The Rockin´ Perfidias | [?-1963] | |
The Deadbeats | [1963-1965] | |
Thomas Paul´s Blues Disciples | ||
The Little People | ||
The Madding Crowd | [1966?] | |
Chicago Hush | [1967-Apr 68] | |
Big Sister | ||
Ideal Milk | [1967] | |
Ace Kefford Stand | 3 recordings | |
The Applejacks | ||
Big Bertha | [Oct 69-Jan 71] | 3 recordings |
Procol Harum | [Aug 71-Sep 72] | 3 recordings + 2 compilations |
Long John Baldry Band | [Sep 72-Nov 72] | 1 recording |
The Beast | [Nov 72-May 73] | |
Bedlam | [May 73-Apr 74] | 2 recordings |
Nicole Barclay Band | ||
Duffo Band | 1 recording | |
Melbourne To Memphis | ||
Rashid Goes To Nizwah | ||
Spellbound | ||
Bedlam (again) | [2000-2001] | |
Dave Ball Band | [2007-2008] | 1 recording |
Dave Ball is part of a family related with music. His brothers Pete and Denny also played in several 60s groups. Dave was born in Handsworth, Birmingham, England, on March 30th, 1950.

The Rockin´ Perfidias is the first band I´ve been able to trace by the brothers Ball:
They changed their name to The Deadbeats in 1963.
?-1963 |
Pete Ball guitar | Dave Ball † guitar | Denny Ball bass | + others unknown to me. Help! |
The Deadbeatsê | The Deadbeatsê | The Deadbeatsê |
They changed their name to The Deadbeats in 1963.
Other info on members of The Rockin´ Perfidias (I know up to 3 members) | |
Already covered (1): | Denny Ball |
Not enough info (1): | Pete Ball |
The Deadbeats band was an evolution from The Rockin´ Perfidias:
They played together from 1963 to 1965.
1963-1965 |
êThe Rockin´ Perfidias |
êThe Rockin´ Perfidias |
êThe Rockin´ Perfidias |
Pete Ball lead guitar | Dave Ball † rhythm guitar | Denny Ball bass | Pete Donohoe drums |
Some Other Guysê | Some Other Guysê |
They played together from 1963 to 1965.
Other info on members of The Deadbeats (I know up to 4 members) | |
Already covered (1): | Denny Ball |
Not enough info (2): | Pete Ball, Pete Donohoe |
Dave Ball was a member of Thomas Paul´s Blues Disciples, but can´t get any other info. Help, please!
? |
Dave Ball † guitar | Peter Smith | + others unknown to me. Help! |
Other info on members of Thomas Paul´s Blues Disciples (I know up to 2 members) | |
Not enough info (1): | Peter Smith |
The Little People was next band for Dave Ball, probably around 1966. Again, complete lack of info:
? |
Dave Ball † guitar | + others unknown to me. Help! |
Other info on members of The Little People (I know up to 10 members) | |
Not enough info (9): | Mick Avery, Roy Clifton, Vic Jarvis, Jeff Keene, Brian Nicholls, David Potter, Paul Simms, Ron Smith, John Starkey |
The Madding Crowd was a band from Birmingham circa 1966, but they played a lot in Germany. Don't know the members, apart from Pete and Dave Ball. Can someone help?
1966? |
Pete Ball guitar | Dave Ball † guitar | + others unknown to me. Help! |
Other info on members of The Madding Crowd (I know up to 2 members) | |
Not enough info (1): | Pete Ball |

Dave and Denny Ball joined again in a blues band called Chicago Hush. This was 1967:
1967-Apr 68 |
Mo Willetts vocals | Dave Ball † guitar | Denny Ball bass | Kenneth Broad † keyboards | Paul Willetts drums |
After returning from ´exile´ in Germany, Denny Ball found his brother was playing John Mayall type blues, and sounding like a cross between Jeff Beck and Eric Clapton. Denny joined Chicago Hush and started to experiment with a different style of bass playing.
By popular consent Dave and Denny left the band on April 1st 1968.
Other info on members of Chicago Hush (I know up to 6 members) | |
Already covered (1): | Denny Ball |
Not enough info (4): | Kenneth Broad, Paul Harris, Mo Willetts, Paul Willetts |
This is another band with Dave Ball that I haven´t any other info:
? |
Dave Ball † guitar | + others unknown to me. Help! |
This was the rehearsal band for things to come.
This is how it happened: The Ball brothers were all in Germany, in different bands. Dave was in The Madding Crowd in the north, and Pete was in The Sorcerors playing the same circuit as Denny in The Mayfair Set. Denny first met Cozy Powell on stage at a Sorcerors gig in Frankfurt. A jam session ensued, and a musical relationship was born. It was Pete Ball who had met up with Cozy Powell in Germany in 1967, and hired him to play in the Sorcerors. This band spent some time in Germany and then went to Turkey playing USAF bases before going back to England. When Cozy and Pete returned, Cozy stayed at the Ball household, and lived with the family on and off for the next three years. The Sorcerors changed their name to Young Blood, and signed a record deal with Pye records. They released several singles (Denny wrote some songs with them). And that close friendship gave birth to Ideal Milk.
There are some early recordings by this trio including a BBC session, and some rehearsal tapes of the music which later formed the basis of the Bedlam album.
1967 |
Dave Ball † guitar | Denny Ball bass | Cozy Powell † drums |
Ace Kefford Standê | Ace Kefford Standê | Ace Kefford Standê |
This is how it happened: The Ball brothers were all in Germany, in different bands. Dave was in The Madding Crowd in the north, and Pete was in The Sorcerors playing the same circuit as Denny in The Mayfair Set. Denny first met Cozy Powell on stage at a Sorcerors gig in Frankfurt. A jam session ensued, and a musical relationship was born. It was Pete Ball who had met up with Cozy Powell in Germany in 1967, and hired him to play in the Sorcerors. This band spent some time in Germany and then went to Turkey playing USAF bases before going back to England. When Cozy and Pete returned, Cozy stayed at the Ball household, and lived with the family on and off for the next three years. The Sorcerors changed their name to Young Blood, and signed a record deal with Pye records. They released several singles (Denny wrote some songs with them). And that close friendship gave birth to Ideal Milk.
There are some early recordings by this trio including a BBC session, and some rehearsal tapes of the music which later formed the basis of the Bedlam album.
Other info on members of Ideal Milk (I know up to 3 members) | |
Already covered (1): | Denny Ball |
Old pages (1): | Cozy Powell |
This was the merge of the band Ideal Milk with the ex Move star Ace Kefford:
Cozy handed his notice in to Youngblood. An interesting situation in which the Ball brothers and Cozy were all sharing the same house. Cozy was quitting Pete Ball’s band to join forces with the other Ball brothers. Fortunately, Pete Ball was very philosophical about the whole thing, and realised that Cozy was heading for a different style of playing, and that he was much more interested in a rock band.
The Ace Kefford Stand started rehearsals on September 2nd 1968. The first gig by this band was at the Belfry (home of the famous golf club) on September 21st 1968. Amongst the sell out crowd were members of The Move. Robert Plant and John Bonham also gave their support.
The Stand played some college and university gigs as they waited to secure a record deal which finally came from Atlantic Records.
From early recording sessions at Polydor in London, they released a single, ´For your love / Gravy booby jamm´ (Atlantic, Apr 69), being the A-side a cover of The Yardbirds. This song can also be found in The perfumed garden, vol. 2 sampler compilation.
A second single called ´This World’s an Apple´ (Oct 69, Atlantic) was released under the name of Big Bertha featuring Ace Kefford. This was after the band had split up. This record is now a rare collector’s item.
In mid 69, Ace Kefford quits, and the rest formed a new band, Big Bertha. But meanwhile, Cozy Powell tried to form a power trio with Clem Clempson.
? |
êThe Move |
êIdeal Milk |
êIdeal Milk |
êIdeal Milk |
Ace Kefford vocals | Dave Ball † guitar | Denny Ball bass | Cozy Powell † drums |
Big Berthaê | Big Berthaê |
Cozy handed his notice in to Youngblood. An interesting situation in which the Ball brothers and Cozy were all sharing the same house. Cozy was quitting Pete Ball’s band to join forces with the other Ball brothers. Fortunately, Pete Ball was very philosophical about the whole thing, and realised that Cozy was heading for a different style of playing, and that he was much more interested in a rock band.
The Ace Kefford Stand started rehearsals on September 2nd 1968. The first gig by this band was at the Belfry (home of the famous golf club) on September 21st 1968. Amongst the sell out crowd were members of The Move. Robert Plant and John Bonham also gave their support.
The Stand played some college and university gigs as they waited to secure a record deal which finally came from Atlantic Records.
From early recording sessions at Polydor in London, they released a single, ´For your love / Gravy booby jamm´ (Atlantic, Apr 69), being the A-side a cover of The Yardbirds. This song can also be found in The perfumed garden, vol. 2 sampler compilation.
A second single called ´This World’s an Apple´ (Oct 69, Atlantic) was released under the name of Big Bertha featuring Ace Kefford. This was after the band had split up. This record is now a rare collector’s item.
In mid 69, Ace Kefford quits, and the rest formed a new band, Big Bertha. But meanwhile, Cozy Powell tried to form a power trio with Clem Clempson.
Other info on members of Ace Kefford Stand (I know up to 4 members) | |
Already covered (1): | Denny Ball |
Old pages (1): | Cozy Powell |
To be covered (1): | Ace Kefford |
For a while, Dave Ball was a member of The Applejacks, but can´t find more info. Can someone help here, please?
? |
Dave Ball † guitar | + others unknown to me. Help! |
Other info on members of The Applejacks (I know up to 8 members) | |
To be covered (1): | Bob Brady |
Not enough info (6): | Martin Baggott, Phil Cash, Megan Davies, Gerry Freeman, Don Gould, Al Jackson |
In October 1969, Big Bertha is formed:
But Pete French soon left.
This was the 2nd lineup for Big Bertha, with a new singer:
The band signed to United Artists and recorded four tracks. ´Munich City´ was released in Germany and sold well. But after weeks of inactivity, and just a handful of gigs, Cozy was approached by Jeff Beck’s management company to meet with the legendary guitarist in London (where Denny would briefly join too).
But Denny Ball soon returned to Big Bertha. Denny returned to the fold to try with his two brothers to salvage the band. They auditioned a new drummer. and set about replacing Dave MacTavish who quit when Cozy Powell left.
After several days of auditions, two of the most unlikely people turned up at the house:
The new band was created, and with the new singers a whole new approach had to be made to the material. Denny wrote several new songs. Often sitting in a corner of the A&R department of the record company, or in the demo studio of the publishing department scribbling lyrics. The band were given a record producer Dick James and a rehearsal studio in which to come up with the right formula.
United Artists continued to make use of their signings through sessions and other appearances:
In January 1971, a promoter in Germany wanted to book the now defunct Big Bertha. United Artists agreed to limited funding for the band to go over and perform:
A series of gigs in north Germany were put together and at last the band who called themselves Ideal Milk went on the road as a trio. Denny and Dave somehow managed the vocals over a thunderous Cream/Hendrix type of music full of solos and awesome power.
During the tour a live recording was made. The tapes are very interesting!
At the end of the tour, the trio vowed to reform ‘at some juncture’ and ‘do it properly’.
Cozy Powell went back to the Jeff Beck Group, Denny went to Long John Baldry Group, and Dave Ball joined superb band Procol Harum.
Oct 69-? |
êLeaf Hound |
Pete French vocals | Dave Ball † guitar | Denny Ball bass | Pete Ball keyboards | Cozy Powell † drums |
Atomic Roosterê |
But Pete French soon left.
This was the 2nd lineup for Big Bertha, with a new singer:
? |
Dave MacTavish vocals | Dave Ball † guitar | Denny Ball bass | Pete Ball keyboards | Cozy Powell † drums |
Jeff Beck Groupê | Jeff Beck Groupê |
The band signed to United Artists and recorded four tracks. ´Munich City´ was released in Germany and sold well. But after weeks of inactivity, and just a handful of gigs, Cozy was approached by Jeff Beck’s management company to meet with the legendary guitarist in London (where Denny would briefly join too).
But Denny Ball soon returned to Big Bertha. Denny returned to the fold to try with his two brothers to salvage the band. They auditioned a new drummer. and set about replacing Dave MacTavish who quit when Cozy Powell left.
After several days of auditions, two of the most unlikely people turned up at the house:
? |
êJeff Beck Group |
Frank Aiello vocals | Maria Popkievitch vocals | Dave Ball † guitar | Denny Ball bass | Pete Ball keyboards | + a drummer, unknown to me. Help! |
The new band was created, and with the new singers a whole new approach had to be made to the material. Denny wrote several new songs. Often sitting in a corner of the A&R department of the record company, or in the demo studio of the publishing department scribbling lyrics. The band were given a record producer Dick James and a rehearsal studio in which to come up with the right formula.
United Artists continued to make use of their signings through sessions and other appearances:
- Frank and Maria released a single on which Cozy played.
- Denny produced a track called ´Ring of Fire´ on which Cozy, Dave, Frank and Maria performed (as well as Ed Welch playing keyboards). It was written for Gary Hamilton, one of the stars of the stage show Hair. It was originally intended as a single for him.
- Ed Welch recorded an album on which Cozy played and which produced a hit single called ´Clowns´.
- A band called Walrus released a single called ´Never gonna let my body touch the ground´ originally written for Big Bertha by Denny.
In January 1971, a promoter in Germany wanted to book the now defunct Big Bertha. United Artists agreed to limited funding for the band to go over and perform:
Jan 71 |
êJeff Beck Group |
Dave Ball † guitar, vocals | Denny Ball bass, vocals | Cozy Powell † drums |
|Procol Harumê | Long John Baldry Bandê | Jeff Beck Groupê |
A series of gigs in north Germany were put together and at last the band who called themselves Ideal Milk went on the road as a trio. Denny and Dave somehow managed the vocals over a thunderous Cream/Hendrix type of music full of solos and awesome power.
During the tour a live recording was made. The tapes are very interesting!
At the end of the tour, the trio vowed to reform ‘at some juncture’ and ‘do it properly’.
Cozy Powell went back to the Jeff Beck Group, Denny went to Long John Baldry Group, and Dave Ball joined superb band Procol Harum.
Other info on members of Big Bertha (I know up to 8 members) | |
Already covered (1): | Denny Ball |
Old pages (1): | Cozy Powell |
To be covered (4): | Frank Aiello, Pete French, Dave MacTavish, Maria Popkievitch |
Not enough info (1): | Pete Ball |
Dave Ball comes to the band in August 1971, replacing Robin Trower, and Chris Copping moves to organ with the addition of Alan Cartwright:
They only released a live album, Live in concert with the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra, a very beautiful album, with the company of the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra and the Da Carmera Singers. It was recorded on November 18th, 1971 at the Jubilee Auditorium, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. A single from that album hit the charts, ´Conquistador´, with a superb solo by Dave Ball.
In September 1972, Dave Ball leaves the band, having recorded the tracks for next album, Grand hotel (released in March 1973), being replaced by Mick Grabham.
Aug 71-Sep 72 |
êBig Bertha |
êEvery Which Way |
Gary Brooker vocals, keyboards | Dave Ball † guitar | Alan Cartwright † bass | Chris Copping keyboards | B J Wilson † drums | + |
Long John Baldry Bandê |
Keith Reid lyrics |
They only released a live album, Live in concert with the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra, a very beautiful album, with the company of the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra and the Da Carmera Singers. It was recorded on November 18th, 1971 at the Jubilee Auditorium, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. A single from that album hit the charts, ´Conquistador´, with a superb solo by Dave Ball.
In September 1972, Dave Ball leaves the band, having recorded the tracks for next album, Grand hotel (released in March 1973), being replaced by Mick Grabham.
Other info on members of Procol Harum (I know up to 28 members) | |
Already covered (7): | Dave Bronze, Mark Brzezicki, Alan Cartwright, Laurence Cottle, Mick Grabham, Tim Renwick, Geoff Whitehorn |
Old pages (2): | Gary Brooker, Henry Spinetti |
To be covered (18): | Graham Broad, Richard Brown, Chris Copping, Geoff Dunn, Matthew Fisher, Bobby Harrison, David Knights, Alan Morris, Dee Murray, Matt Pegg, Josh Phillips, Keith Reid, Ray Royer, Don Snow, Pete Solley, Robin Trower, Ian Wallace, B J Wilson |
When Bob Kulick leaves Long John Baldry, Dave Ball joins in September 1972:
The band play a few UK dates, and the Good to be Alive album was recorded. With some great guests: Lesley Duncan (vocals), Sue Glover (vocals), Liza Strike (vocals), Kay Garner (vocals), Sam Mitchell (guitar), Andy Bown (keyboards), Jimmy Horowitz (keyboards), John Mealing (keyboards), Terry Cox (drums) and Tony Newman (drums).
Sep 72-Nov 72 |
Long John Baldry † vocals | Dave Ball † guitar | Denny Ball bass | Ian Armit † keyboards | Joe Forgione drums | Elaine Clark vocals |
Myra Cooper vocals |
The band play a few UK dates, and the Good to be Alive album was recorded. With some great guests: Lesley Duncan (vocals), Sue Glover (vocals), Liza Strike (vocals), Kay Garner (vocals), Sam Mitchell (guitar), Andy Bown (keyboards), Jimmy Horowitz (keyboards), John Mealing (keyboards), Terry Cox (drums) and Tony Newman (drums).
Other info on members of Long John Baldry Band (I know up to 109 members) | |
Already covered (12): | Aliki Ashman, Denny Ball, Cliff Barton, Cal Batchelor, Doreen Chanter, Irene Chanter, Bill Eyden, Jimmy Horowitz, Felix Krish, Billy Law, Harry Reynolds, Bob Weston |
Old pages (7): | Ian Armit, Pete Blannin, Keith Boyce, Rod Edwards, Al Gay, Ernie O´Malley, Micky Waller |
To be covered (89): | Tony Ashton, Cliff Aungier, Long John Baldry, Geoff Bradford, Gary Breit, Hugh Brockie, Charity Brown, Norm Brown, Paul Brown, Tom Brown, John ´Rabbit´ Bundrick, Roger Carey, Liane Carroll, Chris Castle, Jacko Ciminello, Elaine Clark, Mick Clarke, Tom Connor, Charlie Coolie, Myra Cooper, Randall Coryell, Butch Coulter, John Dickie, Vince Dietrich, Jim Fish,... up to 89 musicians. |
November 1972 and the core of Big Bertha/Ideal Milk reunites to form the ultimate band. Originally called The Beast:
They changed the name to Big Bertha in May 1973 in order to avoid confusion with another band in the States.
Nov 72-May 73 |
êLong John Baldry Band |
êLong John Baldry Band |
êSpirit |
Frank Aiello vocals | Dave Ball † guitar | Denny Ball bass | Cozy Powell † drums |
Big Berthaê | Big Berthaê | Big Berthaê | Big Berthaê |
They changed the name to Big Bertha in May 1973 in order to avoid confusion with another band in the States.
Other info on members of The Beast (I know up to 4 members) | |
Already covered (1): | Denny Ball |
Old pages (1): | Cozy Powell |
To be covered (1): | Frank Aiello |

Originally called The Beast, they changed to Bedlam in May 1973:
May 1973-Apr 74 |
êThe Beast |
êThe Beast |
êThe Beast |
êThe Beast |
Frank Aiello vocals | Dave Ball † guitar | Denny Ball bass | Cozy Powell † drums |
They released a self titled album, Bedlam. With help from old Cozy mate, Max Middleton (keyboards). Produced by the late Felix Pappalardi (Cream's producer, and bassist in Mountain), who also played keyboards. They also released a single, ´I believe in you / Whiskey and wine´ (1973, Chrysalis).
There are also some sessions of unreleased material which were scheduled for Bedlam II, but unfortunately, that never happened, as they split in April 74.
There is also a CD of Bedlam from a live radio show recorded in 1974 when they were on tour with Black Sabbath.

Other info on members of Bedlam (I know up to 5 members) | |
Already covered (1): | Denny Ball |
Old pages (1): | Cozy Powell |
To be covered (2): | Frank Aiello, Russell Gilbrook |
After Bedlam's separation, Dave left the music business. And I don't know more details about Dave Ball musical career. Can anybody help me, please?
This was one of the lineups for Nicole Barclay Band:
? |
Nicole Barclay vocals | Dave Ball † guitar | John Conroy guitar | Lou Martin † keyboards | Wilgar Campbell † drums |
Other info on members of Nicole Barclay Band (I know up to 6 members) | |
To be covered (5): | Nicole Barclay, Wilgar Campbell, John Conroy, Lou Martin, Jim Roche |
Dave Ball played in Australia with singer Duffo, probably around 1978. Can anyone tell me more details about the live band, please?
? |
Duffo vocals | Dave Ball † guitar | + others unknown to me. Help! |
Other info on members of Duffo Band (I know up to 7 members) | |
To be covered (3): | Pete Dobson, Sev Lewkowicz, Pete May |
Not enough info (3): | Duffo, Geoff Robinson, Tim Wheatley |
Pete became a computer technician, and he has been living all around the world. But he still plays for fun, forming bands in the different countries where he has been living.
Another non-professional band with Dave Ball when he was based in Melbourne, Australia:
? |
Dave Ball † guitar | + others unknown to me. Help! |
And another non-professional band with Dave Ball when he was living in Oman:
? |
Dave Ball † guitar | + others unknown to me. Help! |
And one more non-professional band with Dave Ball in Saudi Arabia:
? |
Dave Ball † guitar | + others unknown to me. Help! |
BEDLAM (again)
Bedlam was reformed many years later, in year 2000, by brother Denny and Dave Ball with drummer Russell Gilbrook:
? |
Frank Aiello vocals | Dave Ball † guitar | Denny Ball bass | Russell Gilbrook drums |
Other info on members of Bedlam (I know up to 5 members) | |
Already covered (1): | Denny Ball |
Old pages (1): | Cozy Powell |
To be covered (2): | Frank Aiello, Russell Gilbrook |
This was the Dave Ball Band (also known as Ballbreakers) around November 2007, including legendary drummer Sam Kelly:
In April 2012, Dave Ball released his first ever solo album, Don´t forget your alligator. But this was followed by a very sad news, when Dave Ball passed away on April 1st, 2015, after battling with cancer. Dave, you'll be very missed. Thanks for all your kindness along these years.
2007-2008 |
Dave Ball † guitar | Spy bass | Richard Simmons keyboards | Sam Kelly drums |
Other info on members of Dave Ball Band (I know up to 4 members) | |
To be covered (2): | Sam Kelly, Richard Simmons |
Not enough info (1): | Spy |
In April 2012, Dave Ball released his first ever solo album, Don´t forget your alligator. But this was followed by a very sad news, when Dave Ball passed away on April 1st, 2015, after battling with cancer. Dave, you'll be very missed. Thanks for all your kindness along these years.
DISCOGRAPHY: (18 albums known to me - Status: Quite advanced)
OWN ALBUMS (1 credit)
- Don´t forget your alligator - Dave Ball (April 2012)
- Members: (RIP: Dave Ball)
- Guests: Denny Ball
- Munich city / Sunny woman (SINGLE) - Big Bertha (1969)
- Members: Denny Ball, Dave MacTavish (RIP: Dave Ball, Cozy Powell)
- For your love / Gravy booby jamm (SINGLE) - Ace Kefford Stand (April 1969)
- Members: Denny Ball, Ace Kefford (RIP: Dave Ball, Cozy Powell)
- This world’s an Apple (SINGLE) - Big Bertha featuring Ace Kefford (October 1969)
- Members: Denny Ball, Ace Kefford (RIP: Dave Ball, Cozy Powell)
- Live in concert with the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra - Procol Harum (April 1972) (LIVE)
- Members: Gary Brooker, Chris Copping, Keith Reid (RIP: Dave Ball, Alan Cartwright, B J Wilson)
- Producer: Chris Thomas
- Technical: Wally Heider, John Punter
- Grand hotel - Procol Harum (March 1973)
- Members: Gary Brooker, Chris Copping, Mick Grabham, Keith Reid (RIP: Dave Ball, Alan Cartwright, B J Wilson)
- Guests: (RIP: Christiane Legrand)
- Producer: Chris Thomas
- Technical: John Punter
- Comments: Some CD reissues contain bonus tracks (some featuring Dave Ball, who left the band during the sessions).
- Bedlam - Bedlam (August 1973)
- Members: Frank Aiello, Denny Ball (RIP: Dave Ball, Cozy Powell)
- Guests: Max Middleton
- Producer: (RIP: Felix Pappalardi)
- Technical: Ben King
- Comments: Reissued on CD as Cozy Powell´s Bedlam.
- Good to be alive - Long John Baldry (1976)
- Members: Denny Ball, Jimmy Horowitz (RIP: Long John Baldry + Dave Ball, Sam Mitchell)
- Guests: Andy Bown, Terry Cox, Jon Field, Sue Glover, Chris Hughes, John Mealing, Tony Newman, Liza Strike (RIP: Lesley Duncan + Kay Garner)
- Comments: The Good to be Alive album was recorded in 1973 with great musicians: Lesley Duncan (vocals), Sue Glover (vocals), Liza Strike (vocals), Kay Garner (vocals), Dave Ball (guitar), Bob Cohen (guitar), Sam Mitchell (guitar), Denny Ball (bass), Andy Bown (keyboards), Jimmy Horowitz (keyboards), John Mealing (keyboards), Terry Cox (drums) Tony Newman (drums), Mike Driscoll (drums), as well as horns by Jon Field, Chris Hughes and Mick French.
- The Disappearing boy - Duffo (1980)
- Members: Pete Dobson, Sev Lewkowicz (RIP: Dave Ball)
- Guests: Ronnie Johnson (RIP: Peter Green)
- Technical: (RIP: Steve Strange)
- Comments: Recorded from December 1970 to January 1980.
- Big Bertha - Big Bertha (June 1999) (LIVE)
- Members: Denny Ball (RIP: Dave Ball, Cozy Powell)
- Ace the face - the lost 1968 album... and more! - Ace Kefford (2003)
- Members: Ace Kefford + Denny Ball (RIP: Dave Ball, Cozy Powell)
- Guests: Jimmy Page, Keith Smart
- Producer: Trevor Burton, Andy Fairweather Low, Tony Visconti
- Comments: Album containing old, unreleased recordings by Ace Kefford Stand, Ace Kefford alone and related.
- Anthology - Bedlam (2004)
- Members: Frank Aiello, Denny Ball, Dave MacTavish, Maria Popkievitch (RIP: Dave Ball, Cozy Powell)
- Guests: Ace Kefford
- Producer: (RIP: Felix Pappalardi)
- Comments: A 2CD, including one CD with studio recordings, plus a second CD with a live concert. It contains tracks by Bedlam and previous incarnations (Ideal Milk, Big Bertha, etc.).
- Live in Hamburg 1970 - Big Bertha (2004) (LIVE)
- Members: Denny Ball (RIP: Dave Ball, Cozy Powell)
- Live (DVD) - Procol Harum (December 2005) (LIVE)
- Members: Gary Brooker, Chris Copping, Mick Grabham (RIP: Dave Ball, B J Wilson)

- The Best of Procol Harum - Procol Harum (1987)
- Members: Gary Brooker, Chris Copping, Matthew Fisher, Bobby Harrison, David Knights, Keith Reid, Ray Royer, Robin Trower (RIP: Dave Ball, Alan Cartwright, B J Wilson)
- Guests: (RIP: Bill Eyden)
- Producer: Chris Thomas (RIP: Denny Cordell)
- Secrets of the hive - the best of Procol Harum - Procol Harum (August 2007)
- Members: Dave Bronze, Gary Brooker, Mark Brzezicki, Chris Copping, Matthew Fisher, Mick Grabham, David Knights, Matt Pegg, Keith Reid, Ray Royer, Don Snow, Pete Solley, Robin Trower, Geoff Whitehorn (RIP: Dave Ball, Alan Cartwright)
- Guests: (RIP: Bill Eyden)
- Producer: Howard Albert, Ron Albert, Chris Thomas (RIP: Denny Cordell, Jerry Leiber)
- Technical: Nick Robbins

- Ring of fire (SINGLE) - Gary Hamilton ( - )
- Guests: Frank Aiello, Maria Popkievitch (RIP: Dave Ball, Cozy Powell)
- Producer: Denny Ball
- Twice around the houses - Jonathan Kelly (1972)
- Members: Tim Renwick (RIP: Jonathan Kelly)
- Guests: Jim Toomey + Harvey Burns, Gerry Conway, Jerry Donahue, Rick Kemp, Byron Lyefook, Larry Steele (RIP: Dave Ball, Peter Wood)
- Producer: Tony Cox
- Comments: Twice around the houses was Kelly´s 2nd solo album, and it features Dave Ball (guitar, from Procol Harum), plus some members of famous folk-rock bands: Jerry Donahue (guitar, ex-Fotheringay, then in Fairport Convention), Rick Kemp (bass, from Steeleye Span), Gerry Conway (drums, from Fotheringay), Donal Lunny, Jim Toomey (drums), and from Quiver: Tim Renwick (guitar), Peter Wood (keyboards).
- My opinion: A fantastic album. My favourite songs are the magnificent ´Ballad of cursed Anna´ (with the great, late Dave Ball shining on lead guitar) and ´The train song´.

01. Was Dave a member of Danny King & The Mayfair Set (where his brother Denny played)?
02. Did Dave form a band with members of Locomotive and Daniel Boone?
Official site(s) - tell them you saw the link here:
- Denny Ball
- The Official Cozy Powell website (by Joe Siegler)
- Dave Ball
- Jonathan Kelly (by Gerald Sables - amazing, lovely site)
From the superb site Knights in Blue Denim: The British Blues Scene '68 - '70 (by Christer Fridhammar & Vanja), we have:
From the great site DME (by Dmitry M. Epstein), we have fantastic interviews:
Wikipedia doesn´t want to include links to this website, but I won´t do the same with them. So, from the great Wikipedia, we have:
Assorted links:
- Beyond the Pale - superb Procol Harum website
Disclaimer: I don´t own or upload any of the videos linked here. I just include links to live videos that are already available, in order to show the work of this musician. Anyway, if someone feels that some link shouldn't be included, please write me at the email address shown below. And if you know of more videos featuring Dave Ball, please, also write me with the link.
- Procol Harum - A Salty Dog Procol Harum live on TV in 1971. (Resolution: 360)
- Procol Harum - Power Failure Procol Harum live on German TV in 1971. (Resolution: 480)
- Procol Harum - Still There´ll Be More Procol Harum live on German TV in 1971. (Resolution: 480)
- Procol Harum - Repent Walpurgis Procol Harum live on TV in 1971. (Resolution: 360)
- Procol Harum - In the Wee Small Hours Of Sixpence Procol Harum live on German TV in 1971. (Resolution: 480)
- Procol Harum - Broken Barricades Procol Harum live on TV in 1971. (Resolution: 360)
- Procol Harum - Simple Sister Procol Harum live on TV in 1971. (Resolution: 360)
- Procol Harum - Simple Sister Procol Harum live on German TV in 1971. (Resolution: 720) (HQ)
- Procol Harum - Shine On Brightly Procol Harum live on German TV in 1971. (Resolution: 480)
- Procol Harum - Pilgrim´s Progress Procol Harum live on German TV in 1971. (Resolution: 480)
Featuring: Dave Ball, Gary Brooker, Alan Cartwright, Chris Copping, B J Wilson.
Featuring: Dave Ball, Gary Brooker, Alan Cartwright, Chris Copping, B J Wilson.
Featuring: Dave Ball, Gary Brooker, Alan Cartwright, Chris Copping, B J Wilson.
Featuring: Dave Ball, Gary Brooker, Alan Cartwright, Chris Copping, B J Wilson.
Featuring: Dave Ball, Gary Brooker, Alan Cartwright, Chris Copping, B J Wilson.
Featuring: Dave Ball, Gary Brooker, Alan Cartwright, Chris Copping, B J Wilson.
Featuring: Dave Ball, Gary Brooker, Alan Cartwright, Chris Copping, B J Wilson.
Featuring: Dave Ball, Gary Brooker, Alan Cartwright, Chris Copping, B J Wilson.
Featuring: Dave Ball, Gary Brooker, Alan Cartwright, Chris Copping, B J Wilson.
Featuring: Dave Ball, Gary Brooker, Alan Cartwright, Chris Copping, B J Wilson.
Very Special Thanks to:
Special Thanks to:
Thanks to:
Also thanks for writing to:
03/April/2015 - Added the sad news about Dave´s passing.
11/November/2011 - Page added to the blog.
01/April/1999 - Original page written by me (in the old site).
Dave Ball mostly worked with these musicians: (name + number of credits)
Denny Ball (11)
Cozy Powell (9)
Gary Brooker (5)
Chris Copping (5)
Alan Cartwright (4)
Ace Kefford (4)
Keith Reid (4)
Chris Thomas (4)
B J Wilson (4)
Frank Aiello (3)
Page created by Miguel Terol on: 01/April/1999 - Last modified on: 11/March/2021. If you want to contribute with info, please write to:
Please, note than you can check the indexes (musicians, bands, obituaries) at the top of this page.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info, Anonymous.
DeleteI am Dave Fear , drummer with that band . Bass player was Paul Tremaine. Dave Ball had a Watkins Rapier at that time. I later went on to form Titus Oates with Pete Chance. RIP Dave Ball
Delete'RASHID GOES TO NIZWAH - Sultanate of Oman during the late 1980's = bass Stuart Hewlett-Clarke who also worked for the Royal Oman Police.