The Berkeley Squares | ||
Exciters | ||
The Farinas | [1965-1966] | |
The Roaring Sixties | ||
Family | [1967-May 69] | 4 albums + 2 compilations |
Blind Faith | [May 69-Aug 69] | 2 albums |
Airforce | [Jan 70-May 70] | 1 album + 1 compilation |
John Mayall Band | [Jun 70] (1 gig) | |
Traffic | [Aug 70-Dec 71] | 2 albums + 2 compilations |
Eric Clapton & The Palpitations | [Jan 73] (2 gigs) | 2 albums + 4 compilations |
The Crickets | [1973-1974] | 4 albums |
Johnny Rivers Band | [1973-1974] | |
Charge | [1974] | |
Ric Grech Band | 1 compilation | |
KGB | [1975] | 1 album |
Ric Grech Band (again) | [Dec 75-Jun 76] | |
Square Dancing Machine | [Jun 76-1976] | |
Denny Laine Band | [1983-1984] |

Very fine bassist as well as violin player, I always liked his style since I first heard him in the Blind Faith album. I felt very sad when I read of his sad death, he always seemed so young, with his pretty face. Ric Grech was born Richard Roman Grech on November 1st, 1946, in Bordeaux, France, but grew up in Leicester, England. He died on March 17th, 1990 at Gwendolen Road Hospital, Leicester. He suffered a cerebral haemorrhage, and this was followed by a combined kidney and liver failure. He was 43, too sad. :(
One note: you´ll see him credited in albums as Rick Grech, even as Rich Grech, but my guess is that the most accurate name he used is Ric Grech.
? |
Martin Osborn guitar | + others unknown to me. Help! |
If someone can help with additional info, it would be very welcomed.
He also formed a band with brothers Ray Martinez (guitar) and Paul Martinez (bass), but again, can´t find more info.
1965-1966 |
Charlie Whitney guitar, vocals | Ric Grech † bass | Jim King sax | Harry Overnall drums |
They played good strong R&B stuff.
In 1966, singer Roger Chapman joined The Farinas:
1966 |
Roger Chapman vocals | Charlie Whitney guitar, vocals | Ric Grech † bass | Jim King sax | Harry Overnall drums |
The Roaring Sixtiesê | The Roaring Sixtiesê | The Roaring Sixtiesê | The Roaring Sixtiesê | The Roaring Sixtiesê |
With Chapman, they also started to play Sam & Dave soul covers. But they soon changed their name to The Roaring Sixties.
Other info on members of The Farinas (I know up to 6 members) | |
To be covered (3): | Roger Chapman, Jim King, Charlie Whitney |
1966 |
êThe Farinas |
êThe Farinas |
êThe Farinas |
êThe Farinas |
êThe Farinas |
Roger Chapman vocals | Charlie Whitney guitar, vocals | Ric Grech † bass | Jim King sax | Harry Overnall drums |
Familyê | Familyê | Familyê | Familyê |
In mid 1967, they changed their name again to The Family, then changing their drummer.
Other info on members of The Roaring Sixties (I know up to 5 members) | |
To be covered (3): | Roger Chapman, Jim King, Charlie Whitney |

Originall called The Family (although they soon dropped the ´The´ part of the name) at the suggestion of Kim Fowley, this was their first lineup, in mid 1967:
1967-May 69 |
êThe Roaring Sixties |
êThe Roaring Sixties |
êThe Roaring Sixties |
êThe Roaring Sixties |
Roger Chapman vocals | Charlie Whitney guitar | Ric Grech † bass, violin, vocals | Jim King sax | Rob Townsend drums |
Blind Faithê |
They recorded their first single, ´Scene Through The Eye Of A Lens / Gypsy woman´ in October 1967, with no success.
Their first album, Music in a doll´s house, was produced by Traffic guitarist, Dave Mason. At the same time, the band backed Dave Mason in the B-side of his first single.
After their second album, Family entertainment, Ric surprised everybody when he left the band in the middle of a tour in May 1969, to join the first supergroup ever, Blind Faith.

Other info on members of Family (I know up to 10 members) | |
Old pages (1): | Jim Cregan |
To be covered (8): | Tony Ashton, Roger Chapman, Jim King, Poli Palmer, Rob Townsend, John Weider, John Wetton, Charlie Whitney |

With these talents together, the less-known boy was Ric Grech, who was asked to leave Family and join Blind Faith in May 1969:
May 69-Aug 69 |
êFamily |
Steve Winwood keyboards, vocals | Eric Clapton guitar, vocals | Ric Grech † bass, violin | Ginger Baker drums |
They released only one album, Blind Faith, published in August 1969. I like it, although I must reckon it has some not-very fortunate tracks. But there are some others that were converted into real classics, like ´Presence of the Lord´ or ´Can't find my way home´. It also includes a Buddy Holly rendition, ´Well all right´ (years later covered by Santana). We can find a beautiful violin solo by Ric in the song ´Sea of joy´. There´s a deluxe edition as 2CD with 5 unreleased tracks and 4 long jams as a trio (still without Ric, but with percussionist Guy Warren from Ghana, a close friend of Ginger Baker).
They made their live debut as the main attraction in a huge concert in Hyde Park in June 1969, who also was attended by ´new´ bands like King Crimson. This was followed by a Scandinavian tour in July 1969, before moving to the States for another tour.
The story of this band was really short, as it seems that Eric Clapton´s original idea was quickly abandoned for a humble stay as sideman in Delaney & Bonnie's band (the opening band for Blind Faith), far from stardom. They simply disbanded in August 1969 after their last gig. After a while, all but Clapton stayed together under Ginger Baker´s Airforce name.

Other info on members of Blind Faith (I know up to 4 members) | |
To be covered (3): | Ginger Baker, Eric Clapton, Steve Winwood |
1970 |
Eric Clapton guitar | George Harrison † guitar | Denny Laine guitar | Trevor Burton guitar | Ric Grech † bass |
Laine and Burton were at this time in the band Balls. And Clapton finally joined permanently to Delaney & Bonnie. It was also published in the press in August 1970 that Balls were recording 12 tracks for an album that was never released, and Ric Grech played in some of those tracks, but they´re maybe speaking of these same sessions.
I guess these sessions included the tracks ´Spending All My Days´ and ´Exchange And Mart´, recorded in October 1969 by Ric with George Harrison, Trevor Burton and Denny Laine. These two tracks appear as bonus tracks in a rare German reissue of the Blind Faith album.
Other info on members of Unnamed Band (I know up to 5 members) | |
Old pages (1): | Denny Laine |
To be covered (3): | Trevor Burton, Eric Clapton, George Harrison |
They soon released their first album, Airforce, with this personnel:
Jan 70 |
êBlind Faith |
êBlind Faith |
êBlind Faith |
Jeanette Jacobs † vocals | Denny Laine guitar | Ric Grech † bass | Steve Winwood keyboards | Graham Bond † keyboards, sax | Harold McNair † flute, sax | Chris Wood † sax, flute | Remi Kabaka percussion | Ginger Baker drums | Phil Seamen † drums |
Trafficê |
With some other guests, like Bud Beadle (sax) and Steve Gregory (flute, sax) (later both in Gonzalez), Colin Gibson (bass), all of them were to join the band later.
In February 1970, Winwood leaves the band to reform Traffic again (where Chris Wood soon would join).
This is a slightly different lineup for Airforce from March to May 1970, when Steve Winwood had already left:
Mar 70-May 70 |
Jeanette Jacobs † vocals | Denny Laine guitar | Ric Grech † bass | Graham Bond † keyboards, sax | Harold McNair † flute, sax | Chris Wood † sax, flute | Remi Kabaka percussion | Ginger Baker drums | Phil Seamen † drums |
Trafficê |
This is a enlarged lineup for Airforce in May 1970:
May 70 |
Jeanette Jacobs † vocals | Eleanor Barooshian vocals | Denny Laine guitar | Trevor Burton guitar | Ric Grech † bass | Graham Bond † keyboards, sax | Harold McNair † flute, sax | Bud Beadle sax | Steve Gregory sax | Remi Kabaka percussion | Ginger Baker drums | Phil Seamen † drums | Alan White drums |
Trafficê |
And then, Ric Grech left to join Traffic in August 1970.
Other info on members of Airforce (I know up to 21 members) | |
Already covered (2): | Speedy Acquaye, Aliki Ashman |
Old pages (2): | Colin Gibson, Denny Laine |
To be covered (16): | Ginger Baker, Eleanor Barooshian, Bud Beadle, Graham Bond, Trevor Burton, Kenny Craddock, Steve Gregory, Joni Haastrup, Jeanette Jacobs, Remi Kabaka, Harold McNair, Phil Seamen, Diane Stewart, Alan White, Steve Winwood, Chris Wood |
Jun 70 |
John Mayall vocals, harmonica, keyboards, guitar | Peter Green guitar, vocals | Ric Grech † bass | Aynsley Dunbar drums |
Other info on members of John Mayall Band (I know up to 88 members) | |
Already covered (4): | Davy Graham, Keef Hartley, Dick Heckstall-Smith, Chris Mercer |
Old pages (6): | Rick Brown, Aynsley Dunbar, Peter Green, Jimmy McCulloch, Tony Reeves, Micky Waller |
To be covered (77): | Colin Allen, Johnny Almond, Rocky Athas, Ronnie Barron, Jack Bruce, Warren Bryant, Tom Canning, Eric Clapton, Fred Clark, Rick Cortes, Jay Davenport, Roger Dean, Alex Dmochowski, Tim Drummond, Terry Edmunds, Mick Fleetwood, Hughie Flint, Andy Fraser, Mike Gardner, Victor Gaskin, John Gilbey, Don ´Sugarcane´ Harris, High Tide Harris, Martin Hart, Bobby Haynes,... up to 77 musicians. |
Aug 70-May 71 |
êAirforce |
Steve Winwood keyboards, vocals, guitar | Ric Grech † bass | Chris Wood † sax, flute | Jim Capaldi † drums, vocals |
They wrote the music for a film called Nevertheless, but the film was never done.
In May 1971, they enrich Traffic with 3 more members:
May 71-1971 |
êAirforce |
Steve Winwood keyboards, vocals, guitar | Dave Mason guitar, vocals | Ric Grech † bass | Chris Wood † sax, flute | Rebop Kwaku Baah † percussion | Jim Capaldi † drums, vocals | Jim Gordon drums |
They released a live album, Welcome to the canteen. I must say that it's not really credited to Traffic, but to the names of the 7 musicians, but no doubt it's a Traffic album. I love this album, although it lacks a very bad sound. It contains fantastic performances, and some songs from Winwood's former band, Spencer Davis Group. I hope someday it will be remastered or enhanced, it deserves the task!
Soon after this album, Dave Mason leaves the band again.

During 1971, Traffic becomes a sextet with Dave Mason´s departure:
1971-Dec 71 |
Steve Winwood keyboards, vocals, guitar | Ric Grech † bass | Chris Wood † sax, flute | Rebop Kwaku Baah † percussion | Jim Capaldi † drums, vocals | Jim Gordon drums |
The new lineup released another album, The low spark of high heeled boys. I like the song ´Rainmaker´ a lot.
But in December 1971, Ric and Jim Gordon leave the band.
Other info on members of Traffic (I know up to 14 members) | |
To be covered (13): | Rebop Kwaku Baah, Barry Beckett, Randall Bramblett, Jim Capaldi, Rosko Gee, Jim Gordon, Roger Hawkins, David Hood, Dave Mason, Mike McEvoy, Walfredo Reyes Jr, Steve Winwood, Chris Wood |

Due to his problems with drug addiction, Eric Clapton had disappeared from musical scene since 1971. Now it was 1973, and his friend Pete Townshend convinced him to come back to music. To encourage him, Pete Townshend brought some old Eric friends to help him feel comfortable. The band was funnily called The Palpitations, because of the nervous state all they shared for if Eric finally didn't appear to play:
Jan 73 |
êFaces |
êThe Who |
êTraffic |
êTraffic |
êTraffic |
Eric Clapton vocals, guitar | Ron Wood guitar | Pete Townshend guitar | Ric Grech † bass | Steve Winwood keyboards, vocals | Rebop Kwaku Baah † percussion | Jim Capaldi † drums | Jim Karstein drums |
Facesê | The Whoê | Trafficê | Trafficê | Trafficê |
They played together for a week, preparing the two concerts, to be made on January 13, 1973. A live album was released in September 1973 from those concerts, but it lacked a poor sound and even a poorer selection of tracks (only 6 tracks). It was a sad thing after all the interest they all took on succeed. But ... this has been solved after 15 years. Now there is a extended edition from those concerts, the sound has been remastered (and incredibly enhanced!), and now we haven´t 6, but 14 tracks!!! A superb album. I loved the original in spite of all, but this one is really fantastic!!

Other info on members of Eric Clapton Band (I know up to 74 members) | |
Already covered (3): | Dave Bronze, Donald ´Duck´ Dunn, Tim Renwick |
Old pages (9): | Gary Brooker, Laura Creamer, Michael Kamen, Katie Kissoon, Marcy Levy, Shaun Murphy, Jamie Oldaker, Henry Spinetti, Chris Stainton |
To be covered (61): | Rebop Kwaku Baah, Doyle Bramhall II, Randy Brecker, Jim Capaldi, Tim Carmon, Chyna, Eric Clapton, Alan Clark, Simon Clarke, Phil Collins, Ray Cooper, Kenneth Crouch, Ronnie Cuber, Paulinho Da Costa, Alan Darby, David Delhomme, Nathan East, Yvonne Elliman, Andy Fairweather Low, Steve Ferrone, Gina Foster, Steve Gadd, Roger Hawkins, Richie Hayward, Charlean Hines,... up to 61 musicians. |
1973 |
Sonny Curtis guitar, vocals | Ric Grech † bass | Glen D Hardin piano | Jerry Allison drums |
But before the tour was started, Ric Grech convinced great guitarist Albert Lee to join The Crickets:
1973-May 74 |
Sonny Curtis guitar, vocals | Albert Lee guitar | Ric Grech † bass | Glen D Hardin piano | Jerry Allison drums |
Albert Lee spent until May 1974 with them, recording three albums, as far as I know.
Other info on members of The Crickets (I know up to 13 members) | |
To be covered (2): | Glen D Hardin, Albert Lee |
1973 |
Johnny Rivers vocals | Ric Grech † bass | Tony Ashton † keyboards | Dave Kelper |
And this was the lineup of the Johnny Rivers Boogie Band that played in Spain in September 1974:
1974 |
Johnny Rivers vocals | Ric Grech † bass | Zoot Money keyboards | Patrick Doheny | Dave Kelper |
Other info on members of Johnny Rivers Band (I know up to 8 members) | |
To be covered (4): | Tony Ashton, Mickey Jones, Zoot Money, John York |
1974 |
Rosetta Hightower vocals | Ric Grech † bass, violin, guitar | Ian Green keyboards | + others unknown to me. Help! |
Please, any info about this band would be very welcomed!
Other info on members of Charge (I know up to 10 members) | |
To be covered (9): | Andy Dalby, Smiley De Jones, Ian Green, Rosetta Hightower, Neil Hubbard, Godfrey McLean, Alan Spenner, Lee Vanderbilt, Mike Woods |
? |
Ric Grech † bass, vocals | Ray Gomez guitar | + others unknown to me. Help! |

KGB was a band formed in 1975, with great expectations, due to so much famous musicians being part of the project:
KGB #1 |
1975 |
Ray Kennedy vocals | Mike Bloomfield † guitar | Ric Grech † bass | Barry Goldberg keyboards | Carmine Appice drums |
A really superb lineup. But, as many times happen, they hadn´t the success they deserved, and after their first album, KGB, Ric and Mike Bloomfield left the band.
Other info on members of KGB (I know up to 7 members) | |
To be covered (6): | Carmine Appice, Mike Bloomfield, Barry Goldberg, Ray Kennedy, Ben Schultz, Greg Sutton |
1975-1976 |
Ric Grech † violin, guitar, vocals | Al Sansome guitar | John Cusack bass | Mickey Fleming drums, accordion | + | Claire Hamill vocals, sometimes | Mick Pini guitar, sometimes |
This line-up continued to play a number of gigs around the Midlands, sometimes being called The Ric Grech Band and augmented on occasion by a fine blues musician from Leicester, Mick Pini on guitar and the lovely Clare Hammill on vocals.
It is interesting to point out here that Ric never played bass here, only violin and acoustic guitar.
After a while, they changed the musicians and started adopting the new name Square Dancing Machine.
Other info on members of Ric Grech Band (I know up to 7 members) | |
To be covered (2): | Ray Gomez, Claire Hamill |
Jun 76 |
Ric Grech † guitar, violin, vocals | Al Sansome guitar | Mickey Fleming guitar, accordion, vocals | Dave Seddons pedal steel guitar | John Cusack bass | Howard Coley drums |
After their first gig in June 1976 at Colchester University, Ric played the rest of the tour with the Leicester band Captain Video supporting him.
That tour resulted in a 2nd lineup of Square Dancing Machine, when the lineup of Captain Video joined Ric:
1976 |
Ric Grech † guitar, violin, vocals | Claire Hamill vocals | Mick Pini guitar | Tony Taylor guitar | Les pedal steel guitar | Mick White bass | Howard Coley drums |
Claire Hamill joined them in April 1976. This lineup lasted just the summer of 1976, playing a mini-tour of UK, London, Leicester, Scarboro, etc.
They recorded one single, ´Ashes Of Love´, with The Who´s sound engineer Bob Pridden, but this was never released. After that, they split.
Other info on members of Square Dancing Machine (I know up to 11 members) | |
To be covered (1): | Claire Hamill |
? |
Danny Peyronel vocals, keyboards | Denny Laine vocals, guitar | Ric Grech † bass | Ginger Baker drums |
And that happened in Spain! Unfortunately, the project went nowhere, when a Spanish producer tried to record them. Oh, so there will be some tapes from that project? That would be great!!
Other info on members of Denny Laine Band (I know up to 28 members) | |
Already covered (2): | Cliff Barton, Binky McKenzie |
Old pages (2): | Denny Laine, Danny Peyronel |
To be covered (14): | Ginger Baker, Trevor Burton, Steve Holley, Andy Leigh, John Morshead, Jamie Moses, Gary Nuttall, John Pearson, Mike Piggott, Viv Prince, Andy Richards, Gordon Sellar, Steven Thompson, Ted Tomlin |
I include here some facts I´ve been reading along the years, related to Ric.
Around 1980, Ric occasionally sat in and jammed with Carl Shimmings´ jazz band that played on Sunday nights at the Old Horse Pub in London Road, Leicester. He only played violin as Carl played bass and led the band.
In October 1985, the band called The Rent (although billed as the Geoff Overon Blues Band on that occasion) was playing at the Phoenix Theater in Leicester on one of the regular Sunday lunchtime jazz sessions. Ric sat on violin for the last few numbers in the set, and this fantastic photo (courtesy of Graeme Malen) shows Ric, Geoff Overon on guitar and Graeme Malen on the drums, finishing the very last song.

This page is dedicated with my love to Ric. It was one of the first pages I ever wrote, back in January 1998. Many years have passed, and I still love Ric´s playing.
DISCOGRAPHY: (59 albums known to me - Status: Completed)
- The Last five years - Rick Grech (1973)
- Members: Ginger Baker, Eric Clapton, Steve Winwood (RIP: Ric Grech)
- Comments: Compilation of tracks co-written by Ric where he also appeared.

- Scene Through The Eye Of A Lens / Gypsy woman (SINGLE) - The Family (10/1967)
- Members: Roger Chapman, Jim King, Rob Townsend, Charlie Whitney (RIP: Ric Grech)
- Producer: (RIP: Jimmy Miller)
- Comments: This single (still credited to The Family) was not part of any Family album, but a CD reissue of their first two albums (Music in a doll house and Family entertainment) includes both songs as bonus tracks.
- Music in a doll´s house - Family (07/1968)
- Members: Roger Chapman, Jim King, Rob Townsend, Charlie Whitney (RIP: Ric Grech)
- Guests: Mike Batt
- Producer: Dave Mason (RIP: Jimmy Miller)
- Family entertainment - Family (03/1969)
- Members: Roger Chapman, Jim King, Rob Townsend, Charlie Whitney (RIP: Ric Grech)
- Producer: John Gilbert, Glyn Johns
- Blind Faith - Blind Faith (08/1969)
- Members: Ginger Baker, Eric Clapton, Steve Winwood (RIP: Ric Grech)
- Producer: (RIP: Jimmy Miller)
- Comments: There´s a deluxe edition as a 2CD with additional tracks and long jams.
- Airforce - Ginger Baker´s Airforce (03/1970)
- Members: Ginger Baker, Remi Kabaka, Denny Laine, Steve Winwood (RIP: Graham Bond, Ric Grech, Jeanette Jacobs, Harold McNair, Phil Seamen, Chris Wood)
- Airforce 2 - Ginger Baker´s Airforce (10/1970)
- Members: Aliki Ashman, Ginger Baker, Bud Beadle, Colin Gibson, Steve Gregory, Denny Laine, Diane Stewart (RIP: Speedy Acquaye, Graham Bond, Kenny Craddock, Ric Grech, Harold McNair)
- Guests: Rocky Dzidzornu
- Rockin´ 50 rock´n´roll - The Crickets (1971)
- Members: Glen D Hardin (RIP: Ric Grech)
- Welcome to the canteen - Winwood / Capaldi / Mason / Wood / Grech / Gordon / Baah (09/1971)
- Members: Jim Gordon, Dave Mason, Steve Winwood (RIP: Rebop Kwaku Baah, Jim Capaldi, Ric Grech, Chris Wood)
- Comments: Recorded live in July 1971.
- The Low spark of high heeled boys - Traffic (11/1971)
- Members: Jim Gordon, Steve Winwood (RIP: Rebop Kwaku Baah, Jim Capaldi, Ric Grech, Chris Wood)
- Comments: Some CD reissues contain 1 bonus track (co-written by Ric Grech and Jim Gordon).
- Bubblegum, pop, ballads and boogie - The Crickets (1973)
- Members: Glen D Hardin (RIP: Ric Grech)
- Guests: Pete Townshend
- Remnants - The Crickets (1973)
- Members: Albert Lee (RIP: Ric Grech)
- Rainbow concert - Eric Clapton (09/1973)
- Members: Eric Clapton, Jim Karstein, Pete Townshend, Steve Winwood, Ron Wood (RIP: Rebop Kwaku Baah, Jim Capaldi, Ric Grech)
- A Long way from Lubbock - The Crickets (04/1974)
- Members: Albert Lee (RIP: Ric Grech)
- KGB - KGB (1976)
- Members: Carmine Appice, Barry Goldberg, Ray Kennedy (RIP: Mike Bloomfield, Ric Grech)
- Rainbow concert (expanded edition) - Eric Clapton (July 1995) (LIVE)
- Members: Eric Clapton, Jim Karstein, Pete Townshend, Steve Winwood, Ron Wood (RIP: Rebop Kwaku Baah, Jim Capaldi, Ric Grech)
- Producer: Jon Astley, Bill Levenson
- Technical: Glyn Johns, Tim Young
- Comments: Expanded edition of the original live album, with 8 additional, unreleased songs.
- My opinion: Fantastic, love it!
- BBC Radio volume one 1968-69 - Family (2004)
- Members: Roger Chapman, Jim King, Rob Townsend, John Weider, Charlie Whitney (RIP: Ric Grech)
- Comments: This album contains live radio appearances from 1968 (6 tracks) and 1969 (10 tracks).
- Live in Hyde Park - Blind Faith (09/2005)
- Members: Ginger Baker, Eric Clapton, Steve Winwood (RIP: Ric Grech)
- Comments: Live DVD recorded on the band´s debut in June 1969.

- Old songs new songs - Family (1971)
- Members: Roger Chapman, Jim King, Poli Palmer, Rob Townsend, John Weider, Charlie Whitney (RIP: Ric Grech)
- Producer: John Gilbert, Glyn Johns, Eddie Kramer, Dave Mason (RIP: Jimmy Miller)
- Technical: George Chkiantz
- Winwood - Steve Winwood (1971)
- Members: Ginger Baker, Eric Clapton, Spencer Davis, Dave Mason, Muff Winwood, Steve Winwood, Pete York (RIP: Jim Capaldi, Ric Grech, Chris Wood)
- Guests: Brother James
- Comments: Winwood is not really a new album, but a compilation of songs from earlier Steve bands, including Blind Faith or Spencer Davis Group.
- At his best - Eric Clapton (1972)
- Members: Ginger Baker, Eric Clapton, Steve Winwood (RIP: Ric Grech, Carl Radle)
- Guests: Bonnie Bramlett, Rita Coolidge, Jim Gordon, Bobby Keys, Jim Price, Leon Russell, John Simon, Stephen Stills, Bobby Whitlock (RIP: Duane Allman, Delaney Bramlett)
- Producer: (RIP: Tom Dowd, Jimmy Miller)
- Technical: Howard Albert, Ron Albert, Chuck Kirkpatrick
- Comments: 2LP compilation comprising tracks from Blind Faith, Derek & The Dominos and Eric´s first solo album, Eric Clapton.
- Best of Family - Family (1974)
- Members: Roger Chapman, Poli Palmer, Rob Townsend, John Weider, Charlie Whitney (RIP: Ric Grech)
- Backtrackin´ - Eric Clapton (1984)
- Members: Ginger Baker, Eric Clapton, Yvonne Elliman, Jim Gordon, Albert Lee, Marcy Levy, Dave Markee, Jamie Oldaker, Henry Spinetti, Chris Stainton, George Terry, Bobby Whitlock, Steve Winwood (RIP: Ric Grech, Carl Radle, Dick Sims)
- Guests: Bonnie Bramlett, Mel Collins, Rita Coolidge, Jim Fox, Albhy Galuten, Al Jackson, Leon Russell (RIP: Duane Allman, Delaney Bramlett)
- Comments: 2LP compilation with tracks by Cream, Blind Faith, Derek & The Dominos as well as from Eric´s solo albums. Some of the tracks are live recordings.
- Crossroads - Eric Clapton (April 1988)
- Members: Ginger Baker, Bonnie Bramlett, Randy Brecker, Gary Brooker, Jack Bruce, Eric Clapton, Alan Clark, Phil Collins, Rita Coolidge, Ray Cooper, Chris Dreja, Nathan East, Yvonne Elliman, Hughie Flint, Jim Gordon, Roger Hawkins, Tex Johnson, Bobby Keys, Katie Kissoon, Albert Lee, Marcy Levy, Dave Markee, Dave Mason, John Mayall, Jim McCarty, John McVie, Shaun Murphy, Andy Newmark, Tessa Niles, Jamie Oldaker, Sergio Pastora, Greg Phillinganes, Jim Price, Peter Robinson, Leon Russell, Paul Samwell-Smith, Henry Spinetti, Chris Stainton, George Terry, Bobby Whitlock, Steve Winwood, Ron Wood (RIP: Delaney Bramlett, Donald ´Duck´ Dunn, Ric Grech, Carl Radle, Keith Relf, Dick Sims)
- Guests: Brian Auger, Dave Bargeron, Ry Cooder, Bob Dylan, Jon Faddis, Albhy Galuten, Chuck Kirkpatrick, Leon Pendarvis, Robbie Robertson, John Sambataro, Stephen Stills (RIP: Duane Allman, Michael Brecker, Jesse Ed Davis, George Harrison, Peter Tosh)
- Producer: Jon Astley, Giorgio Gomelsky, Glyn Johns, Bill Levenson, Phil Spector, Mike Vernon (RIP: Tom Dowd, Jimmy Miller, Felix Pappalardi)
- Technical: Greg Calbi, Ken Perry
- Comments: This superb 4CD box set (originally a 6LP set), contains lots of unreleased tracks, covering the whole career of Eric Clapton from their beginning in The Yardbirds, John Mayall's Bluesbreakers, Cream, Blind Faith, Derek & The Dominos, and his solo career.
- Smiling phases - Traffic (11/1991)
- Members: Rosko Gee, Jim Gordon, Roger Hawkins, David Hood, Dave Mason, Steve Winwood (RIP: Rebop Kwaku Baah, Barry Beckett, Jim Capaldi, Ric Grech, Chris Wood)
- Producer: Chris Blackwell
- The Finer things - Steve Winwood (March 1995)
- Members: Ginger Baker, Eric Clapton, Spencer Davis, Al Di Meola, Karen Friedman, Rosko Gee, Jim Gordon, Roger Hawkins, David Hood, Brother James, Mike Lawler, Dave Mason, Paul Pesco, Jerome Rimson, Klaus Schulze, Michael Shrieve, Carole Steele, Pat Thrall, Muff Winwood, Steve Winwood, Pete York (RIP: Rebop Kwaku Baah, Barry Beckett, Jim Capaldi, Ric Grech, Chris Wood)
- Guests: Jimmy Bralower, Randy Brecker, Jack Bruce, Lew Delgatto, Steve Ferrone, James Ingram, Paul Jones, Remi Kabaka, Chaka Khan, Robbie Kilgore, Tom Malone, Eddie Martinez, Junior Marvin, Bob Mintzer, Rob Mounsey, Andy Newmark, Tessa Niles, John Robinson, Nile Rodgers, Philippe Saisse, John Sussewell, James Taylor, Joe Walsh, Willie Weeks, Mark Williamson, George Young (RIP: Dan Hartman, Andrew Love, Alan Spenner)
- Producer: Chris Blackwell, Paul Buckmaster, Bill Levenson, Dennis Mackay, Russ Titelman (RIP: Jimmy Miller, Guy Stevens)
- Technical: Phill Brown, Simon Heyworth, Andy Johns, Glyn Johns, Eddie Kramer, Tom Lord-Alge
- Comments: The finer things is a 4CD boxset with songs from Steve's long career. It features tracks by Spencer Davis Group (1964-1967), Eric Clapton And The Powerhouse (1966), Traffic (1967-1969 and 1970-1974), Blind Faith (1969), Winwood/Kebaka/Amao (1973), Stomu Yamash´ta´s Go (1976) and Steve Winwood solo albums (1977 to 1990).
- Do what you like - Ginger Baker (1998)
- Members: Aliki Ashman, Ginger Baker, Bud Beadle, Colin Gibson, Steve Gregory, Denny Laine, Diane Stewart, Steve Winwood (RIP: Speedy Acquaye, Graham Bond, Kenny Craddock, Ric Grech, Phil Seamen, Chris Wood)
- Guests: Bobby Tench
- Comments: Do what you like comprises the whole two Airforce albums (Airforce and Airforce 2), plus an outtake from 2nd album, and several songs from Ginger Baker's album Stratavarious.
- Feelin´ alright - the very best of Traffic - Traffic (2000)
- Members: Jim Gordon, Dave Mason, Steve Winwood (RIP: Rebop Kwaku Baah, Jim Capaldi, Ric Grech, Chris Wood)
- Producer: Chris Blackwell, Bill Levenson (RIP: Jimmy Miller)
- Martin Scorsese presents the blues - Eric Clapton - Eric Clapton (September 2003)
- Members: Ginger Baker, Jack Bruce, Eric Clapton, Hughie Flint, Jim Gordon, John Mayall, John McVie, Bobby Whitlock, Steve Winwood (RIP: Ric Grech, Carl Radle)
- Guests: Chris Blackwell, Alan Skidmore, Phil Upchurch, Charlie Watts, Bill Wyman (RIP: Johnny Almond, Ian ´Stu´ Stewart, Hubert Sumlin, Howlin´ Wolf)
- Producer: Bill Levenson, Mike Vernon (RIP: Tom Dowd, Jimmy Miller, Felix Pappalardi)
- Technical: Suha Gur
- Comments: Compilation from the early stages of Eric Clapton´s career, including tracks by John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers, Cream, Blind Faith or Derek & The Dominos.

- Just for you / Little woman (SINGLE) - Dave Mason (1968)
- Members: Dave Mason
- Guests: Roger Chapman, Jim King, Rob Townsend, Charlie Whitney (RIP: Ric Grech)
- Comments: First solo single by Dave Mason. He´s backed in the B-side by the band Family (Roger Chapman / Charlie Whitney / Jim King / Ric Grech / Rob Townsend), as Dave was producing their first album at that time.
- Thinking back - Gordon Jackson (1969)
- Guests: Robbie Blunt, Rocky Dzidzornu, Luther Grosvenor, Remi Kabaka, Jim King, Poli Palmer, Julie Tippett, Steve Winwood (RIP: Jim Capaldi, Patrick Gammon, Ric Grech, Reg King, Chris Wood)
- Producer: Dave Mason
- Comments: Here we can find the original Traffic lineup: Steve Winwood, Dave Mason (also producing the album), Jim Capaldi and Chris Wood, plus members of Family: Ric Grech, Jim King and Poli Palmer. More great guests: Julie Driscoll (vocals), Luther Grosvenor (vocals), Robbie Blunt (sitar), and Remi Kabaka (percussion). CD reissue contains bonus tracks.
- The Fence - Harold McNair (1970)
- Members: (RIP: Harold McNair)
- Guests: Alan Branscombe, Tony Carr, Terry Cox, Colin Green, Danny Thompson, Keith Tippett (RIP: Ric Grech)
- Producer: Sandy Roberton
- Comments: This flute player was Ric companion in Ginger Baker's Airforce, and played in lots of Donovan and Alexis Korner albums, plus some other albums from albums with members in my Olympus, like Steamhammer (Micky Waller), Cressida (with Iain Clark, the fabulous drummer, once in Uriah Heep). With Colin Green (guitar), Keith Tippett (piano), Ric Grech (bass), Tony Carr (drums), plus the rhythm section from Pentangle, Danny Thompson (bass) and Terry Cox (drums). He died soon after this album, in 1971.
- Holy magick - Graham Bond (1971)
- Members: Keith Bailey, John Morshead, Kevin Stacey, Diane Stewart, Steve York (RIP: Graham Bond)
- Guests: Aliki Ashman, Pete Bailey, Annette Brox, Victor Brox, Alex Dmochowski, John Gross, Godfrey McLean, Jerry Salisbury (RIP: Ric Grech)
- Comments: A great keyboardist and sax player, a pity he died back in 1974. This album features great players: his wife Diane Stewart on vocals, plus John Moorshead (guitar), Kevin Stacey (guitar), Steve York (bass), Alex Dmochovski (bass), Ric Grech (bass), John Gross (sax), Jerry Salisbury (harmonica), Keith Bailey (drums), Pete Bailey (percussion), Godfrey McLean (drums), Aliki Ashman (vocals), Annette Brox (vocals), Victor Brox (vocals). Some CD reissues contains 6 bonus tracks (others only have 2).
- Hightower - Rosetta Hightower (1971)
- Members: Ian Green, Rosetta Hightower
- Guests: Colin Green, Bobby Keys, Henry Lowther, Henry McCullough, Jim Price, Bruce Rowland (RIP: Gordon Beck, Kenny Craddock, Ric Grech, Harold McNair)
- Comments: Yes, she's one of the female voices in the famous Joe Cocker hit ´With a little help from my friends´. She also sang in some other albums by Wendell Richardson (guitarist from Osibisa and Free), Yvonne Elliman, Kevin Ayers, Baker-Gurvitz Army, and she sang in some other album where Ric Grech appears. Rosetta also released her solo album, with Colin Green (guitar), Henry McCullough (guitar), Ric Grech (bass), the late Gordon Beck (keyboards, a long time Allan Holdsworth collaborator), Ken Craddock (keyboards), Henry Lowther (trumpet), Harold McNair (flute), Jim Price (trumpet), Bobby Keys (sax), Bruce Rowlands (drums).
- Oh! How we danced - Jim Capaldi (04/1972)
- Members: (RIP: Jim Capaldi)
- Guests: Trevor Burton, Sue Glover, Jim Gordon, Bob Griffin, Roger Hawkins, David Hood, Jimmy Johnson, Mike Kellie, Sunny Leslie, Dave Mason, Steve Winwood (RIP: Rebop Kwaku Baah, Barry Beckett, Ric Grech, Paul Kossoff)
- Comments: This album is Jim's solo debut. It includes lots of friends. From Traffic: Steve Winwood, Dave Mason, Ric Grech, Rebop, Jim Gordon, Chris Wood. From Muscle Shoals: Roger Hawkins, David Hood, Barry Beckett (all three were to join Traffic sometime later), Jimmy Johnson (guitar). Plus some others, like Sue Glover & Sunny Leslie (vocals), the great Paul Kossoff (guitar), Trevor Burton (bass), Bob Griffin (keyboards), and Mike Kellie (drums).
- GP - Gram Parsons (January 1973)
- Members: Emmylou Harris (RIP: Gram Parsons)
- Guests: Tom Bahler, Byron Berline, James Burton, Buddy Emmons, Glen D Hardin, Ron Hicklin, Alan Munde, Al Perkins, Barry Tashian, Ron Tutt (RIP: Ric Grech, John Guerin)
- Comments:
This fantastic and fine musician sadly passed away in 1973, when he was only 26. He was a member of The Byrds, and later a founder member of The Flying Burrito Brothers. As far as I know, he only recorded two solo albums while he lived, GP and Grievous angel, but his legend grow immensely after his death, and like some other great names, his discography is still increasing nowadays. Ric Grech was a great friend of Gram, and that's why he appears in his offcial albums, as well as in almost every collection of demos or outtakes.
GP was Gram's solo debut. With his then girlfriend Emmylou Harris, and some Byrds-related musicians, members of Elvis Presley band, and some other country-rock musicians, like Buddy Emmons (steel guitar), the great James Burton (guitar), Byron Berline (violin), Glen D. Hardin (keyboards), Al Perkins (steel guitar), Ron Tutt (drums), and John Guerin (drums). With a song written by Ric, ´Kiss the children´, who also co-produced the album along with Gram. It was recorded September-October 1972. - Grievous angel - Gram Parsons (01/1974)
- Members: Emmylou Harris, Norman D Smart (RIP: Gram Parsons)
- Guests: Byron Berline, James Burton, Kim Fowley, Emory Gordy, Glen D Hardin, Bernie Leadon, Herb Pedersen, Al Perkins, Linda Ronstadt, Ron Tutt (RIP: Ric Grech)
- Comments: Gram Parsons´ second album, Grievous angel features again Emmylou Harris, James Burton, Byron Berline, Glen D. Hardin, Al Perkins, plus Linda Ronstadt (vocals), Herb Pedersen (guitar), Emory Gordy (bass), Bernie Leadon (guitar, from The Eagles). There's a song co-written by Ric and Gram, ´Ohh Las Vegas´. Ric is not credited in the album, but I think he must be there, just my guess... Recorded during Summer 1973. It contains a really superb rendition of ´Love hurts´, sung as a duet by Gram and Emmylou.
- Chapman Whitney Streetwalkers - Streetwalkers (05/1974)
- Members: Roger Chapman, Tim Hinkley, Charlie Whitney (RIP: Ian Wallace)
- Guests: Jim Cregan, Mike Giles, Neil Hubbard, Linda Lewis, Godfrey McLean, Max Middleton, Poli Palmer, John Wetton (RIP: Boz Burrell, Ric Grech)
- Comments:
Ex-Family members Roger Chapman and Charlie Whitney put together a new project: Streetwalkers. The original idea was to keep the band as a duo (Chapman and Whitney). They recorded the first album, Chapman Whitney Streetwalkers, with several former companions in Family: John Wetton (bass, then in King Crimson, and later in Uriah Heep and many others great bands), Ric Grech, Jim Cregan, Poli Palmer, as well as Boz Burrell, Ian Wallace & Michael Giles (all from King Crimson), Tim Hinkley, Neil Hubbard and Max Middleton, etc.
The album has finally reissued on CD in 2010, with a different album cover and under the title First cut. - Mahoney´s last stand - Ronnie Lane & Ron Wood (1976)
- Members: Benny Gallagher, Ian McLagan, Bruce Rowland, Ron Wood (RIP: Ronnie Lane, Ian ´Stu´ Stewart)
- Guests: Glyn Johns, Kenny Jones, Bobby Keys, Billy Nicholls, Jim Price, Pete Townshend (RIP: Ric Grech, Micky Waller)
- Comments: This soundtrack, although it was released in 1976, was started to be recorded in 1972. Mahoney's last stand album is credited to Ron Wood & Ronnie Lane. Ron and Ronnie are accompanied by many fellow musicians: Pete Townshend (guitar, from The Who), Ric Grech (bass and violin), Ian McLagan & Kenny Jones, Benny Gallagher (bass, from Gallagher & Lyle), and the late ones Ian 'Stu' Stewart and Micky Waller (drums), etc.
- Sleepless nights - Gram Parsons - The Flying Burrito Bros (1976)
- Members: Byron Berline, Chris Hillman, Bernie Leadon, Al Perkins (RIP: Michael Clarke, Sneaky Pete Kleinow, Gram Parsons)
- Guests: James Burton, Emory Gordy, Glen D Hardin, Herb Pedersen, Ron Tutt (RIP: Ric Grech)
- Comments: Sleepless nights comprises unreleased songs from The Flying Burrito Brothers. Well, really, the album is credited to Gram Parsons & The Flying Burrito Brothers. Again, with Emmylou Harris, James Burton, Ric Grech, Byron Berline, Glen D. Hardin, Al Perkins, Ron Tutt, plus Herb Pedersen (guitar), Emory Gordy (bass), etc. And from The Flying Burrito Brothers: Bernie Leadon (guitar), Chris Hillman (bass), Sneaky Pete Kleinow (steel guitar), Michael Clarke (drums).
- Eleven sides of Baker - Ginger Baker & Friends (01/1977)
- Members: Ginger Baker
- Guests: Louise Arthurworrey, Jeff Daly, Mike Deacon, Herbie Flowers, Kuma Harada, DeLisle Harper, Eddie Mordue, Alan Skidmore, Snips, Chris Spedding, Stan Sulzmann (RIP: Ric Grech, Ian Hamer, Derek Wadsworth)
- Cosmic American music - Gram Parsons (1995)
- Members: Emmylou Harris (RIP: Gram Parsons)
- Guests: Byron Berline, Alan Munde, Barry Tashian (RIP: Ric Grech)
- Comments: Cosmic American music is a compilation of demos recorded around 1972. Ric Grech appears here, as well as Emmylou Harris.

- Warm evenings, pale mornings, bottled blues - Gram Parsons (1992)
- Members: (RIP: Gram Parsons)
- Guests: (RIP: Ric Grech)
- Comments: Warm evenings, pale mornings, bottled blues is a retrospective of Gram's complete career, including his early bands.
- Sacred hearts and fallen angels - the Gram Parsons anthology - Gram Parsons (May 2001)
- Members: Jock Bartley, Emmylou Harris, Norman D Smart (RIP: Chris Ethridge, Gram Parsons)
- Guests: Byron Berline, James Burton, Jon Corneal, Buddy Emmons, Emory Gordy, Glen D Hardin, Chris Hillman, Eddie Hoh, Bernie Leadon, Jay Dee Maness, Joe Osborn, Herb Pedersen, Al Perkins, Linda Ronstadt, Leon Russell, Barry Tashian (RIP: Michael Clarke, Ric Grech, John Guerin, Kevin Kelley, Sneaky Pete Kleinow, Clarence White)
- The Complete Reprise sessions - Gram Parsons (August 2005)
- Members: Emmylou Harris, Norman D Smart (RIP: Gram Parsons)
- Guests: Tom Bahler, Byron Berline, James Burton, Buddy Emmons, Kim Fowley, Emory Gordy, Glen D Hardin, Ron Hicklin, Bernie Leadon, Alan Munde, Herb Pedersen, Al Perkins, Linda Ronstadt, Barry Tashian, Ron Tutt (RIP: Ric Grech, John Guerin)
- Comments: 3CD comprising Gram´s two solo albums (GP and Grievous angel, plus a 3rd CD with rarities and outtakes.

- The London Muddy Waters sessions - Muddy Waters (April 1972)
- Members: (RIP: Sammy Lawhorn, Muddy Waters)
- Guests: Garnett Brown, Rosetta Hightower, Herb Lovell, Seldon Powell, Steve Winwood (RIP: Carey Bell, Rory Gallagher, Ric Grech, Mitch Mitchell, Joe Newman, Ernie Royal)
- Producer: Esmond Edwards, Ian Green
- Comments: Muddy Waters arrived to London to record some sessions with avid British alumni. With some members of Muddy's band, such as Sammy Lawhorn (guitar) and Carey Bell (harmonica). Great names here: Rory Gallagher (guitar), Ric Grech (bass), Steve Winwood (keyboards), Mitch Mitchell (drums), plus Rossetta Hightower on vocals.
- Billion dollar babies - Alice Cooper (1973)
- Members: Alice Cooper
- Guests: (RIP: Ric Grech)
- Comments: Once I read that this album contains guest cameo appearances by Donovan, Marc Bolan, Ric Grech and Keith Moon, but my Spanish LP copy doesn't have credits, so I can't be sure. Can anyone check it for me, please?
- Life in a tin can - The Bee Gees (January 1973)
- Members: Barry Gibb, Alan Kendall (RIP: Maurice Gibb, Robin Gibb)
- Guests: Jim Keltner, Tommy Morgan (RIP: Ric Grech, Sneaky Pete Kleinow, Jerome Richardson)
- Technical: Ted Jensen
- Comments: They were always great! This album contains their usual guitarist, Alan Kendall (guitar), plus guest appearances by Sneaky Pete Kleinow (steel guitar), Tommy Morgan (harmonica), Jerome Richardson (flute), Jane Getz (piano), Jim Keltner (drums). Ric Grech plays great parts of violin and bass in the song ´While I play´.
- E H in the UK - Eddie Harris (1974)
- Members: (RIP: Eddie Harris)
- Guests: Jeff Beck, Neil Hubbard, Tony Kaye, Albert Lee, Zoot Money, Ian Paice, Chris Squire, Alan White, Steve Winwood (RIP: Loughty Amao, Boz Burrell, Ric Grech)
- Producer: (RIP: Nesuhi Ertegun)
- Comments: Eddie Harris was a jazz tenor sax player, who died in November 1996. Although mostly of his albums are really jazz stuff, he also tried a bit in the rock scene. This album is also known as The Eddie Harris London sessions. Ric Grech performs in only one song, along with Jeff Beck (guitar), Albert Lee (guitar), Steve Winwood (keyboards), Loughty Amato (percussion) and Ian Paice (drums). Other great musicians who appear in the album: Neil Hubbard (guitar), Boz Burrell (bass), Zoot Money (keyboards), and from Yes: Chris Squire (bass), Tony Kaye (keyboards) and Alan White (drums).
- Men opening umbrellas ahead - Vivian Stanshall (1974)
- Members: (RIP: Viv Stanshall)
- Guests: Madeline Bell, Neil Innes, Gaspar Lawal, Derek Quinn, Barry St John, Steve Winwood (RIP: Rebop Kwaku Baah, Jim Capaldi, Ric Grech, Doris Troy)
- Comments: The late Viv Stanshall was the leader in the Bonzo Dog Dadah Band. This was his solo debut, helped by Steve Winwood, who brought here his fellow companions in Traffic: Jim Capaldi, Ric Grech and Rebop. Plus Madeline Bell & Doris Troy (vocals) and Neil Innes (guitar, keyboard, from Bonzo Dog Band).
- London revisited - Muddy Waters - Howlin´ Wolf (January 1974)
- Members: (RIP: Sammy Lawhorn, Pinetop Perkins, Muddy Waters)
- Guests: Garnett Brown, Rosetta Hightower, Herb Lovell, Seldon Powell, Steve Winwood (RIP: Carey Bell, Rory Gallagher, Ric Grech, Mitch Mitchell, Joe Newman, Ernie Royal, Howlin´ Wolf)
- Producer: Esmond Edwards, Ian Green
- Comments: London revisited is a collection of unused tracks from the 1971 sessions that Muddy Waters (4 tracks) and Howlin´ Wolf (3 tracks) made with British musicians.
- Smiler - Rod Stewart (September 1974)
- Members: Ian McLagan, Martin Quittenton, Rod Stewart, Ron Wood
- Guests: Doreen Chanter, Irene Chanter, Ray Cooper, Spike Heatley, Ray Jackson, Elton John, Kenny Jones, Andy Newmark, Dick Powell, Pete Sears, Ruby Turner, Willie Weeks (RIP: Ric Grech, Micky Waller)
- Technical: Mike Bobak, Suha Gur
- Comments: Smiler is Rod's 6th album, with Ron Wood, Martin Quittenton (guitar), Micky Waller (drums), Pete Sears (piano), Kenny Jones (drums), Ray Jackson (mandolin), Ric Grech (here, playing violin), Spike Heatley (bass), Andy Newmark (drums, later with Roxy Music, Nils Lofgren, Roger Waters and countless others), Willie Weeks (bass) Ray Cooper (percussion), Elton John (piano and vocals in his own song ´Let me be your car´), Dick Powell (violin), Doreen Chanter (vocals) and the Memphis Horns.
- Heyday - the BBC radio sessions 1968-1969 - Fairport Convention (1987)
- Members: Ashley Hutchings, Dave Mattacks, Ian Matthews, Simon Nicol, Dave Swarbrick, Richard Thompson (RIP: Sandy Denny, Martin Lamble)
- Guests: (RIP: Ric Grech)
- Comments: Some CD reissue contains 1 bonus track. Ric Grech appears guesting on violin with the band in 2 tracks recorded in March 1969.
- Live At The BBC - Fairport Convention (2007)
- Members: Jerry Donahue, Judy Dyble, Ashley Hutchings, Dave Mattacks, Ian Matthews, Simon Nicol, Dave Pegg, Richard Thompson (RIP: Sandy Denny, Martin Lamble, Trevor Lucas)
- Guests: (RIP: Ric Grech)
- Producer: (RIP: John Walters)
- Comments: 4CD boxset with live recordings by Fairport Convention. Ric Grech guests on violin in 4 tracks recorded in April 1969.

- The Chess box - Muddy Waters (1989)
- Members: James Cotton (RIP: Francis Clay, Calvin Jones, Sammy Lawhorn, Pinetop Perkins, Willie Smith, Otis Spann, Luther Tucker, Little Walter, Muddy Waters)
- Guests: Buddy Guy, Casey Jones, Sam Lay, Phil Upchurch (RIP: Carey Bell, Fred Below, Mike Bloomfield, Paul Butterfield, Willie Dixon, Donald ´Duck´ Dunn, Rory Gallagher, Ric Grech, Earl Hooker, Clifton James, S P Leary, Mitch Mitchell, A C Reed, Jimmy Rogers, Sunnyland Slim, Johnny Walker, Junior Wells)
- Producer: Gene Barge, Esmond Edwards, Ian Green (RIP: Ralph Bass, Leonard Chess)
- Technical: Greg Fulginiti, Bill Inglot
- Comments: 6LP (or 3CD) boxset.
- Over, under, sideways, down (a comprehensive collection) - The Yardbirds (1990)
- Members: Jeff Beck, Eric Clapton, Chris Dreja, Jim McCarty, John McVie, Jimmy Page, Paul Samwell-Smith, Top Topham (RIP: Keith Relf)
- Guests: Ginger Baker, Jack Bruce, Louis Cennamo, Ray Cook, Aynsley Dunbar, Hughie Flint, John Hawken, Mike Hugg, Casey Jones, John Paul Jones, Paul Jones, Robert Plant, Jane Relf, Rod Stewart, Mike Vickers, Steve Winwood, Ron Wood (RIP: John Bonham, Ric Grech)
- Producer: Giorgio Gomelsky (RIP: Mickie Most)
- Reason to believe: the complete Mercury studio recordings - Rod Stewart (November 2002)
- Members: Ian McLagan, Martin Quittenton, Rod Stewart, Ron Wood
- Guests: Chris Barber, Madeline Bell, Maggie Bell, Doreen Chanter, Irene Chanter, Ray Cooper, Mike D´Abo, Keith Emerson, Spike Heatley, Jimmy Horowitz, Ray Jackson, Elton John, Kenny Jones, Will Malone, Andy Newmark, Dick Powell, Martin Pugh, Andy Pyle, Harry Reynolds, Pete Sears, Danny Thompson, Ruby Turner, Willie Weeks (RIP: Speedy Acquaye, Long John Baldry, Ric Grech, Gordon Huntley, Ronnie Lane, Sam Mitchell, Micky Waller)
- Producer: Bill Levenson (RIP: Lou Reizner)
- Technical: Mike Bobak, Keith Grant, Suha Gur, Glyn Johns, Roger Wake
- Comments: 3CD boxset comprising Rod´s first five albums (The Rod Stewart album, Gasoline alley, Every picture tells a story, Never a dull moment, Smiler, plus several additional tracks.
- Gold - Rod Stewart (July 2005)
- Members: Ian McLagan, Martin Quittenton, Rod Stewart, Ron Wood
- Guests: Doreen Chanter, Irene Chanter, Ray Cooper, Mike D´Abo, Keith Emerson, Billy Gaff, Spike Heatley, Jimmy Horowitz, Ray Jackson, Elton John, Kenny Jones, Will Malone, Andy Newmark, Dick Powell, Martin Pugh, Andy Pyle, Harry Reynolds, Pete Sears, Danny Thompson, Ruby Turner, Willie Weeks (RIP: Speedy Acquaye, Ric Grech, Gordon Huntley, Ronnie Lane, Sam Mitchell, Micky Waller)
- Producer: Bill Levenson (RIP: Lou Reizner)
- Technical: Mike Bobak, Keith Grant, Suha Gur, Glyn Johns
- Comments: 2CD compilation.
- The Rod Stewart sessions 1971-1998 - Rod Stewart (October 2009)
- Members: Carmine Appice, Rick Braun, Tony Brock, Phil Chen, John Corey, Jim Cregan, Paulinho Da Costa, Jay Davis, Joey Diggs, Mike Finnigan, Jeff Golub, Gary Grainger, Max Gronenthal, Dee Harvey, Duane Hitchings, John Jarvis, Danny Johnson, Chuck Kentis, Phil Kenzie, Nick Lane, Oliver Leiber, Robin LeMesurier, Linda Lewis, Steve Madaio, Ian McLagan, David Palmer, Billy Peek, Darryl Phinnessee, Martin Quittenton, Jimmy Roberts, Carmine Rojas, Kevin Savigar, John Shanks, Rod Stewart, Wally Stocker, Andy Taylor, Lee R Thornburg, Lamont Van Hook, Fred White, Ron Wood, Jimmy Zavala
- Guests: Colin Allen, Kenny Aronoff, Jeff ´Skunk´ Baxter, Madeline Bell, Gene Black, Tim Bogert, Pete Carr, Valerie Carter, Doreen Chanter, Irene Chanter, Michael Chapman, Ray Cooper, Lol Creme, Steve Cropper, Kevin Dorsey, Anne Dudley, Scott Edwards, David Foster, Albhy Galuten, Earl Gardner, David Gilmour, Bob Glaub, Richard Greene, Jimmy Haslip, Roger Hawkins, Spike Heatley, Gary Herbig, David Hood, Dann Huff, Clydene Jackson, Paul Jackson, Ray Jackson, Jimmy Johnson, Jimmy Johnson, Plas Johnson, Davey Johnstone, John Paul Jones, Kenny Jones, Jerome Jumonville, Suzie Katayama, Holly Knight, Joe Lala, Michael Landau, Patrick Leonard, David Lindley, Steve Lipson, Nils Lofgren, Nick Lowe, Steve Lukather, Eddie Martinez, John Mayall, Lance Morrison, Jamie Muhoberac, Andy Newmark, Patrick O´Hearn, Nigel Olsson, Richard Page, Sid Page, Bill Payne, Phil Perry, Lenny Pickett, John Pierce, Tim Pierce, Dick Powell, Guy Pratt, Jim Price, Andy Pyle, Frank Ricotti, John Robinson, Paul Robinson, Rick Schlosser, Tom Scott, Pete Sears, Leland Sklar, William ´Smitty´ Smith, Mark Stein, Neil Stubenhaus, Fred Tackett, Pete Thomas, Danny Thompson, Joe Turano, Ruby Turner, Carmen Twillie, Tommy Vig, Waddy Wachtel, Joe Walsh, Oren Waters, Willie Weeks, Larry Williams, David Woodford, Terry Young (RIP: Speedy Acquaye, Long John Baldry, Barry Beckett, Lyn Collins, Jesse Ed Davis, Donald ´Duck´ Dunn, Bernard Edwards, Ric Grech, Nicky Hopkins, Gordon Huntley, Al Jackson, Ronnie Lane, Sam Mitchell, Billy Preston, Tony Thompson, Micky Waller, David Williams)
- Producer: Bob Ezrin, Trevor Horn, Danny Kortchmar, James Newton Howard, Lenny Waronker (RIP: Tom Dowd)
- Technical: Mike Bobak, Dan Hersch, Andy Johns (RIP: Willie Mitchell, Dee Robb)
- Comments: 4CD boxset compilation with lots of unreleased tracks.

Official site(s) - tell them you saw the link here:
From the always interesting Alex's Picks (by Alex Gitlin), we have:
From the superb site Knights in Blue Denim: The British Blues Scene '68 - '70 (by Christer Fridhammar & Vanja), we have:
From the fantastic The British Sound blog (by Bruno Ceriotti), we have rock family trees about:
Wikipedia doesn´t want to include links to this website, but I won´t do the same with them. So, from the great Wikipedia, we have:
Assorted links:
- Family (by Patrick Little)
- Blind Faith (by Kenny Parsons)
- Tony Ashton (by Walid Itayim)
- Tony Ashton
- Rod Stewart mailing list (by Ken Bourbeau)
Disclaimer: I don´t own or upload any of the videos linked here. I just include links to live videos that are already available, in order to show the work of this musician. Anyway, if someone feels that some link shouldn't be included, please write me at the email address shown below. And if you know of more videos featuring Ric Grech, please, also write me with the link.
- Blind Faith - Means to an End (1969) Blind Faith live in 1969. (Resolution: 360)
- Blind Faith - Do What You Like (1969) Blind Faith live in 1969. (Resolution: 480)
- Blind Faith - Sleeping in the Ground (1969) Blind Faith live in 1969. (Resolution: 480)
- Blind Faith - Under My Thumb (1969) Blind Faith live in 1969. (Resolution: 480)
- Blind Faith - Well All Right (1969) Blind Faith live in 1969. (Resolution: 480)
- Blind Faith - Had to Cry Today (1969) Blind Faith live in 1969. (Resolution: 480)
- Blind Faith - Can´t Find My Way Home (1969) Blind Faith live in 1969. (Resolution: 240)
- Blind Faith - In the Presence of the Lord (1969) Blind Faith live in 1969. (Resolution: 240)
- Blind Faith - Sea of Joy (1969) Blind Faith live in 1969. (Resolution: 480)
- Blind Faith - Trailer (1969) Blind Faith trailer for their live DVD. (Resolution: 240)
- Blind Faith - Presence of the Lord (1969) Blind Faith live in 1969. (Resolution: 480)
Featuring: Ginger Baker, Eric Clapton, Ric Grech, Steve Winwood.
Featuring: Ginger Baker, Eric Clapton, Ric Grech, Steve Winwood.
Featuring: Ginger Baker, Eric Clapton, Ric Grech, Steve Winwood.
Featuring: Ginger Baker, Eric Clapton, Ric Grech, Steve Winwood.
Featuring: Ginger Baker, Eric Clapton, Ric Grech, Steve Winwood.
Featuring: Ginger Baker, Eric Clapton, Ric Grech, Steve Winwood.
Featuring: Ginger Baker, Eric Clapton, Ric Grech, Steve Winwood.
Featuring: Ginger Baker, Eric Clapton, Ric Grech, Steve Winwood.
Featuring: Ginger Baker, Eric Clapton, Ric Grech, Steve Winwood.
Featuring: Ginger Baker, Eric Clapton, Ric Grech, Steve Winwood.
Featuring: Ginger Baker, Eric Clapton, Ric Grech, Steve Winwood.
Very Special Thanks to:
Special Thanks to:
Thanks to:
Also thanks for writing to:
22/May/2012 - Added another band (Johnny Rivers Boogie Band). Thanks to Dylan Thomas.
26/August/2011 - Page added to the blog.
16/January/1998 - Original page written by me (in the old site).
Ric Grech mostly worked with these musicians: (name + number of credits)
Steve Winwood (24)
Ginger Baker (14)
Eric Clapton (12)
Jim Capaldi (11)
Dave Mason (11)
Jim Gordon (10)
Rebop Kwaku Baah (9)
Jimmy Miller (9)
Chris Wood (9)
Ron Wood (9)
Page created by Miguel Terol on: 16/January/1998 - Last modified on: 24/May/2012. If you want to contribute with info, please write to:
Please, note than you can check the indexes (musicians, bands, obituaries) at the top of this page.