldn't believe I was watching one of the Spiders From Mars musicians in front of me.
- From Pip Williams (sent to me on May 28th, 2013):
The glamour position in rock bands is usually reserved for the lead singer and lead guitarist. However, occasionally, one of the other members forces us to take notice.
Trevor Bolder was one such person. I first had the pleasure of working with Trevor during Uriah Heep´s Sonic Origami album in 1998. Obviously, I was very familiar with his distinctive playing style within Bowie´s Spiders From Mars.
Trevor had the rare ability to elevate the role of bass player far beyond that of just an accompanist. His bass lines were inventive, melodic, intricate where necessary and always attention-grabbing.
Despite this, his parts were never fussy or cluttering. He was in short, the consummate rock bass player!
I once asked him why he never opted to play 5-string bass. He replied that 5-string bass would put him into a different mindset from pure rock and might take him into other areas. I immediately understood what he meant!
In addition, he was a fine songwriter and singer. His contributions to Heep in this respect cannot be under-estimated. He became indispensable to their vocal harmony blend and their set-list was all the better for his songs.
Then there was Trevor the man. A lovely, caring, witty and funny person, with a dry and sometimes wicked sense of humour!
My heart goes out to his family and to his mates in Uriah Heep. Life for them all will never be the same again.
You will be very sorely missed Trevor!
Pip Williams
DISCOGRAPHY: (61 albums known to me - Status: In progress)
- The Man who sold the world - David Bowie (1969)
- Members: David Bowie, John Cambridge, Mark Carr-Pritchard, Herbie Flowers, Tim Renwick, Woody Woodmansey (RIP: Trevor Bolder, Mick Ronson)
- Producer: Tony Visconti
- Technical: Ken Scott
- Comments: The man who sold the world was Bowie's next album. For this one, he had assembled a band with the much missed Mick Ronson (guitar), Tony Visconti (bass), Ralph Mace (keyboards), Mick 'Woody' Woodmansey (drums). The superb CD reissue from Rykodisc contains 4 bonus tracks, including musicians that didn't appear in the original album: Tim Renwick (guitar), John Cambridge (drums), Herbie Flowers (bass), Freddi Buretti (vocals, aka Arnold Corns aka Rudi Valentino), Mark Carr-Pritchard (guitar), Trevor Bolder (bass).
- Fourth hour of my sleep / Powers of darkness (SINGLE) - Ronno (1970)
- Members: Woody Woodmansey (RIP: Trevor Bolder, Mick Ronson)
- Producer: Tony Visconti
- Hunky dory - David Bowie (November 1970)
- Members: David Bowie, Woody Woodmansey (RIP: Trevor Bolder, Mick Ronson)
- Guests: Rick Wakeman
- Producer: Ken Scott
- Comments: Some CD reissues contain 4 bonus tracks.
- The Rise and fall of Ziggy Stardust and The Spiders From Mars - David Bowie (June 1972)
- Members: David Bowie, Mark Carr-Pritchard, Dana Gillespie, Woody Woodmansey (RIP: Trevor Bolder, Mick Ronson)
- Guests: Lindsay Scott
- Producer: Ken Scott
- Comments: There is a CD reissue with 5 bonus tracks, but the most interesting is the 30th anniversary edition, expanded to a double CD with 12 additional tracks.
- Aladdin sane - David Bowie (1973)
- Members: David Bowie, Ken Fordham, Mike Garson, Geoffrey McCormack, Woody Woodmansey (RIP: Trevor Bolder, Mick Ronson)
- Guests: Juanita Franklin, Linda Lewis
- Producer: Ken Scott
- Pinups - David Bowie (October 1973)
- Members: David Bowie, Aynsley Dunbar, Ken Fordham, Mike Garson, Geoffrey McCormack (RIP: Trevor Bolder, Mick Ronson)
- Guests: Ron Wood
- Producer: Ken Scott
- Comments: Some CD reissues contain 2 bonus tracks (one of them featuring Ron Wood on guitar, who didn´t appear in the original album).
- Slaughter on 10th avenue - Mick Ronson (1974)
- Members: Aynsley Dunbar, Mike Garson (RIP: Trevor Bolder, Mick Ronson)
- Guests: David Hentschel
- Comments: Recorded in 1973. CD reissue contains 4 bonus live tracks recorded in February 1974.
- Play don´t worry - Mick Ronson (1975)
- Members: Ritchie Dharma, Aynsley Dunbar, Mike Garson (RIP: Trevor Bolder, Mick Ronson)
- Guests: Paul Francis, Tony Newman (RIP: Vicki Brown)
- Spiders From Mars - Spiders From Mars (1976)
- Members: Dave Black, Pete McDonald, Woody Woodmansey (RIP: Trevor Bolder)
- Guests: Mike Garson
- Comments: The CD edition lacks some tracks.
- Innocent victim - Uriah Heep (1977)
- Members: Mick Box, Ken Hensley, Lee Kerslake, John Lawton (RIP: Trevor Bolder)
- Firefly - Uriah Heep (February 1977)
- Members: Mick Box, Ken Hensley, Lee Kerslake, John Lawton (RIP: Trevor Bolder)
- Fallen angel - Uriah Heep (July 1978)
- Members: Mick Box, Ken Hensley, Lee Kerslake, John Lawton (RIP: Trevor Bolder)
- Guests: Chris Mercer
- Comments:
The lineup in this album was: John Lawton (vocals, from Lucifer's Friend), Mick Box (guitar), Trevor Bolder (bass, from Spiders from Mars), Ken Hensley (keyboards, guitar, vocals), and Lee Kerslake (drums). They are always great!! Recorded from April to August 1978, Chris Mercer plays sax solo on the song 'Save it'.
The CD reissue contains bonus tracks. - My opinion: My favourite songs are 'Love or nothing' and 'I'm alive'.
- Conquest - Uriah Heep (February 1980)
- Members: Mick Box, Ken Hensley, Chris Slade, John Sloman (RIP: Trevor Bolder)
- Producer: (RIP: Gerry Bron)
- Comments: CD reissue contains 5 bonus tracks.
- Twin barrels burning - Wishbone Ash (September 1982)
- Members: Andy Powell, Steve Upton, Laurie Wisefield (RIP: Trevor Bolder)
- Producer: Stuart Epps
- Rare - David Bowie (1983)
- Members: Carlos Alomar, Guy Andrisano, David Bowie, Ava Cherry, Robin Clark, Dennis Davis, Herbie Flowers, Mike Garson, Richard Grando, Geoffrey McCormack, George Murray, Tony Newman, Pablo Rosario, David Sanborn, Earl Slick, Tony Visconti, Woody Woodmansey (RIP: Trevor Bolder, Michael Kamen, Mick Ronson, Luther Vandross)
- Guests: Terry Cox, Brian Eno, Robert Fripp, Andy Newmark, Rick Wakeman, Willie Weeks (RIP: Larry Washington)
- Ziggy Stardust - the motion picture - David Bowie (October 1983) (LIVE)
- Members: David Bowie, Ken Fordham, Mike Garson, John Hutchinson, Geoffrey McCormack, Brian Wilshaw, Woody Woodmansey (RIP: Trevor Bolder, Mick Ronson)
- Technical: Ken Scott, Tony Visconti
- Comments: Live album recorded on July 1973, but not released until 10 years later. Obviously, there´s also the movie. There´s a special edition from 2003 with extra tracks.
- My opinion: Interesting live concert, but I´ve always been disappointed that it doesn´t include the part where Jeff Beck joined the band onstage.
- Equator - Uriah Heep (March 1985)
- Members: Mick Box, Peter Goalby, Lee Kerslake, John Sinclair (RIP: Trevor Bolder)
- Guests: Gary Moberley
- Comments: Recorded from August to October 1984 and in January 1985.
- Live in Europe 1979 - Uriah Heep (1986) (LIVE)
- Members: Mick Box, Ken Hensley, Lee Kerslake, John Lawton (RIP: Trevor Bolder)
- Comments: 2LP recorded live in 1979 in different locations. Some CD reissues contain 4 bonus tracks.
- Live In Moscow - Uriah Heep (1988) (LIVE)
- Members: Mick Box, Lee Kerslake, Phil Lanzon, Bernie Shaw (RIP: Trevor Bolder)
- Comments: Recorded live in December 1987.
- Raging silence - Uriah Heep (1989)
- Members: Mick Box, Lee Kerslake, Phil Lanzon, Bernie Shaw (RIP: Trevor Bolder)
- Guests: Brett Morgan, Frank Ricotti
- Producer: Richard Dodd
- Technical: Tim Young
- Comments: Recorded from December 1988 to February 1989.
- Different world - Uriah Heep (1991)
- Members: Mick Box, Lee Kerslake, Phil Lanzon, Bernie Shaw (RIP: Trevor Bolder)
- Guests: Brett Morgan, Stephen Piggott
- Comments: The album was produced by Trevor Bolder. Some CD reissues contain bonus tracks.
- Santa Monica ´72 - David Bowie (1994) (LIVE)
- Members: David Bowie, Mike Garson, Woody Woodmansey (RIP: Trevor Bolder, Mick Ronson)
- Comments: Recorded live in October 1972, after being a fantastic booleg for decades, it was finally officially released in April 1994.
- My opinion: Fantastic performance, David Bowie at his best, with a killer band.
- Sea of light - Uriah Heep (1995)
- Members: Mick Box, Lee Kerslake, Phil Lanzon, Bernie Shaw (RIP: Trevor Bolder)
- Guests: Peter Beckett
- A Time of revelation - Uriah Heep (1996)
- Members: Keith Baker, Mick Box, Iain Clarke, Mark Clarke, Bob Daisley, Peter Goalby, Ken Hensley, Lee Kerslake, Phil Lanzon, John Lawton, Al Napier, Paul Newton, Nigel Olsson, Nigel Pegrum, Bernie Shaw, John Sinclair, Chris Slade, John Sloman, John Wetton (RIP: Trevor Bolder, David Byron, Gary Thain)
- Producer: Richard Dodd (RIP: Gerry Bron, Jimmy Miller)
- Comments: 4CD boxset with 20 unreleased tracks.
- My opinion: A very good, interesting boxset. I just miss some more unreleased live tracks.
- Spellbinder - Uriah Heep (1998) (LIVE)
- Members: Mick Box, Lee Kerslake, Phil Lanzon, Bernie Shaw (RIP: Trevor Bolder)
- Comments: Recorded live in June 1994, with an additional studio track.
- Sonic origami - Uriah Heep (September 1998)
- Members: Mick Box, Lee Kerslake, Phil Lanzon, Bernie Shaw (RIP: Trevor Bolder)
- Producer: Pip Williams
- Comments: Limited edition contains 1 bonus track.
- Bowie at the Beeb - David Bowie (2000) (LIVE)
- Members: David Bowie, John Cambridge, Mark Carr-Pritchard, Herbie Flowers, Dana Gillespie, Nicky Graham, John Lodge, Geoffrey McCormack, Tim Renwick, George Underwood, Tony Visconti, Woody Woodmansey (RIP: Trevor Bolder, Mick Ronson, Mick Wayne)
- Guests: Alan Hawkshaw, John McLaughlin (RIP: Barry Morgan, Steve Peregrine Took)
- Producer: Jeff Griffin
- Cybernauts live - Cybernauts (December 2000) (LIVE)
- Members: Woody Woodmansey (RIP: Trevor Bolder, Dick Decent)
- Comments: Recorded live in their 1997 tour. There was a special edition including a bonus CD with studio recordings sold through their official website.
- Future echoes of the past - the very best of Uriah Heep live - Uriah Heep (2001) (LIVE)
- Members: Mick Box, Lee Kerslake, Phil Lanzon, Bernie Shaw (RIP: Trevor Bolder)
- Producer: Pip Williams
- Comments: Double live CD recorded in two different concerts in November 1999.
- Electrically driven - Uriah Heep (2001) (LIVE)
- Members: Mick Box, Lee Kerslake, Phil Lanzon, Bernie Shaw (RIP: Trevor Bolder)
- Guests: Ian Anderson
- Comments: Recorded live in March 2001 with special guest Ian Anderson (from Jethro Tull).
- Acoustically driven - Uriah Heep (March 2001) (LIVE)
- Members: Mick Box, Lee Kerslake, Phil Lanzon, Bernie Shaw (RIP: Trevor Bolder)
- Guests: Ian Anderson
- Comments: Recorded live in December 2000 with help from Ian Anderson (from Jethro Tull).
- The Magician´s birthday party - Uriah Heep (April 2002) (LIVE)
- Members: Mick Box, Ken Hensley, Lee Kerslake, Phil Lanzon, John Lawton, Bernie Shaw (RIP: Trevor Bolder)
- Guests: Thijs Van Leer
- Producer: Pip Williams
- Comments: Recorded live by the band, featuring guest appearances by former members John Lawton and Ken Hensley, as well as Thijs Van Leer (from Focus).
- Rock legends - Uriah Heep (2003) (LIVE)
- Members: Mick Box, Lee Kerslake, Phil Lanzon, Bernie Shaw (RIP: Trevor Bolder)
- Comments: Live DVD.
- Lost pearls - Wishbone Ash (April 2004)
- Members: Claire Hamill, Andy Powell, Martin Turner, Steve Upton, Laurie Wisefield (RIP: Trevor Bolder)
- Wake the sleeper - Uriah Heep (2008)
- Members: Mick Box, Russell Gilbrook, Phil Lanzon, Bernie Shaw (RIP: Trevor Bolder)
- Producer: Mike Paxman
- Technical: Dennis Blackham
- Celebration - forty years of rock - Uriah Heep (2009)
- Members: Mick Box, Russell Gilbrook, Phil Lanzon, Bernie Shaw (RIP: Trevor Bolder)
- Producer: Mike Paxman
- Comments: CD+DVD comprising an album with new recordings of their greatest hits, plus 2 new songs and 1 live DVD recorded in 2009.
- Official bootleg volume II - Live in Budapest Hungary 2010 - Uriah Heep (2010) (LIVE)
- Members: Mick Box, Russell Gilbrook, Phil Lanzon, Bernie Shaw (RIP: Trevor Bolder)
- Comments: 2CD recorded live in May 2010.
- Official bootleg - Live at Sweden Rock Festival 2009 - Uriah Heep (2010) (LIVE)
- Members: Mick Box, Russell Gilbrook, Phil Lanzon, Bernie Shaw (RIP: Trevor Bolder)
- Comments: Recorded live in June 2009.
- Official bootleg volume three - Live in Kawasaki Japan 2010 - Uriah Heep (2010) (LIVE)
- Members: Mick Box, Russell Gilbrook, Phil Lanzon, Bernie Shaw (RIP: Trevor Bolder)
- Guests: Micky Moody
- Comments: 2CD recorded live in 2010, with Micky Moody guesting on guitar in some tracks.
- Into the wild - Uriah Heep (April 2011)
- Members: Mick Box, Russell Gilbrook, Phil Lanzon, Bernie Shaw (RIP: Trevor Bolder)
- Producer: Mike Paxman
- Comments: Recorded in January 2011.
- Live legends - Uriah Heep ( - ) (LIVE)
- Members: Mick Box, Lee Kerslake, Phil Lanzon, Bernie Shaw (RIP: Trevor Bolder)
- Comments: Live video.
- Rarities from the Bronze age - Uriah Heep ( - )
- Members: Mick Box, Ken Hensley, Lee Kerslake (RIP: Trevor Bolder, David Byron, Gary Thain)

- ChangesOneBowie - David Bowie (1976)
- Members: Carlos Alomar, David Bowie, Ava Cherry, Robin Clark, Dennis Davis, Aynsley Dunbar, Steve Elson, Herbie Flowers, Ken Fordham, Mike Garson, Omar Hakim, Stan Harrison, Emir Kassan, George Murray, Tony Newman, Lenny Pickett, Carmine Rojas, Pablo Rosario, David Sanborn, Frank Simms, George Simms, Tony Visconti, Woody Woodmansey (RIP: Trevor Bolder, Mick Ronson, Luther Vandross)
- Guests: Roy Bittan, Andy Clark, Terry Cox, Brian Eno, Sammy Figueroa, Robert Fripp, Mac Gollehon, Chuck Hammer, Curtis King, Andy Newmark, Mark Pender, Rob Sabino, Rick Wakeman, Willie Weeks (RIP: John Lennon, Ralph MacDonald, Arif Mardin, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Larry Washington)
- Producer: Nile Rodgers
- ChangesTwoBowie - David Bowie (1981)
- Members: Carlos Alomar, Adrian Belew, David Bowie, Ava Cherry, Robin Clark, Dennis Davis, Aynsley Dunbar, Herbie Flowers, Ken Fordham, Mike Garson, George Murray, David Sanborn, Earl Slick, Woody Woodmansey (RIP: Trevor Bolder, Mick Ronson, Luther Vandross)
- Guests: Roy Bittan, Andy Clark, Ricky Gardiner, Chuck Hammer, Andy Newmark, Alan Parker, Rick Wakeman, Willie Weeks, Roy Young (RIP: Larry Washington)
- Producer: Ken Scott, Tony Visconti
- Another face - David Bowie (1981)
- Members: Carlos Alomar, Guy Andrisano, Adrian Belew, David Bowie, Ava Cherry, Robin Clark, Dennis Davis, Herbie Flowers, Mike Garson, Richard Grando, Simon House, Geoffrey McCormack, George Murray, Tony Newman, Roger Powell, Pablo Rosario, David Sanborn, George Simms, Earl Slick, Tony Visconti, Woody Woodmansey (RIP: Trevor Bolder, Michael Kamen, Sean Mayes, Mick Ronson, Luther Vandross)
- Guests: Terry Cox, Brian Eno, Robert Fripp, Andy Newmark, Rick Wakeman, Willie Weeks (RIP: Larry Washington)
- Sound + vision - David Bowie (April 1989)
- Members: Carlos Alomar, Guy Andrisano, Adrian Belew, David Bowie, John Cambridge, Ava Cherry, Robin Clark, Dennis Davis, Aynsley Dunbar, Herbie Flowers, Ken Fordham, Mike Garson, Richard Grando, Simon House, John Hutchinson, John Lodge, Geoffrey McCormack, George Murray, Tony Newman, Roger Powell, Tim Renwick, Pablo Rosario, David Sanborn, Earl Slick, Brian Wilshaw, Woody Woodmansey (RIP: Trevor Bolder, Michael Kamen, Sean Mayes, Mick Ronson, Luther Vandross, Mick Wayne)
- Guests: Roy Bittan, Paul Buckmaster, Brian Eno, Robert Fripp, Ricky Gardiner, Chuck Hammer, Andy Newmark, Rick Wakeman, Willie Weeks, Roy Young (RIP: Marc Bolan, Larry Washington)
- Producer: Ken Scott, Tony Visconti
- Comments: Sound + vision is a 4CD boxset, including 3 musical CDs, plus 1 video disk. It's basically a compilation, but it contains many rare or unreleased tracks.
- ChangesBowie - David Bowie (1990)
- Members: Carlos Alomar, David Bowie, Ava Cherry, Robin Clark, Dennis Davis, Aynsley Dunbar, Steve Elson, Herbie Flowers, Ken Fordham, Mike Garson, Omar Hakim, Stan Harrison, Emir Kassan, George Murray, Tony Newman, Lenny Pickett, Carmine Rojas, Pablo Rosario, David Sanborn, Frank Simms, George Simms, Earl Slick, Tony Visconti, Woody Woodmansey (RIP: Trevor Bolder, Mick Ronson, Luther Vandross)
- Guests: Roy Bittan, Andy Clark, Terry Cox, Brian Eno, Sammy Figueroa, Robert Fripp, Mac Gollehon, Chuck Hammer, Curtis King, Andy Newmark, Mark Pender, Rob Sabino, Rick Wakeman, Willie Weeks (RIP: John Lennon, Ralph MacDonald, Arif Mardin, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Larry Washington)
- Producer: Nile Rodgers, Ken Scott (RIP: Gus Dudgeon)
- Still ´eavy, still proud - two decades of Uriah Heep - Uriah Heep (1990)
- Members: Mick Box, Bob Daisley, Peter Goalby, Ken Hensley, Lee Kerslake, Phil Lanzon, John Lawton, Bernie Shaw, John Sinclair (RIP: Trevor Bolder, David Byron, Gary Thain)
- Comments: Compilation featuring several live tracks.
- Only after dark - Mick Ronson (1994)
- Members: Ritchie Dharma, Aynsley Dunbar, Mike Garson (RIP: Trevor Bolder, Mick Ronson)
- Guests: Jeff Daly, Paul Francis, David Hentschel, Ian Hunter, Neil Kernon, John Mealing, Tony Newman, Vicky Silva
- Comments: Mick Ronson´s two solo albums from the seventies are available on a 2CD called Only after dark, with 5 bonus tracks (including 3 live tracks from 1974, although Aynsley Dunbar isn't the drummer in these live tracks, but Ritchie Dharma).
- Main man - Mick Ronson (April 1998)
- Members: Ritchie Dharma, Aynsley Dunbar, Mike Garson (RIP: Trevor Bolder, Mick Ronson)
- Guests: Jeff Daly, Ian Hunter, John Mealing, Tony Newman, Vicky Silva
- Technical: Mick Brown
- Comments: Main man is a compilation, also featuring Ian Hunter, Trevor Bolder, Mike Garson, Jeff Daly, John Mealing, Aynsley Dunbar, Ritchie Dharma, Tony Newman, etc.
- Revelations - the Uriah Heep anthology - Uriah Heep (2004)
- Members: Keith Baker, Mick Box, Iain Clarke, Bob Daisley, Peter Goalby, Ken Hensley, Lee Kerslake, John Lawton, Paul Newton, Nigel Olsson, John Sinclair, John Wetton (RIP: Trevor Bolder, David Byron, Gary Thain)
- The Official live collection - 35th anniversary edition - Uriah Heep (2005) (LIVE)
- Members: Mick Box, Ken Hensley, Lee Kerslake, Phil Lanzon, John Lawton, Bernie Shaw (RIP: Trevor Bolder)
- Guests: Ian Anderson, Thijs Van Leer
- Comments: 6DVD boxset compiling 6 different DVDs from live concerts.
- Chapter & verse: the Uriah Heep story - Uriah Heep (November 2005)
- Members: Keith Baker, Mick Box, Iain Clarke, Mark Clarke, Bob Daisley, Peter Goalby, Ken Hensley, Lee Kerslake, Phil Lanzon, John Lawton, Al Napier, Paul Newton, Nigel Olsson, Bernie Shaw, John Sinclair, Chris Slade, John Sloman, John Wetton (RIP: Trevor Bolder, David Byron, Gary Thain)
- Guests: Ian Anderson, Peter Beckett, Mike Gibbs, Manfred Mann, Chris Mercer, Brett Morgan, Teddy Osei, Stephen Piggott, Frank Ricotti, Thijs Van Leer (RIP: Loughty Amao)
- Producer: Richard Dodd, Pip Williams (RIP: Gerry Bron)
- Comments: 6CD boxset with tracks by the band as well as related groups (Keef Hartley Band, The Gods), etc. It also contains 14 unreleased tracks plus live tracks.

- Weren´t born a man - Dana Gillespie (1974)
- Members: Dana Gillespie
- Guests: John ´Rabbit´ Bundrick, Ray Cooper, Terry Cox, Pat Donaldson, Ray Glynn, Rosetta Hightower, Paul Keogh, Bobby Keys, Ronnie Leahy, Mike Moran, Del Newman, Brian Odgers, Frank Ricotti, Jim Ryan, Liza Strike, Rick Wakeman, Dave Wintour, Woody Woodmansey (RIP: Trevor Bolder, Barry De Souza, Keef Hartley, Robert Kirby, Joanne Williams)
- Producer: David Bowie, Robin Geoffrey Cable (RIP: Mick Ronson)
- Comments: English singer and actress, she was born Dana Richenda Antoinette de Winterstein Gillespie!!! She started her musical career in 1969, and David Bowie helped her in 1974. In Weren't born a man, we can find Jim Ryan (guitar), Paul Keogh (guitar), Dave Wintour (bass), Pat Donaldson (bass), John 'Rabbit' Bundrick (keyboards), Ronnie Leahy (keyboards), Mike Moran (keyboards), Rick Wakeman (keyboards), Bobby Keys (sax), Ray Cooper (percussion), Frank Ricotti (percussion), Terry Cox (drums), Barry De Souza (drums) and Keef Hartley (drums), plus Rosetta Hightower, Lisa Strike and Joanne Williams on backing vocals. It includes a David Bowie cover, ´Andy Warhol´.
- Hey Sadie / Move on down the road (SINGLE) - Geoff Appleby (1976)
- Members: Jeff Appleby
- Guests: Tony Braunagel, Albie Donnelly (RIP: Trevor Bolder)
- Producer: Mutt Lange
- Free Spirit - Ken Hensley (1980)
- Members: Ken Hensley
- Guests: Denny Ball, Mark Clarke, Kenny Jones, Ian Paice, Gary Taylor, Jim Toomey (RIP: Trevor Bolder)
- Comments: Free Spirit was the third solo album by Ken Hensley. With Denny Ball (bass in two songs, ´Inside the mystery´ and ´Woman´), Trevor Bolder (bass, Ken's bandmate in Uriah Heep), Gary Taylor (bass, from The Herd), Mark Clarke (bass, from Colosseum, once he also was in Uriah Heep), Jim Toomey (drums, from The Tourists), Geoff Allan (drums), Ian Paice (drums, from Deep Purple), Kenny Jones (drums, from Small Faces, Faces and The Who). This was the album that Shotgun was to promote.
- From time to time - Ken Hensley (1994)
- Members: Mark Clarke, Ken Hensley
- Guests: Denny Ball, B J Cole, Kenny Jones, Simon Kirke, Patrick Leonard, Dave Markee, Lynton Naiff, Ian Paice, Mick Ralphs, Henry Spinetti, Liza Strike, Claire Torry (RIP: Trevor Bolder, Boz Burrell, Paul Kossoff)
- Comments: From time to time is a collection of outtakes and unreleased tracks. It includes many of the musicians that appear in his solo albums. Denny Ball appears playing in one song, ´Love at first sight´, recorded sometime in 1980, probably for the Free Spirit album. With Geoff Allan in drums in that track.
- My opinion: Unlike many similar projects, this album is really a fantastic album, with great songs. I love it!

- Andy Warhol - Dana Gillespie (1994)
- Members: Dana Gillespie, Simon Phillips (RIP: Bob Weston)
- Guests: Mel Collins, Ray Cooper, Terry Cox, Pat Donaldson, Ray Glynn, Bryn Haworth, Rosetta Hightower, Eddie Jobson, Paul Keogh, Bobby Keys, Ronnie Leahy, Mick Liber, Jody Linscott, Mike Moran, Del Newman, Brian Odgers, John Porter, Frank Ricotti, Jim Ryan, Dave Skinner, Liza Strike, Rick Wakeman, Dave Wintour, Woody Woodmansey (RIP: Trevor Bolder, Barry De Souza, Mick Ronson, Joanne Williams)
- Producer: David Bowie, Robin Geoffrey Cable
- Technical: Phill Brown
- Comments: Compilation with some unreleased tracks.
- Glastonbury fayre - the electric score - VVAA (March 1972) (LIVE)
- Guests: John ´Twink´ Adler, Laurie Allan, Bob Andrews, David Bowie, Dave Brock, Edgar Broughton, Steve Broughton, Del Dettmar, Ian Gomm, Nick Graham, Arthur Grant, Alan ´Bam´ King, Simon King, Bill Kreutzmann, Lemmy, Phil Lesh, Nick Lowe, Dik Mik, Roger Powell, Billy Rankin, Paul Rudolph, Brinsley Schwarz, Martin Stone, Pete Townshend, Nik Turner, Victor Unitt, Bob Weir, Ian Whiteman, Woody Woodmansey (RIP: Marc Bolan, Trevor Bolder, Robert Calvert, Mike Evans, Jerry Garcia, Keith Godchaux, Ron McKernan, Pip Pyle, Mick Ronson)
- Comments: 3LP with mostly live recordings by different artists such as Grateful Dead, Brinsley Schwarz, Mighty Baby, Marc Bolan, Pete Townshend, David Bowie (with Trevor Bolder), Hawkwind, Skin Alley, Daevid Allen & Gong, Pink Fairies and Edgar Broughton Band (live in June 1971, with Victor Unitt).
- The Mick Ronson Memorial Concert - VVAA (2001) (LIVE)
- Guests: Gary Brooker, Roger Daltrey, Ed Deane, Dana Gillespie, Steve Harley, Ian Hunter, Phil Lanzon, Glen Matlock, Bill Nelson, Mike Paice, Billy Rankin, Todd Sharpville, Barbara Spitz, Roger Taylor, Woody Woodmansey (RIP: Trevor Bolder, Dave Rowberry)
- Comments: Double CD (although I think there is another edition with 3 CDs). The first CD was recorded live in August 1997. The second CD was recorded live in April 1994. There are performances by Ian Hunter, Roger Taylor, Roger Daltrey, Steve Harley, Mick Jones, Joe Elliott & The Spiders From Mars, Bill Wyman, Andy Fairweather Low & Gary Brooker, Glen Matlock, Bill Nelson, Dana Gillespie and The Rats.

- Unfinished album - Andy Bown (September 2011)
- Members: Andy Bown
- Guests: Brad Lang, Sylvia Mason-James, Juliet Roberts, Mick Rogers, Henry Spinetti (RIP: Trevor Bolder)
- Producer: Mike Paxman
- Comments: Recorded in 2010.
Official site(s) - tell them you saw the link here:
- Dana Gillespie
- Uriah Heep (by Hani So/Dave White/Rodrigo Werneck / Louis Rentrop) - by the great ones
- Ken Hensley
- The Upper Room recording studios (Ken Henley's studio)
From the always interesting Alex's Picks (by Alex Gitlin), we have:
From the superb site Knights in Blue Denim: The British Blues Scene '68 - '70 (by Christer Fridhammar & Vanja), we have:
From the great site DME (by Dmitry M. Epstein), we have fantastic interviews:
From the fantastic The British Sound blog (by Bruno Ceriotti), we have rock family trees about:
Assorted links:
- Interview with Trevor Bolder
- The Ziggy Stardust Companion - A David Bowie website (by Mike Harvey) - SUPERB site, check it out!
- Very 'eavy Very 'umble Red Devils Home Page (by Boris Shnitzer) - by my great friend
- Moshe Lavi's Wonderworld of Uriah Heep Archives (by Moshe Lavi)
- Russian Uriah Heep page (IN RUSSIAN) (by Vladimir Milovidov)
- English Uriah Heep page (by Vladimir Milovidov)
- Uriah Heep links
Disclaimer: I don´t own or upload any of the videos linked here. I just include links to live videos that are already available, in order to show the work of this musician. Anyway, if someone feels that some link shouldn't be included, please write me at the email address shown below. And if you know of more videos featuring Trevor Bolder, please, also write me with the link.
- David Bowie - Starman David Bowie on TV in 1972. (Resolution: 480)
- Uriah Heep - Unknown Title (2010) Uriah Heep live in July 2010 with special guest Micky Moody. (Resolution: 720) (HQ)
- Uriah Heep - Paradise / The Spell Uriah Heep live in July 2010 with special guest Micky Moody. (Resolution: 720) (HQ)
Featuring: Trevor Bolder, David Bowie, Mick Ronson, Woody Woodmansey. pianist (I guess Mike Garson) unknown to me.
Featuring: Trevor Bolder, Mick Box, Russell Gilbrook, Phil Lanzon, Micky Moody, Bernie Shaw.
Featuring: Trevor Bolder, Mick Box, Russell Gilbrook, Phil Lanzon, Micky Moody, Bernie Shaw.
Very Special Thanks to:
Special Thanks to:
Thanks to:
Trevor Bolder mostly worked with these musicians: (name + number of credits)
Mick Box (30)
Lee Kerslake (23)
Phil Lanzon (23)
Mick Ronson (22)
Bernie Shaw (22)
Woody Woodmansey (20)
David Bowie (17)
Mike Garson (15)
Ken Hensley (14)
John Lawton (10)
Page created by Miguel Terol on: 25/May/2013 - Last modified on: 11/June/2013. If you want to contribute with info, please write to:
Please, note than you can check the indexes (musicians, bands, obituaries) at the top of this page.
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